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TVM Dialog List 1213
10601 - 10650

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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EVENT ... Meetup ... November 20, 2015
Economics and Big Data ... NYU Courant Institute

EVENT ... Friday, November 20, 2015 ... 6:00 PM ... NYU Courant Institute
Open file 10601
Events ... Meetup ... November 17, 2015
New York Investing Meetup November meeting

New York Investing Meetup November meeting ... Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Open file 10602
People ... A. C. Pigou

Pigou was the head of the Cambridge Economics Department for many years ... he died in 1959
Open file 10603
Diane Coyle

Diane Coyle ... Economist ... Oxford PPE ... Vice Chariman the BBC Trust ...
Open file 10604
About China
The Institutional Investor

The Opportunities in Cina's Shifting Landscape ... Henry McVey and Frances Lim of KKR
Open file 10605
Company ... Toyota

Toyota’s $1 Billion Artificial Intelligence, Robotics R&D ‘New Company’ Investment
Open file 10606
People ... Bill Barnes

Saving the World, One Bottle of Cabernet at a Time
Open file 10607

Trailer for the film ... Mother: Caring for 7 Billion
Open file 10608
Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek TED talk ... Why? How? What? ... How_great_leaders_inspire_action
Open file 10609
Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek TED Talk ... Why good leaders make you feel safe
Open file 10610
Peter Head

Peter Head speaks at the Mansion House ... City of London ... embedded video and transcript
Open file 10611
Country Comparisons

What is cheaper in the UK than in the US? ... As a Brit who lived in the US for 4 years there are a only a few things, but they are quite significant.
Open file 10612
Unintended consequences

Crimes against the environment... the silent victim of warfare 50215
Open file 10613
Company ... Volkswagen
Engineering misinformation

VW Ingenieure schummelten aus Angst vor Winterkorn - VW Engineers Cheated!
Open file 10614
Climate Change
The Ecological Sequestration Trust

The network of people and organizations involved
Open file 10615
Development Financing
Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey D. Sachs ... Financing Sustainable Development ... Addis Ababa Summit 2015
Open file 10616
People ... Author
Rowan Gibson

‘Never accept boundaries’ – interview with Rowan Gibson, author, ‘Four Lenses of Innovation’
Open file 10617
Country ... South Sudan
Air Safety

South Sudan cargo plane crash kills at least 40 people
Open file 10618
The Ecological Sequestration Trust

How can build value into city regions
Open file 10619
The Ecological Sequestration Trust (TEST) Economics Webinar Oct 2014
Open file 10620
Peter Nead

Video ... Peter Head CBE on Arup, the ecological age and the launch of the Ecological Sequestration Trust
Open file 10621
C40 ... Cities and Climate Change

Michael R. Bloomberg on C40's 10-year Anniversary
Open file 10622
John Elkington

The Elkington Report ... Why it's dangerous to dream in straight lines
Open file 10623
Energy Companies
RWE in Germany

“Standby”* of lignite-fired power plants contributes to climate targets ... Five 300-MW units of RWE at Fimmersdorf, Niederaußem and Neurath to serve as “standby*”
Open file 10624
Author: E. Freya Williams

Green Giants ... How Smart Companies Turn Sustainability into Billion-Dollar Businesses
Open file 10625
Issue ... Climate Change
Impact Investments

Amory Lovins ... Four Trends Driving Profitable Climate Protection
Open file 10626
People ... Andrew Winston
US Climate change policy

What the Keystone Pipeline Rejection Means
Open file 10627
Real Estate
Appraisal and valuation

Training in appraisal and valuation in Thailand
Open file 10628
Exxon Mobil

Exxon Knew: Inside the New Climate Investigations
Open file 10629
Palm Oil

Who’s Responsible for Palm Oil Deforestation—Small Farmers or Big Companies?
Open file 10630
Country ... Indonesia
Palm oil deforestation

Sustainability Pledge Proves an Obstacle for Government Hungry for More Palm Oili
Open file 10631
Fossil Fuels
Stranded Assets

Big Oil Can't Go On Like This
Open file 10632
Big Oil
Broken Business Model

Big Oil's Broken Business Model: The Real Story Behind the Oil Price Collapse
Open file 10633
Burgess Dialog
Kevin Jones

Dialog with Kevin Jones about SOCAP and its application for cities and regions
Open file 10634

Open file 10635

Alibaba's 'Singles' day sales surge to $14.3 billion
Open file 10636
Climate Change
Sea Rise Planning

Holland's Barriers to The Sea
Open file 10637
Event: Webinar
SC Magazing ... A Vision of Vulnerabilities

A Vision of Vulnerabilities ...Dec 02, 2015 01:30 PM EST, the broadcast will start at 02:00 PM EST.
Open file 10638
Richard Ravitch

Richard Ravitch ... New York Lawyer, politician, business man, negotiator, developer ... icon
Open file 10639
Richard Ravitch

He helped rescue New York. Next up: Detroit
Open file 10640
What does it mean

Should we abandon the language of sustainability?
Open file 10641

The US has claimed it is ‘99% certain’ it has killed Mohammed Emwazi - AKA ‘Jihadi John’ - in a drone strike.
Open file 10642
Open file 10643

About the Uber car service
Open file 10644
Solar energy and electricity storage

Open file 10645
11/13 Attacks in Paris

Paris Attacks: At Least 127 Killed in Gunfire and Blasts, 200 Wounded ... Over 100 dead in concert venue alone as France closes its borders for the first time since 1944.
Open file 10646
Dysfunctional Government
The US Pentagon

NEWS & POLITICS ... It’s a ! The American Way of War in the 21st Century ... We are getting ripped off in the name of spreading peace and democracy.
Open file 10647
The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership)

ECONOMY ... 'A Very Big Mistake': Joseph Stiglitz Slams Obama for Pushing the TPP ... 'This is about who makes the rules of trade—the American people or the corporations.'
Open file 10648
11/13/2-15 ... Paris
Response from President Hollande

François Hollande: We will ‘destroy’ ISIL ... French president calls for meeting of UN Security Council and vows to scale up military campaign.
Open file 10649
Finance ... Annuitites
Companies ... TIAA-CREF

Why More People Are Turning to Andrew Carnegie’s Weird “Wealth Machine” to Help Secure Their Retirements
Open file 10650
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