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TVM Dialog List 1064
3151 - 3200
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Gaia Metrics ... Methodology

Uses asset-based methods and information technologies for mapping environmental, social and economic data
Open file 3151
Initiative of the Center for Sustainable Organizations

A presentation by Mark McElroy highlighting need for Context Based Metrics (CBM) and also shows GRI system of reporting has major weaknesses
Open file 3152
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

A presentation by Mark McElroy that suggests that GRI reporting has major weaknesses
Open file 3153
What does GAIA mean? What is it?

The study of planetary habitability is partly based upon extrapolation from knowledge of the Earth's conditions, as the Earth is the only planet currently known to harbour life
Open file 3154
Energy ... Solar
Renewable, clean but how costly?

Brooklyn's Self-Powered Solar Building: A Game-Changer for Green Construction?
Open file 3155
TVM Contacts
Emergency Response

People associated with Emergency Response for incidents like Haiti Earthquake. Katrina and Isaac Hurricanes
Open file 3156
Country ... Iraq
Justice for all -v- War on Terror

Tutu urges trial for Blair and Bush over Iraq ... Nobel Peace Laureate says former leaders of UK and US left world more destabilised as result of their roles in 2003 war.
Open file 3157
Country ... USA
Leadership ... President Bush

Bush 'sickened' by Iraq war reasons ... Former US president expresses regret over the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
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Country ... USA
Policy Options ... Iraq

October 2012 ... US defends Iraq record ... Washington rebuffs claims of under-reporting the number of civilian deaths and ignoring prisoner abuse by Iraqi forces.
Open file 3159
Country ... USA
Jobs ... Labor Day

On Labor Day, remembering circus detectives, doup fixers, other jobs lost because of progress
Open file 3160
sheri lucia ‏@sherilucia

A collection of human thoughts ... nice
Open file 3161
Country ... USA

The history of labor day ... the first Monday in September
Open file 3162
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... the GOP Convention

According to the New Yorker commentator ... JUST FORGET IT
Open file 3163
Hunger Games: The price of feeding the world

September 2012 ... AJE Inside Story ... Have banks been speculating on food markets and could this contribute to pushing millions into hunger and poverty?
Open file 3164
Country ... South Africa
Working conditions in the mining industry

South Africa frees first batch of miners ... Release follows earlier decision to drop murder charges against 270 workers over deaths of colleagues.
Open file 3165
Country ... Western Sahara
Is Western Sahara like Palestine?

Can the BDS movement go global? ... Mark LeVine discusses widening the scope of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement with Stephen Zunes.
Open file 3166
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Flood of misinformation

SignOn PETITION ... Mainstream media: Report the facts and call out candidates when they lie
Open file 3167
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... history matters

Why Paul Ryan will vote 'no' on deficit commission report ... he praised Obama's debt commission report at an event Thursday. but said he wouldn't vote for it because it fattened health care.
Open file 3168
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates: Changing the world The founders of the world's largest transparently operated private foundation talk about their visions and ambitions.
Open file 3169
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Is Ryan a mistake for the GOP?

Saving 'Lyin' Ryan' ... Will the media have enough mettle to call out Paul Ryan on his campaign of blatant lies?
Open file 3170
Country ... France
French unemployment hits 13-year high

Pressure builds on President Francois Hollande as number of unemployed people passes three million.
Open file 3171
Country ... USA

Open file 3172
Country ... France
The question of taxation

France votes to raise taxes on the rich ... New measures, such as increases in wealth and inheritance taxes, have angered wealthy citizens.
Open file 3173
Country ... USA

Food riots predicted over US crop failure ... Analysts say crippling drought in the US likely to trigger unrest in impoverished nations dependent on food imports.
Open file 3174
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... What is the GOP doing?

