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sheri lucia @sherilucia 1,956 TWEETS 137 FOLLOWING 153 FOLLOWERS Tweets 7h sheri lucia @sherilucia Necessary evil? Why is evil necessary 18h sheri lucia @sherilucia I still believe that change can happen, though it's hard & it happens slowly. I still have so much hope for this world. #ows #love #humanity 18h sheri lucia @sherilucia I am another yourself; I am you, and you are me. 18h sheri lucia @sherilucia @im_brown Smile, breathe, and go slowly. 18h sheri lucia @sherilucia 'She is detached from all things; that is why she is one with them. B/c she has let go of herself, she is perfectly fulfilled.' #TaoTeChing 18h sheri lucia @sherilucia To separate oneself from the burden, the angst, the anguish we encounter. To say I am alive, I am wonderful, I am; I am, I am, I am. 18h sheri lucia @sherilucia With whatever happened today, it is so nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet 18h sheri lucia @sherilucia We are all time travelers in a sense. We enter a new timeline with every choice we make or refuse to make or forgot to make. 31 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Just loved Keegan DeWitt - Thunder Clatter http://awe.sm/b46I9 on @hypem 29 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia It's always been this way. Before me, before you, before the ones who came before you. Back and back and back. 28 Aug tabatha coffey @tabathacoffey A real marriage as opposed to a ...??? Retweeted by sheri lucia 28 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Stfu Ann Romney 21 Aug David Seaman @d_seaman Brave people have a way of finding each other. #NDAA #TrapWire Retweeted by sheri lucia 21 Aug Holden Caulfield @im_brown To hell with the inexperienced adolescents giving life lessons and fuck you for telling me there's only one way to live Retweeted by sheri lucia 21 Aug Occupy Congress @OCongress 'I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.' -Martin Luther King, Jr. Retweeted by sheri lucia 21 Aug Kyle Lippert @Kyle_Lippert I think it's already safe to say that Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger's wedding will have the worst music at any wedding ever. Retweeted by sheri lucia 21 Aug Steve Mazepa @zepadeedoodah Quiet down religion, I'm trying to listen to science explain things with logic and reason. Retweeted by sheri lucia 21 Aug Deepak Chopra @DeepakChopra A single point in the heart can expand to liberate the world. Retweeted by sheri lucia 21 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia This is my opportunity for total freedom. #occupyart #socialmovement #visuallearning 21 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia 'I exist as I am, that is enough, if no other in the world be aware I sit content, and if each and all be aware I sit content.' #WaltWhitman 21 Aug Stereogum @stereogum Check out our list of Elliott Smith's 10 best songs http://bit.ly/NYDYHn Retweeted by sheri lucia 21 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Unfuck the world #OWS 21 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Statism: The belief that you require permission to be free. #GetInvolved You live here. 21 Aug Jill Stein @jillstein2012 RT @immobileman: 93 reasons why Obama supporters should switch to Gary Johnson or Jill Stein http://danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/93-reasons-why-obama-supporters-should-switch-to-gary-johnson-or-jill-stein/ … Retweeted by sheri lucia 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Stop cheering every time one of these 'liberal' imperialist murderers disagrees with a conservative imperialist murderer. #Obama 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Obama may be able to repeat feminist ideas that should be common sense, but he will never be a feminist. 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Obama continues 'progressive feminist' war in middle east under the guise of 'liberating' Muslim women from 'oppressive' religious clothing 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Yet Obama continues to carry out this drone war.... 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia yet Obama continues 2 support Israel who regularly stops Palestinian women at checkpoints while they R in labor (causing hundreds of deaths) 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Cool! Obama said one of the easiest things to say in the world, 'rape is bad'. 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia And then he topped it off with an argument held to be pretty much standard by anyone less fascist than the republicans, 20 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia that women should have say in their health care. 20 Aug David Seaman @d_seaman #TrapWire should be getting a lot more coverage by now. Fact that isn't shows the depth of failure of some of our media men & women Retweeted by sheri lucia 17 Aug Rep. Dan Gordon @_RepDanGordon Here is the facebook post that got Brendon Raub snatched up by the FBI. https://www.facebook.com/notes/brandon-j-raub/the-truth/2587924188052 … #NDAA Retweeted by sheri lucia 19 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia NDAA: The Most Important Lawsuit in American History that No One is Talking About http://wp.me/p2jSnk-oi #NDAA 19 Aug Answers Author @AnswersAuthor 'Don't worry about posterity—as Larkin (no sentimentalst) observed 'What will survive of us is love.'' —Helen Dunmore #WritingTip #AmWriting Retweeted by sheri lucia 18 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia @BENintheBUFF well thank you very much :) 18 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia i<3when someone remembers something u said. whether it's something from yesterday, a week ago, or a month, it's like 'wow u actually listen' 17 Aug Jill Stein @jillstein2012 Romney is a wolf in a wolf’s clothing, Obama is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, but they both essentially have the same agenda. @jillstein2012 Retweeted by sheri lucia 17 Aug sheri lucia @sherilucia Yeah, I'm always told this after a long pause of silence. “@BENintheBUFF: @sherilucia You're an interesting person.” |