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TVM Dialog List 1078
3851 - 3900
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Ideas ... Sustainability

Sarkozy Urges GDP Rethink ... Global Footprint Network Comments on Stiglitz Report
Open file 3851
Climate Change

The Climate Reality Project
Open file 3852
Slow Money NYC

Slow Money 2012 Jubilation! ... about the activities of Slow Money in the New York area in 2012
Open file 3853
Global Footprint Network

Global Footprint Network ... Advancing the Science of Sustainability since 2003
Open file 3854
Global Footprint Network

Some descriptive material about the Global Footprint Network ... and initiative to deploy sustainability accounting
Open file 3855
GFN Footprint Calculator

Global Footprint Network ... Footprint Calculator Frequently Asked Questions
Open file 3856
Country ... USA
Gun Control

American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015
Open file 3857
Influence of 'Big Pharma'

Doctors with links to drug companies influence treatment guidelines
Open file 3858
Arms Trade
Global destabilization

Thom Shanker, NYTimes ... U.S. Arms Sales Make Up Most of Global Market
Open file 3859
Country ... USA
Gun Control

Gun lobby leader calls for guns in schools ... Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association says US should place armed officers in every educational facility.
Open file 3860
Many, many good things

With so many good things ... good people, how come so much that is bad?
Open file 3861
Many, many bad things

With so many bad things ... it is surprising that there are any good things going on at all.
Open file 3862
Terms and Conditions
Progressive Insurance

Terms and Conditions
Open file 3863
Illegal Trade
Trade in human organs

AJE ... People & Power ... The Organ Traders ... An investigation into illegal human organ trading in Kosovo, Turkey and Israel, and the challenges facing law enforcers.
Open file 3864

Matt Damon Exposes Fracking in the film 'Promised Land'
Open file 3865
Country ... USA

Murtaza Hussain ... Anti-Muslim violence spiralling out of control in America ... Sen was pushed to death by a woman who 'hated Muslims', as anti-Muslim bigotry in the US sinks to violent new depths.
Open file 3866
Country ... India
Women's Rights

Rape of Draupadi: Why Indian democracy has failed women ... Indians pray to goddesses in temples, but 'abuse women in the domestic sphere', notes author.
Open file 3867
Country ... USA

Joshua A. Tucker ... Is Santa a Democrat or a Republican? ... A survey shows more people think that Santa Claus is a Democrat than a Republican.
Open file 3868
Country ... UK
Government finance and politics

Finally! Exposed! The Deficit Myth! So, David Cameron When Are You Going to Apologise?
Open file 3869
Country ... USA
The Lobby Industry

For outgoing lawmakers, connections mean chance to cash in
Open file 3870
Country ... USA
Media dysfunction

Danny Schechter ... Looking back at the news of 2012 ... We hear about issues, not interests - the newscasts 'lack context, background, analysis and interpretation'.
Open file 3871

Environment Defense Fund
Open file 3872
Country ... USA

Paul Rosenberg ... Locke and unload: Why the NRA doesn't understand rights ... It's the exact inability of guns to secure our freedom that establishes the foundation for our civil government.
Open file 3873
Professor Richard D. Wolff

Professor Richard D. Wolff is an economist that has spent his career on the outside ... maybe he was right all along!
Open file 3874
Country ... USA

Inside Story Americas ... Has capitalism proven its durability? ... Richard Wolff and Cliff Hodges
Open file 3875
Kenneth Rogoff ... Is modern capitalism sustainable? ... Is there a viable option besides capitalism for today's world? Or is it possible to adjust the system to make it work?
Open file 3876
Country ... USA

Counting the Cost ... Is capitalism bankrupt? ... With a worldwide financial crisis and an outraged 99 per cent, we ask if the free market is free enough.
Open file 3877

Michel Bauwens ... The $100bn Facebook question: Will capitalism survive 'value abundance'? ... Open-source software, shared innovation and crowd-sourced manufacturing threaten capitalism as we know it.
Open file 3878
Means of Exchange

Means of Exchange is a global initiative focusing on methods of economic self-sufficiency founded in 2012 by Ken Banks and his associates
Open file 3879
Alternative Currency
Deschutes Trade Exchange

I'll Trade You Mine If You Trade Me Yours ... Deschutes Trade Exchange offers alternative currency for local businesses ... founded by Thom Gates
Open file 3880
Alternative Currency
Rebuild21 in the UK

A YouTube video ... The Future of Finance, Rebuild21
Open file 3881
Corporatocracy Winning

ENVIRONMENT ... Why We Need a New Year's Revolution Against the Corporatocracy ... Despite our best, often heroic efforts the New World Order of post-2012 is shaping up to be very difficult, indeed downright scary.
Open file 3882
Housing Bust

Payback time: Florida homeowners foreclosing on banks
Open file 3883
Country ... USA

12 Unbelievably Awful Things Fox News Did This Year ... Fox was clearly operating at the top of its capacity to distort and deceive.
Open file 3884
Alternative Currency
Exchange analysis

Design concept of community currency based on fuzzy network analysis
Open file 3885
Banking and Finance

Michael Hudson ... The Financial Elite's War Against the US Economy
Open file 3886
Moral leadership

Pope's new year address deplores rampant capitalism ... Pope Benedict XVI has condemned 'unregulated capitalism'
Open file 3887
Alternative Currency
A technology based system of exchange

Open file 3888
Ken Banks

Video ... Ken Banks is emerging as a serial entrepreneur ... founder of SMSFrontline and now MeansOfExchange, an initiative to use technology to create 'valuadd'
Open file 3889
Investigating International Finance

Investigating International Finance - a four part series ... an initiative of the New Economics Foundation covering Tax Havens, Capital controls, Shadow Banking and Private Investment in the Developing World.
Open file 3890
Country ... UK
Economic dysfunction

James Meadway, NEF ... The worsening recession reveals chronic weakness
Open file 3891
Role of private indebtedness

Joshua Mellors on Austerity (for Dummies) ... an article that has a focus on private versus government debt without touching on how productivity changes the economic model
Open file 3892

Timebanks - the modern bartering
Open file 3893
Collaborative Consumption

French share their way through recession ... Collaborative consumption seen as a growing web powered economic model based on 'crowd sharing' ... from 'me' to 'oui'
Open file 3894
Alternative Currency
Fourth Corner Exchange

Fourth Corner Exchange is the Pacific Northwest (USA) chapter of the Life Currency Cooperative Exchange
Open file 3895
Alternative Currency

Information about several hundred alternative currency initiatives ... Type of Local Exchange System / Community / Country / Date of Registration
Open file 3896
Country ... CAR
Rebel Initiative

CAR rebels warned against capital takeover ... The warning by multinational African force comes amid growing fear of a rebel attack on Bangui.
Open file 3897
Country ... CAR
Rebel Initiative

CAR rebels reject AU call for talks ... Rebels say President Bozize 'never keeps his word' as they rebuff African Union appeal to enter unity government talks.
Open file 3898
Country ... CAR
Rebel Initiative

CAR seeks foreign help against rebels ... President of Central African Republic appeals for help in fending off rebels who are advancing on the capital.
Open file 3899
Country ... CAR
Rebel Initiative

CAR rebels advance on another major town ... Rebels waging offensive in Central African Republic seize town of Kaga-Bandoro, bringing them closer to the capital.
Open file 3900
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