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TVM Dialog List 1055
2701 - 2750
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Ideas ... Sustainability
Sustainability should not be consigned to history by Shared Value

If Shared Value is to offer real, long term transformation it must address the flaws of capitalism, look beyond incrementalism and not just align commercial and societal goals, says John Elkington
Open file 2701
Ideas ... Shared Value
Shared Value Summit ... May 2012

Prof. Michael Porter giving keynote at the 2012 Shared Value Summit
Open file 2702
Company ... Oil Search
Oil makes profit, but community service create value

Peter Botten, Managing Director of Oil Search, speaks at the 2011 Creating Shared Value Inclusive Business Summit presented by Business for Millennium Development
Open file 2703
Ideas ... Shared Value
is this just another form of CSR?

Tea with Mark Kramer on shared value at the EconomistMagazine
Open file 2704
Ideas ... Adam Smith
Benevolence and Self-Interest

The Adam Smith Contradiction: Theory of Moral Sentiments & Wealth of Nations -- Rey Ty
Open file 2705
Ideas ... Sustainability
Sustainability should not be consigned to history by Shared Value

Shared Value is a corporate strategy, to fulfill it's systemic mandate sustainability needs more than business on side, argues Mark Kramer in reply to post by John Elkington
Open file 2706
Country ... Spain
Spain worries unnerve market ...

With long-term funding costs above the danger level, latest figures show the country's economy is shrinking fast.
Open file 2707
Region ... Eurozone
Eurozone approves Spain bank rescue loan

Ministers agree to lend up to $123bn to recapitalise troubled banks in bid to avoid costly full national bailout.
Open file 2708
Sector ... Tourism
AJR Counting the Cost ... The tourism business

July 2012 ... We look at the challenges facing the tourism industry in Egypt, the Philippines and London.
Open file 2709
Country ... USA
Activism, Society and Economy

October 2011 ... Michael Moore says Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger
Open file 2710
Ideas ... State Capitalism
Arguments for and against

Bloomberg News Pankaj Mishra ... The One Capitalism That Dare Not Speak Its Name
Open file 2711
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Mitt Romney

Bloomberg View ... Romney Outsmarts Obama in Fight Over Multinational Taxes
Open file 2712
Companies ... HSBC
Alleged law breaking at HSBC seems to by endemic

What is going on ... HSBC Needs CEO Who Will Clean Up and Break Up the Bank
Open file 2713
Organizations ... Social Enterprise Associates
Using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.

The big thing missing from the Social Enterprise Associates initiative is the metrics dimension ... they need to measure in order to manage.
Open file 2714
Organizations ... Social Impact Exchange
An initiative in support of Social Impact

The Exchange’s goal is to build the field of scaling and develop an efficient capital marketplace that provides reliable funding for scaling high-impact nonprofit initiatives.
Open file 2715
Initiatives ... Open Source Rating
Public Sector Credit Solutions

Rating agency rebellion ... The for-profit credit rating agencies missed the financial crisis and the European debt crisis, says Marc Joffe of Public Sector Credit Solutions, which has a new, transparent way to assess debt
Open file 2716
Companies ... IHH Healthcare Bhd. (IHH)
Sector ... Health

IHH May Buy More Hospitals After Initial Offer: Southeast Asia
Open file 2717
Media ... Bloomberg News
All the financial news all the time all the world

This is an example of the news focus of Bloomberg News ... about conventional finance in the capitalist market economy
Open file 2718
Ideas ... What to do about Europe?
The capitalist system in trouble ... Spain

Carl Weinberg, founder and chief economist at High Frequency Economics talks to Bloomberg News
Open file 2719
Ideas ... What to do about Europe?
The capitalist system in trouble ... Spain

Robin Marshall, director of fixed income at Smith & Williamson Investment Management Ltd., talks about Spanish Bonds
Open file 2720
Organization ... Social Enterprise Associates
What about the issue of metrics?

