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TVM Dialog List 1045
2201 - 2250
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Arianna Huffington

Biography of Arianna Huffington ... an impressive figure in the rapidly changing world of journalism
Open file 2201
Secretary Paulson

November 2008 ... Paulson: Near The Finish Line, And Looking Like It
Open file 2202
World News, Society and Economy
Navigation list of interviews by AJE 'Talk to AlJazeera'

AlJazeera English ... Navigation list for 'Talk to AlJazeera' in depth interviews with world leaders
Open file 2203
Country ... Senegal
Fury in Senegal as president seeks third term

January 2012 ... Court approves 85-year-old Abdoulaye Wade's bid for re-election and bars music icon Youssou Ndour from running.
Open file 2204
Country ... Senegal
President Abdoulaye Wade

Once a symbol of democracy on the African continent, the mood has soured towards Senegalese president.
Open file 2205
Rule of Law, Society and Economy
Terms of Use ... GigaOM

The text of the GigaOM terms of service agreeement ... December 1, 2011
Open file 2206
People ... Technical
Time Structure:Data Conference

Speakers for the Time Structure:Data conference with short biographies
Open file 2207
Conferences, Society and Economy
Media Partners for Structure Data Conference

Media Partners for conference being organized by GigaOM ... Structure:Data ... The Big Picture for Big Data
Open file 2208
Conferences, Society and Economy
Technology ... Structure Data

March 2012 in New York ... A conference oreganized by GigaOM ... Structure:Data ... The Big Picture for Big Data
Open file 2209
Conferences, Society and Economy
Technology ... Structure Data

March 2012 in New York ... A conference organized by GigaOM ... The schedule of events / subjects being discussed
Open file 2210
People ... Technical
Time Structure:Data Conference

Speakers for the Time Structure:Data conference with short biographies ... SOME DATA ARE DUPLICATE
Open file 2211
Data, Society and Economy
Benjamin Black ... the OODA loop ... and context

O'Reilly OSCON Data 2011: Benjamin Black, 'Data Information & Context'
Open file 2212
World News, Society and Economy
Navigation list for reporting by AJE

AlJazeera English ... Navigation list for reporting by AlJazeera English about World News
Open file 2213
World News, Society and Economy
AlJazeera English ...Inside Story

LIST of news stories from AlJazeera English Inside Story as of January 2012
Open file 2214
Country ... El Salvador
El Salvador's open wound

El Salvador's bitter civil war ended 20 years ago, but the legacy of the conflict is still felt across the country.
Open file 2215
Activism, Society and Economy
The emerging 'Occupy' movement

“This is Just Practice” The Story of The Wall Street Occupation ... a lot of what you have heard about the Occupy movement is wrong!
Open file 2216
Economic Trends, Society and Economy
Does growth equal progress ... the myth of GDP

Does growth equal progress ... the myth of GDP. A set of time series graphs from DEMOS about progress versus GDP
Open file 2217
Metrics, Society and Economy
Community Indicator Projects

TO BE EDITED ... Some recent Community Indicator Projects around the United States compiled by The Institute for Innovation in Social Policy at Vassar College
Open file 2218
Metrics, Society and Economy
Canada ... Alberta Genuine Progress Indicator

TO BE EDITED Canada ... Alberta Genuine Progress Indicator ... The Alberta GPI: 51 Indicators of 'Progress'
Open file 2219
Population, Society and Economy
Dabate about population crisis

Sir Richard Attenborough discusses how many people can live on planet earth? - BBC Horizon (HD)
Open file 2220
Politics, Society and Economy
Bill Maher panel trying to make some sense!

January 2012 ... Real Time Panel Embarrasses Dana Rohrabacher After He Claims Obama Wants ‘To Gut The Military’
Open file 2221
People ... US Politics
Mitt Romney

January 2012 ... Mitt Romney: Young People Are Concerned About Issues Like Global Warming ... and his view on taking drugs!
Open file 2222
Energy. Society and Economy
Technical Sense from the Rocky Mountain Institute

Picking up the $500 Billion Bill on The Ground: Driving the Next Industrial Revolution Through Efficiency
Open file 2223
People ... Energy
Joe Rohm

Blogger on energy matters ... He is a Senior Fellow at American Progress and holds a Ph.D. in physics from MIT
Open file 2224
Banking, Society and Economy
The Next Bailout: Helping Homeowners in Distress

Remembering 2008 ... the housing bubble and financial sector implosion. This was before Obama became President!
Open file 2225
World News, Society and Economy
Reporting by AlJazeera English

Some of the AJE reports accessible on January 29, 2012
Open file 2226
Activism, Society and Economy
Oakland police clash with Occupy protesters

January 28, 2011 ... More than 300 arrested as anti-foreclosure demonstrators attempt to take over city's vacant convention centre.
Open file 2227
History, Society and Economy
World War II ... Operation Barbarossa

Operation Barbarossa was the name given to Nazi Germany’s invasion of Russia on June 22nd 1941
Open file 2228
People ... US Politics
Ron Paul

The danger of Ron Paul success
Open file 2229
Ron Paul

Economists weigh in on Ron Paul ... Al Jazeera speaks to five economists about the presidential candidate’s economic policies.
Open file 2230
People ... US Politics
Will the media let Ron Paul question US foreign policy?

