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TVM Dialog List 1080
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Kentaro Toyama

UC Berkeley researcher writing a book tentatively titled =A Different Kind of Growth: Wisdom in Global Development=
Open file 3951
Country ... USA
Economic Dynamics

Paul Krugman ... The Mostly Solved Deficit Problem
Open file 3952
Country ... Saudi Arabia
Still in the 'dark ages'

Anger at Saudi beheading of Sri Lankan maid ... Human rights groups condemn execution of Rizana Nafeek, convicted of killing an infant in her care in 2005.
Open file 3953
Country ... USA
The Jewish Lobby

MJ Rosenberg ... Obama defeats the Israel Lobby ... As long as Israel's security is not put at risk - 'and no president would put it at risk' - the president will prevail.
Open file 3954
Women's Issues
Violence against women

The fearless fight for women's freedom ... If India is committed to redressing violence against women, it must 'recognise feminist voices', note authors.
Open file 3955
Organizations ... UN
Attacking the UN Special Rapporteur

Phyllis Bennis ... Human Rights Watch: Time to stand with human rights defenders ... It is disappointing to see HRW's unwillingness to stand with those who are working to promote and defend human rights.
Open file 3956
Peer to Peer Society

Michel Bauwens ... 'Occupy' as a business model: The emerging open-source civilisation ... The Occupy Wall Street movement is a model for a new economic paradigm, in which value is first created by communities.
Open file 3957
Country ... USA

Rachel Maddow ... Good program about the gun conversation in the United States after Newtown killings including data showing the surprising weakness of NRA
Open file 3958
Country ... USA
Washington DC

TRMS ... On Richard Nixon born 100 years ago today and the way Washington works, then and now
Open file 3959
Dangerous drilling in the Arctic

Energy industry caught short ... again. It is not that engineers cannot do what they do well ... it is that profits for investors often gets in the way of doing what is right.
Open file 3960
Mobile Phones

AJ Stream ... A low-tech revolution ... Are simple phones smarter than you think?
Open file 3961
National Debt

Beyond the fiscal cliff ... What are the global implications of US debt and just what are the politics behind the economics?
Open file 3962
Country ... USA

January 10, 2012 ... NRA Blasts Biden After Meeting on Guns ... Vice President Joe Biden Meets With National Rifle Association
Open file 3963
Country ... Greece
Politics and Finance

Alexis Tsipras: Frontline of a financial war ... The leader of the Greek opposition on how his country has become a 'debt colony' forced to follow 'criminal' policies.
Open file 3964
Country ... USA
Presidential Politics

Obama Has One Last Chance To Become A Great President
Open file 3965
Fracking for Gas

January 2013 ... What Could Shale Mean for UK Economy and Employment?
Open file 3966
Country ... USA

Gabrielle Giffords Anti-Gun Violence Group Looks To Raise $20 Million Ahead Of 2014 Election
Open file 3967
Country ... USA

Demos ... 2012 Ends with a Whimper for Millennial Employment
Open file 3968
Country ... USA
Workplace conditions

Demos ... High Profits, Low Wages, and the Growth of Inequality
Open file 3969
Country ... USA
Political Leadership

The Logic of Hagel ... Why Obama wanted an 
improbable fellow traveler at the pentagon.
Open file 3970

An initiative of Imperial College in London to use mobile devices to collect geo-specific data
Open file 3971
Internet ... Twitter

Infograph on the amazing growth of Twitter
Open file 3972
Country ... Ukraine
Multiple issues

Jeff Mowatt ... Social Enterprise in Ukraine. and a litany of problems
Open file 3973
Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky: The responsibility of privilege The famed linguist and political activist says intellectuals have a moral duty to hold centres of power to account.
Open file 3974
International Council for Science and the Environment (ICSE)

Governor Richardson Elected as Chairman of the International Council for Science and the Environment
Open file 3975
Jack Lew

Danny Schechter ... Meet Jack Lew, the insider's outsider ... The more things change, the more they stay the same with Obama's nomination of Jack Lew to replace Tim Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury
Open file 3976
Paul Krugman

AJE One on One ... Paul Krugman
Open file 3977
Genetic Modification

Charlotte Silver ... Monsanto versus the people ... Many farmers have decided to forego growing corn and soybeans due to the 'inevitable contamination that will result'.
Open file 3978
Country ... USA

Cultural diffusion of news: New blood in the American News Media ... Rather than shunning it, the United States should welcome Al Jazeera to its local media.
Open file 3979
Country ... Libya
Post war reconstruction

Transforming Libya's ungoverned spaces through development ... One of Libya's immediate concerns must be the economic and social development of the Fezzan region.
Open file 3980
Country ... USA

Tom Engelhardt ... The US intelligence community's New Year's wish In recent years, the US intelligence community has been one of Washington's major growth industries.
Open file 3981
Country ... Senegal

Senegal rebels alienate those they fight for ... A long-running movement for the independence of Casamance in southern Senegal is unlikely to succeed.
Open file 3982

Ushahidi Haiti Project Evaluation Final Report
Open file 3983
Jobs ... Youth Unemployment
Failed Education

Roshan, Amani Institute ... Building a Social Sector Jobs Economy
Open file 3984

Oprah Speaks About Lance Speaking About Doping
Open file 3985
Extractive Industries
Indigenous Communities

Indigenous-communities-extractive-sector-briefing.pdf from The Ethical Corporation UK August 2012'
Open file 3986
Country ... USA

Don Hazen ... Executive Editor, AlterNet on America's Gun and Violence Crisis
Open file 3987
People ... John Mackey
Health Obamacare

Whole Foods CEO: Obamacare Is 'Like Fascism' ... Whole Foods founder and CEO John Mackey would like to revise a previous accusation that Obamacare is a form of socialism.
Open file 3988

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz discusses turnaround ... discussion from March 2011
Open file 3989
Country ... Mali
Mali's armed groups

Making sense of Mali's armed groups ... Al-Qaeda gets the most attention, but local groups and ethnic fighters are part of a complicated mix of instability.
Open file 3990
Country ... Mali
Fighting the rebels

France launches air strikes on Mali rebels ... Al-Qaeda-linked fighters pushed back from key town, as French pilot dies and Hollande increases domestic security.
Open file 3991
Country ... Mali
The Rebellion in the North

French troops launch ground combat in Mali ... Soldiers move towards Ansar al-Dine strongholds 2km from centre of Diabaly, as West African forces prepare to deploy.
Open file 3992
Region ... North Africa
Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb

Profile: Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb ... Al-Qaeda in North African traces its roots to the Algerian civil war of the 1990s.
Open file 3993
Country ... USA

Rachel Maddow summarizes the initiatives that President Obama has taken after the Sandy Hook massacre
Open file 3994
Country ... Algeria

Rachel Maddow reporting on what has happened in Algeria today ... January 17, 2013
Open file 3995
Country ... USA
Government Incompetence

Rachel Maddow talks about the Sandy Relief Bill in Congress
Open file 3996
Country ... USA

Rachel Maddow about the New York gun control initiative
Open file 3997
Country ... USA
Government Finance

Rachel Maddow and the debt ceiling ... including the Constitution
Open file 3998
Country ... USA
Misinformation from high places

Rachel Maddow on the story that made the USA go to war with Iraq ... is the same thing going to happen with Syria ... and then what about Mali
Open file 3999
Country ... USA
Elections and the Right to Vote

Rachel Maddow ... Will the rules about elections get changed in every State in the Union
Open file 4000
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