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World News, Society and Economy
Navigation list of interviews by AJE 'Talk to AlJazeera'

AlJazeera English ... Navigation list for 'Talk to AlJazeera' in depth interviews with world leaders


Peter Burgess

Markus Kerber: 'One size cannot fit all'
A strong critic of the euro explains why he thinks the currency union is doomed to fail.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 24 Dec 2011 11:55 GMT

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Europe in crisis: Hope vs despair
Klaus Regling and Marcus Kerber share their opposing views on the future of the euro with Talk to Al Jazeera.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 20 Dec 2011 13:59 GMT

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Klaus Regling: 'There is enough firepower'
The CEO of the European bailout fund explains why his fund's ability to rescue Europe should not be underestimated.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 17 Dec 2011 13:40 GMT

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Ban Ki-moon: 'My role is to serve the people'
The UN secretary-general discusses the climate conference in Durban, the Goldstone report and Syria's uprising.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 11 Dec 2011 15:02 GMT

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Jeffrey Sachs: 'That's not a free market, that's a game'
The controversial economist talks about the collapse of the global financial system and how to end the crisis.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 11 Dec 2011 07:42 GMT

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Abdiweli Mohamed Ali: 'Ready to move on'
Will Somalia's new prime minister be able to fight famine and corruption in order to build a functioning state?
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 05 Dec 2011 12:54 GMT

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William Caldwell: Leaving Afghanistan
Will Afghan authorities really be ready to take control of their country's own security?
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 03 Dec 2011 14:14 GMT

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Mohamed Saad Katatni: 'Not a religious party'
What does the Muslim Brotherhood want for Egypt's future?
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 27 Nov 2011 16:08 GMT

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Rostam Qasemi
Iran's oil minister says oil could be used as a political tool, if necessary.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 19 Nov 2011 13:25 GMT

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Guan Jianzhong: Downgrading the US
The chairman of China's only independent credit rating agency warns they might have to downgrade the US again.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 13 Nov 2011 12:07 GMT

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Europe in crisis: Hope vs despair Klaus Regling and Marcus Kerber share their opposing views on the future of the euro with Talk to Al Jazeera. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 20 Dec 2011 13:59 GMT

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Klaus Regling: 'There is enough firepower' The CEO of the European bailout fund explains why his fund's ability to rescue Europe should not be underestimated. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 17 Dec 2011 13:40 GMT

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Ban Ki-moon: 'My role is to serve the people' The UN secretary-general discusses the climate conference in Durban, the Goldstone report and Syria's uprising. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 11 Dec 2011 15:02 GMT

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Jeffrey Sachs: 'That's not a free market, that's a game' The controversial economist talks about the collapse of the global financial system and how to end the crisis. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 11 Dec 2011 07:42 GMT

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Abdiweli Mohamed Ali: 'Ready to move on' Will Somalia's new prime minister be able to fight famine and corruption in order to build a functioning state? Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 05 Dec 2011 12:54 GMT

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William Caldwell: Leaving Afghanistan Will Afghan authorities really be ready to take control of their country's own security? Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 03 Dec 2011 14:14 GMT

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Mohamed Saad Katatni: 'Not a religious party' What does the Muslim Brotherhood want for Egypt's future? Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 27 Nov 2011 16:08 GMT

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Rostam Qasemi Iran's oil minister says oil could be used as a political tool, if necessary. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 19 Nov 2011 13:25 GMT

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Guan Jianzhong: Downgrading the US
The chairman of China's only independent credit rating agency warns they might have to downgrade the US again.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 13 Nov 2011 12:07 GMT

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Jin Liqun: Europe induces 'sloth, indolence'
The chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund remains sceptical about supporting a European bailout.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 27 Dec 2011 15:38 GMT

