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TVM Dialog List 1332
16551 - 16600

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Climate Crisis
Thousdands of indicators

CLIMATE CHANGE ... Most Recent Events ... Most Recent Headlines
Open file 16551
Climate Crisis
Thousdands of indicators

CLIMATE CHANGE ... Most Recent Events ... Most Recent Headlines
Open file 16552
Mobility / Transport
Package Express

How UPS Plans to Deliver a Low-Carbon Future
Open file 16553
Impact Investing

World Bank arm launches ‘impact investment’ standards ... Nine principles will bring greater transparency, comparability and rigour to $500bn market
Open file 16554
Impact Incvesting
IFC (World Bank Group) initiative

Operating Principles for Impact Management
Open file 16555
The Trump Presidency
Appontments by the Trump Administration

Trump Appoints Stephen Moore, ALEC’s Favorite Economist, to Fed
Open file 16556
Corporate MOney and Influence

SEC Rules Exxon Must Allow Shareholder Votes on Dark Money and Climate Policies
Open file 16557

Stop pesticides like Roundup® from wiping out bees and butterflies: “A catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems.”
Open file 16558
The Trump Presidency
Not my idea of what leadership is!

Mueller’s report is not a vindication of Trump, but a condemnation. ... Schiff on Mueller Report: Trump's Actions Unethical and Unpatriotic
Open file 16559
Terrorist Incident
Northern Ireland

A 29-Year-Old Journalist Was Killed In What Northern Ireland Police Are Calling A 'Terrorist Incident'
Open file 16560
Erik Prince

Mueller Exposes Erik Prince’s Lies About His Rendezvous with a Top Russian ... The Blackwater founder repeatedly misled Congress about his infamous meeting in the Seychelles. What happens to the Trumpworld associate now?
Open file 16561
News Feed
Access Now Express

China shatters the global AI ethics barrier. What's next? and about 20 other stories
Open file 16562
USA .. Gun Violence
Mass Shooting Events

20 years after Columbine, the long-term effects of gun violence linger
Open file 16563
The Housing Sector
Weakness in the Housing Market

9 Cities Where Home Prices Could Be About to Crash. Is Yours One of Them? If you're thinking of buying in one of these places, it might be smarter to wait.
Open file 16564
The Trumpe Presidency
Swamp on steroids

Here’s what Barr said — here’s what Mueller wrote: A riveting comparison of Mueller’s report and the AG’s interpretation of it
Open file 16565
The Trump Presidency
Enabled by a GOP run Senate

After Mueller report, progressives say ‘begin impeachment hearings now’
Open file 16566
Catastrophic Fire
Notre Dame in Paris

Notre Dame’s history is 9 centuries of change, renovation and renewal
Open file 16567
Catastrophic Fire
Notre Dame in Paris

Notre-Dame de Paris: From searing emotion to the future rebirth of a World Heritage Site
Open file 16568
Natural Capital
Powerful science ... weak management

To solve climate change and biodiversity loss, we need a Global Deal for Nature
Open file 16569
Accountancy / Audit
An important role

The big four auditors are failing – and the watchdog’s report won’t change that ... The near-collapse of BHS, Carillion and the bailed-out banks wasn’t spotted. The CMA’s remedy shows it is not fit for purpose
Open file 16570
Accountancy / Audit
Important Role

Shareholders take company auditors to task ... The two used to be indifferent but not now — expect more AGM challenges
Open file 16571
History ... WWII
The role of the Brits

Did Britain continue to do anything for the war after America became involved in 1941?
Open file 16572
US Politics

The Green New Deal / Resolution and Promotion Video
Open file 16573
Climate / Media
Failed Messaging

The Media Are Complacent While the World Burns ... But there’s a brand-new playbook for journalists fighting for a 1.5°C world.
Open file 16574
Technology / Companies
Diesel Engines / Navstar Company

Navistar Diesel - Looking Back, Moving Forward
Open file 16575
impak Finance

impak Finance closes $1.1m from Anges Québec, Anges Québec Capital, and well known figures from the investment world in Canada and France.
Open file 16576
Circular Economy

Webinar: Circular Economy: The State of the Market
Open file 16577
About SSRN

SSRN is instrumental as a starting point for PhD students, professors, and institutional faculty to post early-stage research, prior to publication in academic journals.
Open file 16578
British Accounting and Finance Assoication (BAFA)

Information about the 2019 BAFA Conference in Birmingham
Open file 16579
International Governance

It’s a century since an international civil service came into being. Why it matters
Open file 16580
The US Economy
There is a better way

America’s biggest lie (Not really, one of many really big lies). Pundits and politicians repeatedly warn us that the country cannot afford costly social services.
Open file 16581
Media / News
TBL Media

Open file 16582
Economic Policy
Wrong Priorities

Milton Friedman and the Shareholder Value Myth
Open file 16583
Andrew Winston

Is the Green New Deal Realistic? ... Thoughts on a challenging letter to greenies from a prominent think tank
Open file 16584
116th CONGRESS ... 1st Session ... H. RES. 109
Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

Text of the Green New Deal Resolution passed by House of Representatives in Congress in March 2019
Open file 16585
Business Economics

How much profit does an airline make from Dubai to New York with the A380?
Open file 16586
Business Economics

How are Micheal Porter's Five Forces relevant to an airline business?
Open file 16587
Climate Panic

'You did not act in time': Greta Thunberg's full speech to MPs at the Houses of Parliament in the UK
Open file 16588
Climate Panic
People with a comfortable living really don't give a damn

Video ... Professor Jordan Peterson explains why the world won't unite to solve the complex issue of climate change.
Open file 16589
Climate Crisis
Managing Change

These Scientists Are Radically Changing How They Live To Cope With Climate Change ... When the US government is doing nothing to stop climate change, do your personal choices even matter? Here’s how climate scientists are — and aren’t — changing their lives.
Open file 16590
Wealth / Philanthropy
Susan and Phillip “Terry’’ Ragon

Mass. General Hospital receives record $200 million gift to endow vaccine-research center
Open file 16591
People / Economist
Mariana Mazzucato

The Value of Everything with Mariana Mazzucato
Open file 16592
People / Economist
Mariana Mazzucato

Video: Mariana Mazzucato ... Makers and Takers in the Global Economy
Open file 16593
Economics / Society

The middle-class dream is moving beyond millennial reach
Open file 16594
Corporate Behavior

Brad Zarnett ... How Billionaire Greed Ruined a Perfectly Good Strategy Called Corporate Sustainability. (Part 1)
Open file 16595
Corporate Behavior

Part II: How Billionaire Greed Ruined a Perfectly Good Strategy Called Corporate Sustainability (and Democracy). 3 Possible Pathways Forward
Open file 16596
Company: Amazon
Sector: Logistics / Distrtibution / e-commerce

A 'Nightmare Come True': Amazon Launches Freight Brokerage, Slashes Prices By 30%
Open file 16597
The Trump Presidency
Wrong Priorities

Donald Trump is about to defund THESE national laboratories so he can invest in COAL (!)
Open file 16598
Food / Agriculture

This tiny new grain could save the planet [TPB ... but it has a very long way to go]
Open file 16599
SPARE Open file 16600
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