My email message in response to the Social Enterprise Associates Newsletter for Summer 2012
Open file 2721
Media ... Bloomberg News
TPB Letter to the Editor ... July 23, 2012

Romney Outsmarts Obama in Fight Over Multinational Taxes
Open file 2722
Country ... Singapore
Initiative ...Social Enterprise Stock Exchange

April 2012 ... Singapore's Social Enterprise Stock Exchange to Launch Soon
Open file 2723
Country ... Iraq
Iraq: After the Americans

Fault Lines travels across Iraq to take the pulse of a country and its people after nine years of occupation.
Open file 2724
People ... Good People
Durreen Shahnaz

Durreen Shahnaz has experience in both money profit markets as well as the more valuable social enterprise segment of the world's economy
Open file 2725
Conferences ... Impact Investing Exchange Forum
Singapore 2012

IIX and Shujog are proud to present an array of distinguished speakers at this year’s Impact Forum.
Open file 2726
Organizations ... Social Enterprise Associates
People and partners

Some decritpion about the people and partners involved
Open file 2727
Country ... USA
Republican politics all about fringe issues

TRMS ... Politics and the gay agenda ... Republicans about ... GOP frustrated as accountability sidelines talking points
Open file 2728
Country ... USA
Politics 2012

TRMS ... Inappropriate laughter calls Romney sincerity into question<
Open file 2729
Country ... USA
Politics ... Massachussets Senate Race in 2012

TRMS ... Scott Brown makes issue of Elizabeth Warren's ancestry
Open file 2730
Country ... USA
Policial campaign 2012

TRMS ... Right wins, GOP loses in Tuesday elections ... Senator Lugar loses and other losses
Open file 2731
Country ... USA
About politics 2012

The RNC is bad at its job ... the performance of the Republican National Committee
Open file 2732
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney gets booed

TRMS ... About an NAACP dinner in Detroit
Open file 2733
Country ... USA
Separation of church and state

House GOP lends Statuary Hall to religious extremists
Open file 2734
Country ... USA
Auto industry rebounds after bailout

TRMS ... Romney takes a huge pair of opposing positions on Detroit
Open file 2735
Country ... USA
Rachel Maddow Show ... May 9, 2011

Rachel Maddow Show ... May 9, 2011
Open file 2736
Country ... Mexico
The drug economy

Fault Lines : Mexico: Impunity and profits
Open file 2737
Chris Hedges being interviewed by Bill Moyers

Journalist Chris Hedges on Capitalism's 'Sacrifice Zones': Communities Destroyed for Profit
Open file 2738
Social Capital Market
Markets are important ... this one is missing

Discussion with Chris Macrae and others about a global social exchange model
Open file 2739
Ideas ... The Thrive Initiative
Many ideas, but a poor conclusion

(Official Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
Open file 2740
Ideas ... The Thrive Initiative
Many ideas, but a poor conclusion

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
Open file 2741
Ideas ... Self Organizing Systems
Key to a stable society

Many systems have an inherent capacity to get out of control ... society needs self organizing systems to provide stability
Open file 2742
Food, Society and Economy
Are we heading for a global food crisis?

July 2012 ... Inside Story Americas ... As drought takes its toll on US crops, we ask if it is time to reassess the global food market.
Open file 2743
Country ... India
The Republic Of Hunger

101 East ... Every third malnourished child in the world is from India, so what is the government doing to feed its millions?
Open file 2744
Country ... Mexico
Mexican official: CIA 'manages' drug trade

AJE Features ... Spokesman for Chihuahua state says US agencies don't want to end drug trade, a claim denied by other Mexican officials.
Open file 2745
Companies ... Caterpillar
Successful multinational company that needs valuadd analysis

Caterpillar Echoing Wall Street Rebuts Gross’s U.S. Pessimism
Open file 2746
Country ... Mexico
Drugs and money laundering

Dirty money thrives despite Mexico drug war ... Major banks are getting rich from money laundered by violent Mexican drug gangs, whistleblower says.
Open file 2747
Country ... USA
Jobs being lost in Freeport Illinois

Ed Schultz ... Mitt Romney's Bain Capital has an ongoing obscene strategy to outsource to lower cost labor locations in the name of more profit.
Open file 2748
Country ... USA
Romney gets talking points from where? Rush and Fox!

Bi-partisan Ed Show panel to Romney: Release the tax returns ... Romney and his huge problem with non-release of tax returns
Open file 2749
Country ... USA
The Congress in 2012 does not work

Worst. Congress. Ever. ... Ezra Klein ... explaining how bad this Congress has been
Open file 2750
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