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Arianna Huffington: Beyond left and right
The co-founder of The Huffington Post on why the old concept of the political left and right marginalises issues.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 29 Jan 2012 10:27 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Vangelis: A message of hope
The internationally celebrated Greek composer talks about the role of music in times of chaos, crisis and uncertainty.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 22 Jan 2012 13:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Zhang Weiwei: The China Wave
The scholar and author discusses if we are entering a new era of Chinese exceptionalism.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 14 Jan 2012 15:56 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Yehuda Bauer: Israel's genocidal nationalists As tensions grow between ultra-Orthodox Jews and the Israeli state, the scholar discusses Jewish identity and extremism. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 08 Jan 2012 16:12 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Jin Liqun: Europe induces 'sloth, indolence' The chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund remains sceptical about supporting a European bailout. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 27 Dec 2011 15:38 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Markus Kerber: 'One size cannot fit all' A strong critic of the euro explains why he thinks the currency union is doomed to fail. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 24 Dec 2011 11:55 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Europe in crisis: Hope vs despair Klaus Regling and Marcus Kerber share their opposing views on the future of the euro with Talk to Al Jazeera. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 20 Dec 2011 13:59 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Klaus Regling: 'There is enough firepower' The CEO of the European bailout fund explains why his fund's ability to rescue Europe should not be underestimated. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 17 Dec 2011 13:40 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Ban Ki-moon: 'My role is to serve the people' The UN secretary-general discusses the climate conference in Durban, the Goldstone report and Syria's uprising. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 11 Dec 2011 15:02 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Jeffrey Sachs: 'That's not a free market, that's a game' The controversial economist talks about the collapse of the global financial system and how to end the crisis. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 11 Dec 2011 07:42 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Abdiweli Mohamed Ali: 'Ready to move on' Will Somalia's new prime minister be able to fight famine and corruption in order to build a functioning state? Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 05 Dec 2011 12:54 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera William Caldwell: Leaving Afghanistan Will Afghan authorities really be ready to take control of their country's own security? Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 03 Dec 2011 14:14 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Mohamed Saad Katatni: 'Not a religious party' What does the Muslim Brotherhood want for Egypt's future? Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 27 Nov 2011 16:08 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Rostam Qasemi Iran's oil minister says oil could be used as a political tool, if necessary. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 19 Nov 2011 13:25 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Guan Jianzhong: Downgrading the US The chairman of China's only independent credit rating agency warns they might have to downgrade the US again. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 13 Nov 2011 12:07 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Slavoj Zizek: Capitalism with Asian values The philosopher discusses the momentous changes taking place in the global financial and political system. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 13 Nov 2011 12:03 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Ed Koch New York City's former mayor says he has the answer to finding peace in the Middle East. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 22 Oct 2011 15:17 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talks to Al Jazeera 'Iran is a free, independent country and it would be in the best interests of the US to be on the side of Iran.' Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 18 Oct 2011 14:28 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Michael Sandel 'I think that the Arab world is better off, the world as a whole is better off as a result of the Arab spring.' Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 17 Oct 2011 07:57 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Donald Rumsfeld The former US secretary of defence reflects on the change he would like to see in the Arab world. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 06 Oct 2011 14:56 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera FW de Klerk Has South Africa lost touch with Mandela's legacy and can new Arab democracies learn from the South African experience? Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 30 Sep 2011 09:49 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Nabil Shaath: 'I have seen peace work' The senior PLO negotiator talks about the prospects for a Palestinian state and the search for 'relative justice'. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 20 Sep 2011 13:45 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Colin Powell The former US secretary of state reflects on the events of 9/11 and whether or not they changed the world. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 19 Sep 2011 15:28 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Pervez Musharraf Pakistan's former president looks back at how his country dealt with the aftermath of 9/11. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 10 Sep 2011 09:19 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Mauricio Funes The president of El Salvador discusses his plans to tackle one of the highest murder rates in the world. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 15 Aug 2011 10:05 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Salam Fayyad The prime minister of the Palestinian Authority tells Al Jazeera why Palestine is ready for statehood. