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TVM Dialog List 1261
13001 - 13050

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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People / Speakers
Regenerative Futures Summit

People / Speakers for the Regenerative Futures Summit organized by Hunter Lovins in May 2017
Open file 13001
0 Country: Syria
Country in Crisis

Donald Trump has jumped into a quagmire with his eyes shut ... The president has just swaggered his way into the single most complex civil war in living memory – and he does so with little credibility or legitimacy
Open file 13002
Trump Presidency
Nikki Haley ... US Ambassador to the United Nations

Trump's Diplomat: Nikki Haley ... speaking at the Women in the World Summit in New York ... April 2017
Open file 13003
The Importance of Community

Open file 13004
Climate Change / Activism
Andrew Winston / Climate Change March 2017

16 Ways Your Company Can “Walk the Walk” on Climate Change this April 29th ... (Plus some key messages on the logic of climate action)
Open file 13005
Existential Risk
Climate Change / Economics

Andrew Winston in the HBR ... ECONOMY ... The Data Says Climate Change Could Cost Investors Trillions
Open file 13006
Existential Risk
Trump's Idiocy

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Changes Website Banner From Green Mountains to Big Hunk of Coal
Open file 13007
Energy / Coal
Job loss is a market induced outcome

IDEOLOGY ... Mark Perry: Keeping Coal In The Ground Buries Affordable Energy
Open file 13008
USA ... Health Sector
Health Insurance

'Being Wealthy in America Earns You 15 Extra Years of Life Span Over the Poor'
Open file 13009
The Trump Presidency
West Wing Staff

Reich: What the Clash Between Kushner and Bannon Means... Bannon's upside-down anti-establishment populism is going up against Kushner, an upper-class real estate mogul with no government experience.
Open file 13010
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Media

Mark Camilleri ... Unleashing Corporate Social Responsibility Communication in the Digital Era
Open file 13011
ESG and Corporate Profit Performance

Cornelius Graubner ... The Financial Case for Sustainability: Three Studies You Should Know
Open file 13012
Delivers Profitability

Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality
Open file 13013
Long term decisions deliver better performance

Report McKinsey Global Institute ... Where companies with a long-term view outperform their peers
Open file 13014
Tech M&A
Softbank (Japan) and ARM (Britain)

SoftBank to Buy Britain’s ARM Holdings for $32 Billion in Record $32B Deal
Open file 13015
Establishing the Business Case

Andrew Winston ... Is it Time to Add Morality to the Business Case for Sustainability?
Open file 13016
Responsible Investing

Why we need authentic - and moral - investors
Open file 13017
Responsible Investment

Responsible investment is investing that aims to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions, to better manage risk and generate sustainable, long-term returns.
Open file 13018
Country: Yemen
Humanitarian Situation

Tackling the Complexity of the Yemeni Crisis ... a discussion at Fordham University
Open file 13019
Electric Batteries

Battery breakthrough by 94yo inventor at University of Texas Austin addresses costs and life-cycle
Open file 13020
Energy / Renewables
Wind Infrastrcture Manufacturing

Made in America: Trump embracing offshore wind? ... While publicly pushing fossil fuels, the Trump administration seems to be quietly embracing offshore wind power and its economic potential.
Open file 13021
Economic Ideologies

Capitalism’s Invisible Hand Doesn’t Generate Public Good ... The libertarian myth is debunked.
Open file 13022
Lawyers Facilitating Corruption

Rudy Giuliani's Newest Gig Is Almost Too Sleazy to Be True ... Once a hawk on Iran, the former New York mayor now seeks the release of Tehran's top suspected bag man.
Open file 13023
America's Rivers

By starving key federal conservation initiatives, President Trump's budget threatens rivers and communities nationwide ... the Lower Colorado Shows What's Really at Stake
Open file 13024
50 Young People / Fixers

GRIST 50 ... The world feels pretty broken right now. That’s why we need Fixers
Open file 13025
Famine 2017
Nigeria / Somalia / South Sudan / Yemen

