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TVM Dialog List 1056
2751 - 2800
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Country ... USA
Republican party and foreign policy

TRMS ... Ezra Klein on Romney's foreign policy credentials
Open file 2751
Why did the banks need bailing out?

Ezra Klein and the banking sector ... plus interview with Berofsky, who has written the book 'Bailout'
Open file 2752
NYPD 'violated rights' of Occupy protesters

Rights lawyers release report that shows police used excessive force, escalated tensions during Occupy Wall protests.
Open file 2753
Country ... USA
Activism ... Understanding Wall Street's 'Occupation'

Four activists discuss goals of the 24-hour encampment in New York's financial district as it gains nationwide momentum.
Open file 2754
Country ... USA
Politics ... more on Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney ... failing charm offensive in London does not work ... and then a whole lot of Romney's bad ideas about economics
Open file 2755
Ideas ... Lord Robert Skidelsky
Lord Robert Skidelsky warns about free markets

'The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Future of International Relations,' was given as part of the Einaudi Center's Foreign Policy Distinguished Speaker Series.
Open file 2756
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney

The Romney campaign is taking Obama comments out of context ... time and time again.
Open file 2757
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Gun Control\

Ezra Klein talking about Obama and potential for gun control, and other changes in Obama initiatives
Open file 2758
People ... Neera Tanden
President, Center for American Progress

Very articulate ... FOLLOW UP NEEDED
Open file 2759
Country ... USA

Climate change ... so ahat about doing something about infrastructure
Open file 2760
Country ... USA
Nothing official ... initiatives from ordinary people

Ezra Klein ... Thank you Veterans ... this time in Twin Cities
Open file 2761
Housing and their associated bubbles

Dean Baker ... New housing bubbles set to burst ... Central banks and governments should focus on deflating bubbles before they grow large enough to be dangerous.
Open file 2762
Country ... USA
Housing ... and the bubble that should never have been

Dean Baker ... The US housing bubble: What Greenspan should have done ... Alan Greenspan should have led economists to document the potential harm of the bubble, and to burst it early.
Open file 2763
Central Asia ... Silk Road

Welcome to the new Great Game ... The West is not exactly interested in encouraging an Arab Spring along the Silk Road.
Open file 2764
The Political Economy of the Mass Media

Noam Chomsky - The Political Economy of the Mass Media - Part 1
Open file 2765
Destroying the commons

Noam Chomsky ... The Magna Carta outlined the rights of man nearly 1,000 years ago, yet the ruling classes have undermined it ever since.
Open file 2766
The structure of the international world

Is the world too big to fail? ... Noam Chomsky explains how the global order of power has been created and describes the mechanisms behind its continuity.
Open file 2767
War on Terror

Chomsky: 9/11 - was there an alternative? ... Suppression of one's own crimes is virtually ubiquitous among powerful states, at least those that are not defeated.
Open file 2768
War on Terror

Richard N. Haass putting 9/11 in perspective ... September 11, 2001, was a terrible tragedy by any measure, but it was not a historical turning point, argues author.
Open file 2769
Country ... USA
Does Romney want to go back to Bush foreign policy?

Josh Rogin, reporter for Foreign Policy and author of 'The Cable' blog, talks with Melissa Harris-Perry
Open file 2770
Sport ... The Olympics
The whole world is involved

These are the countries that took part in the Opening Ceremony ... July 27, 2012 in London
Open file 2771
Country ... Syria
Fight for Aleppo

Syrian army 'launches Aleppo fightback' ... Activists say Assad forces mount ground assault on commercial capital, as rebels make gains in countryside in north.
Open file 2772
Africa Investigates ... What Price the Story?