Obama hounded by conspiracy theories ... Lies and half-truths are nothing new in US elections but why is this cycle seeing new lows in campaign standards?
Open file 3175
Corporate Responsibility
Conflict Minerals

raisehopeforcongo ... Taking Conflict Out of Consumer Gadgets: Company Rankings on Conflict Minerals 2012
Open file 3176
Corporate Responsibility
Conflict Minerals

raisehopeforcongo ... Taking Conflict Out of Consumer Gadgets: Company Rankings on Conflict Minerals 2012 ... Rankings of specific companies
Open file 3177
Country ... Congo
Conflict Minerals

New Enough Report: Dodd-Frank Bill Leads to Decrease in Conflict Minerals Trade in Congo, Smuggling Remains a Concern
Open file 3178
Country ... UK

Construction figures deal blow to government housebuilding plans
Open file 3179
Australian Sheep

Australian sheep stranded in the Gulf ... Two vessels carrying more than 70,000 sheep refused permission to dock by Bahrain and Kuwait due to infection fears.
Open file 3180
Australian Sheep

Two stories here: 2003: Sheep at sea find home at last ... 2006: Protests over Australian sheep export
Open file 3181
Country ... USA

A Peter Burgess rant about the clearing process in the modern US banking system, and related issues such as 'know your customer' and the large scale misfeasance in the global banking industry
Open file 3182
Renewable energy ... algae

Grow Your Own Energy ... A NASA-backed experiment harvests algae for oil, releases fresh water.
Open file 3183
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 .. Bill Clinton at DNC

Democratic National Convention 2012 ... The Big Dog as Attack Dog: What to Expect From Bill Clinton’s Convention Speech
Open file 3184
Global Governance ... G8
G-8 summit in Evian, France ... 2003

ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome ... Bishops Asking G-8 Summit to Help Africa ... Cite Need for Progress on Agricultural Trade and Access to Medicines
Open file 3185
Country ... USA
War on Terrorism ... The Iraq War

2003 ... Note our opportunity to be in March for Peace against War in Iraq on Jan 18th in Washington. Thank you
Open file 3186
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Democratic National Convention

The speech of Elizabeth Warren at the 2012 Democratic National Convention
Open file 3187
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Democratic National Convention

The full speech of Bill Clinton at the 2012 Democratic National Convention
Open file 3188
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Mitt Romney

Mitt Slaps Obama Singing Ad, Foiled By Copyright Claim ... but then Mitt Romney's tax returns again take center stage
Open file 3189

Question September 2012 ... Did Citigroup Defraud Billions from U.S. Ally Abu Dhabi?
Open file 3190
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney's wealth

Democracy Now ELECTION 2012 ... Matt Taibbi Reveals How Romney Made His Fortune ... It Ain't Pretty, and He Shouldn't Be Proud of It ... 'Earned' is a very generous way to put it.
Open file 3191
Country ... USA
Eco-Metrics ... Pew Report 2012

August 2012 ... Pew Report on Social Trends ... The Lost Decade of the Middle Class
Open file 3192
Country ... Pakistan
War on Terror ... hunt for Bin Laden

Charity's foreign staff to leave Pakistan ... Order follows intelligence report alleging link between Save the Children and vaccination drive used in bin Laden hunt.
Open file 3193
Corrupt, immoral and very powerful

How the Big Banks Are Trying to Destroy Our Justice System ... Meet the lawyer who keeps getting Citigroup off the hook for fraud.
Open file 3194
Games for Development ... Play to Decide

Matt Cooperander has a blog researching Games for Development ... Play to Decide
Open file 3195
Terms of Service ... Users Agreements

August 2012 ... Tumblr Terms of Service ... Users Agreements. These are long and usually have some elements that ensure value accrues to writer of the terms
Open file 3196
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Truth and Lies

Listening Post ... The politics of telling the truth Why has the mainstream US media failed to get past the rhetoric of political ads during this presidential campaign?
Open file 3197
Academic and expert planning gets complex

Academic and expert planning gets complex ... Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation ... good for academics and students but not good for development
Open file 3198
Profit in food investment may be problematic

Hungry for Investment ... The private sector can drive agricultural development in countries that need it most.
Open file 3199
Country ... USA

Mortimer Zuckerman: Those Jobless Numbers Are Even Worse Than They Look ... Still above 8%—and closer to 19% in a truer accounting. Here's a plan for improvement.
Open file 3200
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