WorldViews Analysis ... Starving to death ... Wars in four countries have left 20 million people on the brink
Open file 13026
Water Pollution
Chemicals / Pesticides / Pharmaceuticals

Our Rivers and Lakes Contain a Scary Number of Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals ... And they only tested for a fraction of the 85,000 known chemicals.
Open file 13027
Banking / Business Ethics
Wells Fargo / CEO John Stumpf

Hightower: How Can We Stop the 1 Percent From Robbing Us? ... You'd get prison time for robbing a bank at gunpoint; bankers who rob customers get multimillion-dollar payouts.
Open file 13028
Women's Issues
Abortion Rights / Convoluted Laws

Red-State Progressives Fight to Protect Abortion Rights, opposing Right-Wing Lawmakers Bills in five GOP-controlled states seek to protect abortion access from attacks by anti-science conservatives.
Open file 13029
People / Idea
Kate Raworth / Doughnut Economics

ECONOMY ... Finally, a Breakthrough Alternative to Growth Economics ... Instead of growth at all costs, a new economic model allows us to thrive while saving the planet.
Open file 13030
Company ... Tesla
Product Development

Tesla Semi All-Electric Truck Arriving in September 2017
Open file 13031
About Burgess
Draft Material for Linkedin Profile

Draft Material for Linkedin Profile being updated April 14 2017
Open file 13032
Energy / Environment
Canada's Tar Sands / Stranded Assets

Exodus From Canada's Oil Sands Continues as Energy Giants Shed Assets ... Five multinational energy companies have sold off nearly $25 billion worth of their Canadian assets to domestic companies.
Open file 13033
City: Dubai
Future Transportation

Dubai Aims to Be the Transportation City of Tomorrow ... The emirate’s ambitious plans include flying drone taxis, driverless cars and a Hyperloop to Abu Dhabi
Open file 13034
Energy / BP
North Sea E&P

BP focuses on North Sea E&P after selling FPS to Ineos
Open file 13035
Corporate Structure / Purpose
B Corps

Will Wall Street Embrace B Corps? ... Etsy, Laureate and Other B Corps Have an Opportunity to Bring Benefit Corporation Structure to the Public
Open file 13036
Value and Impact Reporting

CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ... Big Data Comes to Financial and Sustainability Reporting Frameworks
Open file 13037
CISL ... Rewiring the Economy

Rewiring the Economy is CISL’s ten-year plan to lay the foundations for a sustainable economy.
Open file 13038
The Trump Presidency
The Trump Organization

Leaked Email: President Trump's Modeling Agency Is Shutting Down ... Business partners are told it's over for one of Trump's most prized businesses.
Open file 13039
The Trump Presidency
Melania Trump ... An Unusual First Lady

Melania Trump Reveals The Details Behind Her Controversial Decision To Stay In New York
Open file 13040
The Trump Presidency
Trump's Personal Traits

Donald Trump’s Unexamined Life ... Steven Nadler
Open file 13041
The Trump Presidency
Bluster and Bombast

Crouching Donald, Paper Tiger
Open file 13042
The Trump Presidency
Budget Reality

Nouriel Roubini ... A Fiscal Reality Test for US Republicans
Open file 13043
Winners and Losers

Nouriel Roubini ... Globalization’s Political Fault Lines
Open file 13044
About Free Trade

Dani Rodrik ... Too Late to Compensate Free Trade’s Losers
Open file 13045

Project Syndicate ... Names of Columnists INCOMPLETE
Open file 13046
Energy / Energy Policy
Energy Flow / Carbon Flow in the USA

The latest lesson from The Chart That Explains Everything: Buildings are still our biggest source of CO2 presented by Lloyd Alter
Open file 13047
Energy / Energy Policy
Energy Flow in the USA

Lloyd Alter: Lessons from scientific data ... Livermore National Laboratory and the DOE
Open file 13048
Avaaz Activism
LGBTQ Issues

Close the gay torture centres -- let's get to 2 million! ... 1,307,510 have signed. Let's get to 1,500,000
Open file 13049
Food / Environment
Tuna / Sustainable Fishing

Greenpeace ranks best tuna brands for 2017
Open file 13050
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