Robert Naiman writing notes that Republican candidate Ron Paul, unlike other members of his party, is critical of US support for Israel.
Open file 2231
Technology, Society and Economy
Web based tools

50 Fun, Useful, and Totally Random Resources for Nonprofits ... but are these tools going to help address any really important issues?
Open file 2232
Workplace Safety, Society and Economy
Is Apple the poster child for workplace irresponsibility?

Inside Apple's Hidden Factories. Finally ... but it is only a very tentative view. The supply chain remains hidden and probably unacceptable
Open file 2233
Workplace Safety, Society and Economy
Is Apple the poster child for workplace irresponsibility?

January 2012 ... Some of many comments on a New York Times article about workplace practices at Apple supply contractors
Open file 2234
Freedom. Society and Economy
Burgess Brief

January 2012 ... In a free society, there are choices.
Open file 2235
Can Canada overcome its 'Katrina moment'?

As the country's prime minister meets with aboriginal chiefs, we look at the plight of some First Nations communities.
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2012 13:25 GMT 2012/01/201212495349531381.html
Open file 2236
Public Finance, Society and Economy
Deepening eurozone crisis?

Germany's weak bond sale auction sparks fears that the debt crisis is beginning to threaten Europe's strongest economy.
Last Modified: 23 Jan 2012 20:59 GMT 2011/11/20111124159467389.html
Open file 2237
Why are Libyans protesting again?
As anger grows over the slow pace of reform, we ask if the transitional government can handle the shift to democracy.
Last Modified: 23 Jan 2012 11:31 GMT 2012/01/201212354345879885.html
Open file 2238
Showdown in South Carolina
As Republican nominees prepare to face off in the primary in the south, what lies ahead in the nomination race?
Last Modified: 23 Jan 2012 11:31 GMT 2012/01/201212110155862926.html
Open file 2239
Is the Middle East on the verge of cyber war?
In a new front to the decades-long conflict, cyber attacks are taking place between Israeli and Saudi hackers.
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2012 15:43 GMT 2012/01/201212115335259883.html
Open file 2240
US oil pipeline: Storm in a barrel?
As the US shelves the TransCanada project, we ask if the real reason is environmental concerns or a political ploy.
Last Modified: 20 Jan 2012 09:37 GMT 2012/01/20121209714203564.html
Open file 2241
Who is Pakistan's supreme court really after?
As the country's prime minister faces contempt of court proceedings, we ask who the real target is in this trial.
Last Modified: 20 Jan 2012 08:25 GMT 201211913464636923.html
Open file 2242
Minorities: A growing force in US politics
Minorities are changing the US electoral calculus, but will that benefit Democrats or Republicans?
Last Modified: 19 Jan 2012 14:41 GMT 2012/01/201211973925418731.html
Open file 2243
SOPA: Freedom or profits?
As proposed US anti-piracy laws spark a legal storm, we ask if they are compatible with internet freedoms.
Last Modified: 19 Jan 2012 11:22 GMT 2012/01/2012119825425954.html
Open file 2244
Myanmar: What is in it for the US?
As US officials visit, we ask if progress is underway or if Myanmar's president is the public face of the old junta.
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2012 12:50 GMT 2012/01/20121186253273366.html
Open file 2245
Is the IMF right for Romania?
As the IMF proposes a fiscal squeeze, we ask if austerity is the correct prescription for Romania's troubled economy.
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2012 12:41 GMT 2012/01/201211893834749122.html
Open file 2246
The cost of Iranian oil
As pressure mounts on China to reduce its reliance on Iranian oil, will Arab countries be able to pick up the slack?
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2012 11:53 GMT 2012/01/201211794617483368.html
Open file 2247
History, Society and Economy
El Salvador's open wound

El Salvador's bitter civil war ended 20 years ago, but the legacy of the conflict is still felt across the country.
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2012 11:52 GMT 2012/01/201211782215341419.html
Open file 2248
Metrics, Society and Economy
About the USA

Key metrics about the country as a whole ... USAometer
Open file 2249
Metrics, Society and Economy
Some data about the world

Worldometers ... some data about the world
Open file 2250
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