Africa Investigates gives some of Africa's best journalists the chance to pursue high-level investigative targets.
Open file 2773
The Rachel Maddow Show Country ... USA
Republican politics

TRMS ... Scott Brown makes issue of Elizabeth Warren's ancestry
Open file 2774
Country ... USA
Republican politics all about fringe issues

TRMS ... Politics and the gay agenda ... Republicans about ... GOP frustrated as accountability sidelines talking points
Open file 2775
Country ... USA
Republican politics all about fringe issues

TRMS ... Politics and the gay agenda ... Republicans about ... GOP frustrated as accountability sidelines talking points
Open file 2776
London 2012 Olympics
The dynamics of the true valueadd economy

London's bout with 'Olympicitis'... The UK government claims the Olympics will be a boon for the economy - but the long-term benefits are iffy, says author.
Open file 2777
Country ... USA
Politics in 2012

Will rising poverty affect the US election? ... As the wealth gap in the US is growing, we ask if there is political will to improve the lives of the country's poor ... Cornell West starts it off
Open file 2778
Country ... USA

Why is there so much poverty in a rich country ... Taking from the poor to feed US defence
Open file 2779
War on Terror

AJE Featured Documentaries : The 9/11 Decade - The Intelligence War
Open file 2780
War on Terror

Featured Documentaries : The 9/11 Decade - The Clash of Civilizations?
Open file 2781
Triple Bottom Line

Critical to go beyond money profit accountancy ... Triple bottom line consists of three Ps ... Profit, People and Planet
Open file 2782
People ... Durreen Shahnaz
TED Talk

Durreen Shahnaz -- Defiant Optimism for Social Development
Open file 2783
Initiative ... Social Capital Market
TEDxKL-Dureen Shahnaz

March 2012 ... Perception vs Reality, Can Capital Market be used for Social Good?
Open file 2784
Ideas ... Social Capital Exchange
An initiative of Dureen Shahnaz

Stock exchange to facilitate investments in social enterprises
Open file 2785
Initiatives ... Social Stock Exchange
World's First Social Stock Exchange by Durreen Shahnaz

World's First Social Stock Exchange by Durreen Shahnaz
Open file 2786
Initiative ... Social Capital Exchange
Durreen Shahnaz

Durreen Shahnaz -- Defiant Optimism for Social Development
Open file 2787
Initiative ... Social Capital Exchange
Impact Forum 2012

Measuring Success: How to know when you are making an impact? part 1/6
Open file 2788
Initiative ... Social Capital Exchange
Impact Forum 2012

Measuring Success: How to know when you are making an impact? part 2/6
Open file 2789
Initiative ... Social Capital Exchange
Impact Forum 2012

Measuring Success: How to know when you are making an impact? part 3/6
Open file 2790
Initiative ... Social Capital Exchange
Impact Forum 2012

Measuring Success: How to know when you are making an impact? part 4/6
Open file 2791
Initiative ... Social Capital Exchange
Impact Forum 2012

Measuring Success: How to know when you are making an impact? part 5/6
Open file 2792
Initiative ... Social Capital Exchange
Impact Forum 2012

Measuring Success: How to know when you are making an impact? part 6/6
Open file 2793
Metrics ... Social Return on Investment
The SROI Network

Open file 2794
Initiatives ... WikiVOIS
Getting material about metrics of social impact

WikiVOIS is an initiative of the SROI Network which promotes the use and development of a uniform Social Return on Investment methodology
Open file 2795
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Mitt Romney

Mother Jones ... Mitt Romney Praises Socialized Healthcare, As Long As It's Not American
Open file 2796
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... The weaknesses of Romney

TRMS ... Romney has no substance when it comes to foreign policy
Open file 2797
Initiatives ... Volans
Going beyond what Sustainability was about

Based in London and Singapore, Volans is a future-focused business working at the intersection of the sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship movements.
Open file 2798
People ... John Elkington
A pioneer in the 'green' and 'sustainable' economy

Founding Partner & Executive Chairman of Volans in 2008 and also Co-founder of SustainAbility in 1987
Open file 2799
Country ... USA
Gun control is controlled by the NRA

Cliff Schecter ... Boys with toys ... The way most Americans react to a tragedy like the shooting in Colorado is to feel overwhelming sadness for the victims.
Open file 2800
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