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TVM Dialog List 1350
17451 - 17500

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UK Royal Navy
Fleet History and Plans

The Dilemma Behind The Navy's Type 26 And Type 31 Frigates ... The RN needs to decide if it wants to be a high platform and low capability navy or if it wants to have a smaller number of very expensive...
Open file 17451

CEOs Urged to Step Up or Risk Not Achieving the SDGs
Open file 17452
Personnel Policy

PwC invests $3B in ‘New World, New Skills’ program
Open file 17453
Basic Income / Basic Jobs
Not only one ... but both

Why Basic Jobs Are Better Than Basic Incomes ... Let’s build communities, livelihoods, and small-scale economies
Open file 17454
Sector: Auto Industry
Country: South Africa

Toyota increases localisation through expanded Hiace Ses’fikile plant
Open file 17455
News Listing
Foreign Affairs

List October 2019 ... Trending Topics: Middle East China Kashmir Hong Kong Trump Administration
Open file 17456
Place: Hong Kong
Demonstrations for Freedom

Will China Crush the Protests in Hong Kong? ... Why Beijing Doesn’t Need to Send in the Troops
Open file 17457
Region: Middle East
Risk of Wars

The Unwanted Wars ... Why the Middle East Is More Combustible Than Ever
Open file 17458
Common Dreams

Donald Trump vs. Greta Thunberg ... Yet the corporate media still refuses to treat climate change as a major front page news story.
Open file 17459
Collapse of Biodiversity

More than a quarter of UK mammals face extinction
Open file 17460
International Disinformation Offensive

Here’s What Russian Disinfo Sites Want You to Believe About Impeachment ... Kremlin-backed media is parroting Trump’s attacks on the Bidens and pushing his fantasies of a deep state coup.
Open file 17461
Gordon Sondland
Decent guy in the middle of a mess

Meet the GOP Megadonor at the Center of the Ukraine Scandal ... EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland is a hotel magnate as well.
Open file 17462
Irresponsible Consumerism

One & Done: Why Do People Ditch Their Clothes After Just One Wear?
Open file 17463
Irresponsible Consumerism

COMMENT STREAM ... One & Done: Why Do People Ditch Their Clothes After Just One Wear?
Open file 17464
The Trump Presidency
Hiding Tax Returns

‘Trump is scared to death’: Legal experts weigh in on federal judge dismissing president’s lawsuit against Manhattan DA
Open file 17465
The Trump Presidency
Reelection ... about Florida

Trump's enemies add up in the wrong state ... 'Nobody likes to hear their home country called a shithole,' said one Republican activist.
Open file 17466
‘Democratic Socialism’

Why are Americans so confused about the meaning of ‘democratic socialism’?
Open file 17467
Working Families Party

Elizabeth Warren has been making a lot of enemies lately ... Mark Zuckerberg would sue President Warren
Open file 17468
Extinction Rebellion

Thanks to Extinction Rebellion, we’re experiencing a climate culture change ... Rightwing critics fulminate against the protesters, but the public is finally waking up to the gravity of their ca
Open file 17469
Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion has won the first battle – now it must win the war ... As protesters take to the streets again this week, the challenge is to force ‘green’ politicians into concrete proposals
Open file 17470
Thought Leadership
Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs, Angelo Riccaboni: Food for Sustainable Development
Open file 17471

Sign if you agree: CEO pay is outrageous
Open file 17472
Climate Crisis

Where can electrification do most to cut emissions? Transportation
Open file 17473
The Trump Presidency
Media ... balance -v- backbone

Chuck Todd .... Meet the Press ... ‘A national nightmare is upon us’: Here’s what happens when a journalist chooses truth over ‘balance’
Open file 17474
Extinction Rebellion

Police attempt to clear Extinction Rebellion protest camps in London ... Arrests made under section 14 order as officers in Whitehall begin removing tents
Open file 17475
The Trump Presidency
Trump stiffs everyone!

