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TVM Dialog List 1081
4001 - 4050
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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TEDxManhattan - Gary Oppenheimer - -- A Homegrown So
Open file 4001
Urban Poverty in the Global South ... Scale and Nature

Review by IRIN ... GLOBAL: Rethinking urban poverty
Open file 4002
Freedom means access to knowledge

The political consequences of academic paywalls ... Academic paywalls unwittingly benefit oppressive regimes - at society's expense.
Open file 4003
Arms Trade
US role questionable

The Pentagon as a global NRA ... For Washington, there is no arms control abroad.
Open file 4004
Country ... Mali
Repelling the Al Quaeda Insurgency

French and Malian troops enter Diabaly ... French and Malian troops take two key towns with little resistance as troops from Chad arrive in Mali.
Open file 4005
Country ... Mali
Repelling the Al Quaeda Insurgency

French troops help Mali retake captured town ... Rebels driven out of town of Konna after France launches air strikes to halt advances by fighters.
Open file 4006
Wealth not solving poverty

Oxfam says world's rich could end poverty ... UK-based charity says the world's 100 richest people earned enough in 2012 to end global poverty four times over.
Open file 4007
Intelligence versus Public Health

White House Should Explicitly Ban Intelligence Involvement in Public Health Campaigns
Open file 4008
World News from AJE
AJE Opinion

Listing of AJE Opinion for the period from 2010 thru end 2012
Open file 4009
The Occupy Movement

Santiago Zabala ... A philosophy for the protesters ... The OWS movement grew out of the philosophical paradox that our financial system could not contain flaws.
Open file 4010
Country ... USA
Activism ... Occupy Wall Street

Danny Schechter ... Is it time to occupy the world? ... If the Occupy movement hopes to achieve anything, they must organise and create a proactive strategy.
Open file 4011
Country ... Israel
Mossad's Operations

Kill Him Silently ... The story behind Mossad's bungled bid to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal.
Open file 4012
Country ... USA

Secretary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack ... Secretary of state shows rare outburst of anger in hearing over deadly attack on US consulate in Libya.
Open file 4013
Lack of transparency

Green is the New Red ... FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists
Open file 4014
Peter Gowan

CRISIS IN THE HEARTLAND ... Consequences of the New Wall Street System
Open file 4015
Peter Gowan

Obituary ... Peter Gowan, activist and academic, born 15 January 1946; died 12 June 2009
Open file 4016
Banking ... CitiGroup
To Hell with the Client

Did Citigroup Defraud Billions from U.S. Ally Abu Dhabi? ... Abu Dhabi has likely learned an important lesson about how Wall Street does business. An investigative report reveals the company's nasty dealings.
Open file 4017
World News AJE

Listing of Articles by Dean Baker
Open file 4018
Peter Burgess
Integrated Planning for Refugee Affected Areas ... Malawi

Peter Burgess was the Team Leader for UNDP's multi-agency Integrated Planning for Refugee Affected Areas ... Malawi in 1987
Open file 4019
A small piece of the puzzle

Biochar’s Potential to Help is Rich, but Hurdles Remain
Open file 4020
Technology and Education

Revolution Hits the Universities
Open file 4021
Country ... USA
National Character

Bill Maher: How Did America Become a Country of 'D*ckless Armchair Warriors'? ... We're no longer the home of the brave.
Open file 4022
Country ... USA
About Republicans

Finally, the Swaggering Republicans Are Afraid ... House Speaker Boehner warned his fellow GOPers that Obama may be preparing “to annihilate” the GOP, marking a stunning reversal of fortune.
Open file 4023
Country ... USA

How the NRA Went From Best Friend of the Nation's Police to Harsh Enemy of Law Enforcement ... As it became less willing to compromise over even minor gun controls, the NRA is now on the bad side of police.
Open file 4024
Healthcare Information For All (HIFA)

AfroNet meassage about the HIFA initiative launching for 2013 to 2015 ... [afro-nets] HIFA 2013 Challenge: Meeting the information needs of prescribers and users of medicines
Open file 4025
Country ... USA

Obama's Failure to Punish Banks Should Be Causing Serious Social Unrest ... A new PBS Frontline report examines outrageous steps Obama's administration took to protect Wall St. Wall Street from prosecutions.
Open file 4026
The Untouchables

A PBS Frontline report asks some tough questions ... but the answers are unsatisfactory
Open file 4027
Measuring Shared Value

FSG ... Measuring Shared Value ... How to Unlock Value by Linking Social and Business Results
Open file 4028
World News ... PBS

A listing for the period February 2013
Open file 4029
Country ... USA
Holding banks accountable

New York Attorney General Schneiderman takes on JPMorgan Chase ... pdf of the inditement
Open file 4030
World News AJE

A listing of AJE pieces with a focus on Egypt ... January 2013
Open file 4031
World News AJE

A listing of AJE pieces with a focus on Turkey ... January 2013
Open file 4032
World News AJE

A listing of AJE pieces with a focus on Mali ... January 2013
Open file 4033
Country ... Tunisia
What way forward? The perils of identity politics in Tunisia ...

The outcome of the Tunisian revolution still hangs in the balance.
Open file 4034
Country ... USA
Book Review

The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism by Andrew J. Bacevich
Open file 4035
Country ... North Korea
Technology and transparency

Revealing N Korea's gulag and nuclear sites ... Google's newly updated maps show unprecedented detail in aerial imagery of isolated labour camps and missile launch pad.
Open file 4036
People ... USA
Eleanor Holmes Norton

Eleanor Holmes Norton is a Congresswomen from the District of Columbia who joins Rachel Maddow quite often to address all sorts of issues. She also a frequent guest on PBS programs.
Open file 4037
Country ... USA
MacCain and Hagel

TRMS ... About Senator John MacCain and Senator Chuck Hagel ... their history and the Senate Hearings about confirming Hagel as Secretary of Defense.
Open file 4038
Country ... Spain
Transparency / Corruption

Spanish PM denies secret payments scandal ... Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says the allegations of undeclared donations published by a Spanish newspaper are false.
Open file 4039
World News AJE

A listing of AJE pieces with a focus on Spain ... January 2013
Open file 4040
People ... USA
Ed Koch ... Mayor of New York 1978 to 1989

Howard Barbanel ... Ed Koch: He Did Just Fine
Open file 4041
People ... USA
Ed Koch ... Mayor of New York 1978 to 1989

Ed Koch, New York's colorful longtime former mayor, dies
Open file 4042
The Bill and Melinda Gates Initiative

The Annual Letter from the The Bill and Melinda Gates Initiative
Open file 4043
Jonathan Oppenheimer

Jonathan Oppenheimer is interested in developing a framework to encourage healthy people on a healthy planet.
Open file 4044
The End of Economic Growth

Richard Heinberg ... an advocate for change in the way the economic decisions are made ... PostCarbonInstitute
Open file 4045
Country ... USA

Doctor slams debt, health care in front of president ... Dr. Ben Carson on Obama's reaction ... A Fox interview
Open file 4046

Why is the USA way behind the rest of the world?
Open file 4047
Part of the White House dialog

Clif Carothers ... Ironically, Trickle Down Economics Trickled Down America's Future
Open file 4048
Country ... USA
Governance ... Reform of metrics

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: establish more meaningful metrics for the measurement of progress and performance throughout the economy and society
Open file 4049
Country ... Scotland
The issue of independence

Stiglitz: only independence will let Scots tackle income divide
Open file 4050
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