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 06 Aug 2011 08:36 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Nabil el-Arabi The secretary-general of the Arab League in conversation with Ayman Mohyeldin. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 05 Aug 2011 11:05 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Danny Danon talks to Al Jazeera The deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset tells Al Jazeera that he does not believe in a two-state solution. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 05 Aug 2011 10:58 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Benigno Aquino III The president of the Philippines talks to Al Jazeera about his family's legacy and his efforts to tackle corruption. Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 12 Jul 2011 14:07 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Thaksin Shinawatra The former Thai PM speaks to Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay about his self-imposed exile and the future of his country. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 25 Jun 2011 13:44 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Khaled Meshaal The Hamas leader speaks to Al Jazeera's Rawya Rageh about reconciling differences among Palestinian factions. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 07 May 2011 11:16 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Libya has seen the emergence of a host of new voices, including that of Muammar Gaddafi's second-eldest son. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 05 Mar 2011 03:50 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Franco Frattini The Italian foreign minister speaks to Al Jazeera about Italy's long relationship with Libya. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 01 Mar 2011 15:10 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Yoweri Museveni The Ugandan president talks to Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow about being in power for a quarter of a century. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 18 Feb 2011 17:28 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Ahmet Davutoglu Turkey's foreign minister talks about the transformation underway in the Middle East and Turkey's role in the region. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 16 Feb 2011 16:06 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Omar al-Bashir The Sudanese president talks to Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow about the historic referendum in southern Sudan. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 09 Jan 2011 14:41 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Mohamed Nasheed The Maldivian president speaks to Al Jazeera about his goals and challenges in dealing with climate change. Talk to Jazeera Last Modified: 06 Dec 2010 14:38 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf The chairman of the controversial Cordoba House Initiative in New York in conversation with Sami Zeidan. Last Modified: 24 Oct 2010 11:32 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Talk to Al Jazeera Al Jazeera interviews the people making the headlines. Last Modified: 29 Aug 2010 10:21 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Paul Kagame The Rwandan president talks about allegations he has suppressed the country's opposition. Last Modified: 15 Aug 2010 06:30 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Karim Massimov The prime minister of Kazakhstan in conversation with Al Jazeera's Jane Dutton. Last Modified: 05 Jul 2010 13:57 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Charles Bolden The Nasa administrator and astronaut in conversation with Al Jazeera's Imran Garda. Last Modified: 01 Jul 2010 12:56 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Thabo Mbeki The former South African president talks to Al Jazeera about an African renaissance. Last Modified: 09 Jun 2010 13:25 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Talk to Jazeera: George Papandreou The Greek prime minister talks about his country's debt crisis. Last Modified: 25 May 2010 12:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva The popular president of Brazil in conversation with Nick Clark. Last Modified: 18 May 2010 14:32 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Idriss Deby The president of Chad in conversation with Hashem Ahelbarra. Last Modified: 15 May 2010 12:10 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Talk to Jazeera: Boris Tadic The Serbian president in conversation with Al Jazeera's Barnaby Phillips. Last Modified: 27 Apr 2010 15:03 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Haris Silajdzic The president of Bosnia and Herzegovina in conversation with Imran Garda. Last Modified: 17 Mar 2010 12:41 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Kofi Annan The former secretary-general of the United Nations in conversation with Teymoor Nabili. Last Modified: 11 Mar 2010 22:50 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera President Isaias Afewerki The Eritrean president in a rare interview with al Jazeera's Jane Dutton. Last Modified: 22 Feb 2010 18:07 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Hamid Gul The former head of Pakistan's intelligence agency - ISI - in conversation with Al Jazeera. Last Modified: 19 Feb 2010 16:20 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton's townhall meeting in Doha, Qatar. Last Modified: 18 Feb 2010 20:18 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Ali Akbar Salehi The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Agency talks to Al Jazeera's Nazanine Moshiri. Last Modified: 13 Feb 2010 09:09 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Talk to Al Jazeera: Ismail Haniya Ismail Haniya, the Hamas prime minister, in conversation with Al Jazeera's Zeina Awad. Last Modified: 18 Dec 2009 13:22 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Interview: Shah Mehmood Qureshi Pakistan's foreign minister discusses the challenges facing his country. Last Modified: 02 Nov 2009 11:55 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Interview: Judge Richard Goldstone The author of the UN report into the war on Gaza talks to Al Jazeera. Last Modified: 28 Oct 2009 11:00 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Talk to Jazeera: Asif Ali Zardari Al Jazeera's Sohail speaks exclusively with Pakistan's new president. Last Modified: 03 Nov 2008 14:40 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Ehud Barak talks to Jazeera Part 1 Israeli defence minister on settlements, security and his political aspirations. Last Modified: 27 Sep 2008 18:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Ehud Barak talks to Al Jazeera Part 2 Israeli defence minister on settlements, security