Trump throws fit after Minneapolis mayor sends estimated security bill in advance of campaign rally
Open file 17476

Laudato Si’ ... Security & Sustainability Forum
Open file 17477
The Trump Presidency
Middle East ... Kurds

Trump seeks to distance himself from Turkish invasion of Syria
Open file 17478

Media reporter reveals Trump is losing one of his key right-wing allies
Open file 17479
The Trump Presidency
The Ukraine Affair

Mike Pence sputters and dodges as a reporter grills him on his knowledge of a Ukraine quid pro quo
Open file 17480
US Politics
The Disloyal GOP -v- The Loyal Opposition

Is the GOP really willing to burn our republic to the ground in order to maintain its hold on power?
Open file 17481
Setting the Record Straight

Tom Brokaw’s Accuser Tears Apart That Insane Matt Lauer Letter ... “I worked with Matt for nearly a decade... The time has come for some radical truth-telling.”
Open file 17482
he many dimensions of freedom

BARE IT ALL ... My Favorite Nude Beach in the World ... The beach itself is beautiful, but what makes it remarkable are the demographics it attracts and the liberating sensation unique to this place.
Open file 17483
US politics
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a Democratic primary challenger, he is Bronx Democratic Councilman Fernando Cabrera and he’s serious business.
Open file 17484
Much more than expensive medicine

The Most Important Factor for Wellness Has Nothing to Do With Food, Exercise, or Time Management ... Sure, diet and exercise matter, but this essential ingredient for wellness is often overlooked.
Open file 17485
US Politics
Ilhan Omar

At his rally last night, Trump called me an “America-hating socialist” and a “disgrace.” He shouted xenophobic conspiracy theories about me. He scolded my district for voting for me.
Open file 17486
Engineering and Technology
Bridge Design

MIT Student Confirms a Bridge Leonardo da Vinci Designed 500 Years Ago Was an Ancient Engineering Marvel
Open file 17487
Strategic Relocation

Americans Are Already Moving Away From the Rising Water's Edge ... people are moving with Government encouragement
Open file 17488
Middle East
Trump simply doesn't understand

Tulsi Gabbard rips Trump's Syria decision: 'Kurds are now paying the price'
Open file 17489
Trump Presidency
Ukraine and the Impeachment Inquiry

Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch ... Dismissed Ukraine ambassador blames ouster on 'a concerted campaign against me'
Open file 17490
The Trump Presidency
Flunking role of President

Trump’s Ukraine call could get him impeached – but his Syria betrayal is worse
Open file 17491
Abiy Ahmed

Nobel peace prize for 2019 has been awarded to Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed wins 2019 award ... Abiy wins award for outstanding contribution to peace for his work in bringing to an end more than 20 years of conflict with neighbouring Eritrea
Open file 17492
Independent Media Institute

Something about the Independent Media Institute (IMC) .... October 2019
Open file 17493
People / Politics
Marie Newman

How the DCCC’s “Blacklist” Could Blow Up in the Democratic Establishment’s Face ... The attacks on the party’s left flank might be backfiring. Just look at Marie Newman’s primary challenge to Dan Lipinski.
Open file 17494
People / Politics
Elizabeth Warren

When It Comes to U.S. Militarism, Elizabeth Warren Is No Progressive ... There’s one important issue on which Warren has not veered far from the Democratic establishment.
Open file 17495
People / Politics
Ilhan Omar

At his rally last night, Trump called me an “America-hating socialist” and a “disgrace.” He shouted xenophobic conspiracy theories about me. He scolded my district for voting for me.
Open file 17496
The Trump Presidency
What role Giuliani?

Prosecutors Investigating Rudy Giuliani for Ukraine-Related Lobbying, Report Says ... Is Giuliani the next shoe to drop in the scandals enveloping the White House?
Open file 17497
Climate Crisis
US Flooding

TRICK OR RETREAT ... Sea-level rise threatens 13 million Americans. Can FEMA help?
Open file 17498
California Wild Fires
Electricity Turned Off

OUTAGE OUTRAGE ... The power’s out in California. Is this what our future looks like?
Open file 17499
SPARE Open file 17500
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