and his political aspirations. Last Modified: 27 Sep 2008 18:13 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Thabo Mbeki talks to Jazeera South African president discusses his role in the political deadlock in Zimbabwe. Last Modified: 16 May 2008 09:59 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Evo Morales talks to Al Jazeera Bolivian president defends his new constitution and accuses US of 'conspiracy'. Last Modified: 28 Mar 2008 07:26 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Evo Morales talks to Al Jazeera Bolivian president defends his new constitution and accuses US of 'conspiracy'. Last Modified: 28 Mar 2008 07:26 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Hans Blix talks to Jazeera Former UN weapons inspector talks WMDs five years after the start of the war in Iraq. Last Modified: 28 Mar 2008 07:18 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Hans Blix talks to Jazeera Former UN weapons inspector talks WMDs five years after the start of the war in Iraq. Last Modified: 28 Mar 2008 07:18 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Khaled Meshaal The head of Hamas's political bureau discusses the leaked US plan to arm Fatah. Last Modified: 08 Mar 2008 10:04 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Hamid Karzai Al Jazeera's James Bays interviews Afghanistan's president. Last Modified: 18 Feb 2008 14:54 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Meles Zenawi Mohammed Adow talks to the Ethiopian prime minister. Last Modified: 03 Dec 2007 11:19 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Martin McGuinness Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher talks to the former commander in the Irish Republican Army. Last Modified: 02 Dec 2007 11:23 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Manouchehr Mottaki The Iranian foreign minister talks to Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna. Last Modified: 28 Nov 2007 10:27 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Part I Part II Omar Hassan al-Bashir The president of Sudan talks exclusively to Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall Salem. Last Modified: 28 Nov 2007 10:05 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Transcript: Manouchehr Mottaki Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna talks with Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister. Last Modified: 28 Nov 2007 09:47 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Boris Tadic The President of Serbia talks to Al Jazeera's Stephen Cole. Last Modified: 27 Nov 2007 15:34 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Shaukat Aziz The prime minister of Pakistan talks to Al Jazeera's Sohail Rahman. Last Modified: 27 Nov 2007 14:04 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Transcript:Omar al Bashir interview Omar Hassan Al Bashir, President of Sudan, talks exclusively to Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall Salem. Last Modified: 15 Nov 2007 13:08 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Ban Ki-moon The US secretary-general talks to Al Jazeera. Last Modified: 15 Oct 2007 09:06 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Mahmoud Abbas The president of the Palestinian Authority talks to Al Jazeera's Nour Odeh. Last Modified: 15 Oct 2007 08:50 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera President Hamid Karzai The president of Afghanistan talks to Al Jazeera. Last Modified: 15 Oct 2007 08:33 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Bernard Kouchner The French foreign minister talks to Al Jazeera. Last Modified: 15 Oct 2007 08:31 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Watch TALK TO JAZEERA Online Talk to Jazeera episodes can be watched in full here. Last Modified: 04 Oct 2007 14:06 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Azmi Bishara The former Arab member of the Israeli Knesset talks about facing more charges. Last Modified: 18 Sep 2007 12:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Pervez Musharraf Pakistan's president talks about Afghanistan and dealing with militancy at home. Last Modified: 18 Sep 2007 12:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Iyad Allawi The former Iraqi prime minister talks about the challenges facing the country. Last Modified: 18 Sep 2007 12:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Haris Silajdzic Sami Zeidan talks to him about the future and the foundations of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Last Modified: 18 Sep 2007 12:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera General Mark Kimmitt The assistant US secretary of defence talks to Al Jazeera. Last Modified: 18 Sep 2007 12:15 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Talk to Jazeera Al Jazeera interviews the people making the headlines. Last Modified: 10 Jun 2007 08:07 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Khaled Meshaal The head of Hamas' political bureau talks to Al Jazeera's Sami Zeidan. Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 13:41 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera Brigadier General Robert Holmes The deputy director of operations for US Central Command talks to Al Jazeera. Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 13:41 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

Thaksin Shinawatra
Al Jazeera's Veronica Pedrosa meets the former Thai prime minister in Dubai.
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 13:22 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
The president of the Philippines talks to Al Jazeera's Veronica Pedrosa.
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 12:23 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed
The leader of the Union of Islamic Courts talks to Al Jazeera.
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 12:23 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Shimon Peres
Al Jazeera's David Foster talks to Israel's deputy prime minister.
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 12:23 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Major General William Caldwell
The spokesman for the multinational forces in Iraq talks to Al Jazeera.
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 12:22 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Meles Zenawi
Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons talks to the prime minister of Ethiopia.
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2007 12:22 GMT Talk to Al Jazeera

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Talk to Al Jazeera
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2011 13:59 GMT
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