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TVM Dialog List 1044
2151 - 2200
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Education, Society and Economy
Higher education ... open courseware movement

Open file 2151
Organizations ... Education

Open file 2152
Organizations ... Education
Peer-to-Peer University, based in California. Known as P2PU

Open file 2153
Organizations ... Education
University of the People

Open file 2154
Lobbying, Society and Economy
Revolving door

People with political connections swarm around the halls of Congress ... lobbying, a legal form of corrupting politics
Open file 2155
Internet, Society and Economy
Internet freedom is winning?

Donny Shaw, of 'Fight for the Future' writes that SOPA has become toxic ... Freedom is winning.
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Internet, Society and Economy
The fight to maintain Internet freedom

January 2012 ... The Largest Online Protest In History Started Here
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Internet, Society and Economy
Fight to maintain Internet freedom

New York Times reports that huge Public Outcry Over Antipiracy Bills Began as Grass-Roots Grumbling
Open file 2158
Internet, Society and Economy
Fighting to maintain Internet Freedom

IdeaLab Talking Points on How The Web Killed SOPA and PIPA
Open file 2159
Internet, Society and Economy
Mark Fiore Snuggly SOPA-PIPA

Pulitzer Winning Animated Editorial Cartoonist Mark FioreTakes on SOPA and PIPA
Open file 2160
People ... Internet Industry
Movers and Shakers

The people who organized the fight for Internet Freedom and opposition to the SOPA and PIPA legislation in the US Congress
Open file 2161
Internet, Society and Economy
Keeping control of Intellectual Property (IP)

January 19, New York Times reports that former Senator Dodd Calls for Hollywood and Silicon Valley to Meet
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Internet, Society and Economy
Freedom of the Internet is a complex subject

Jaron Lanier, a NYT OP-ED contributor talks about her view of the false ideals of the web
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People ... US Politics
Senator John McCain

January 2012 ... John McCain Goes Off Message, Predicts 'Major Scandal' Related To Unlimited Political Giving
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Manufacturing, Society and Economy
The case of an auto-parts manufacturer

According to Tom Friedman 'Average Is Over' and America cannot compete ... but he is wrong, America has never been average and need not start now!
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Manufacturing, Society and Economy
The case of an auto-parts manufacturer

Adam Davidson: Making It in America ... the issue of jobs and wages AND the issue of business profit and company survival
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Manufacturing, Society and Economy
The case of an auto-parts manufacturer

David Brooks expresses his thoughts after reading the Adam Davidson article in The Atlantic
Open file 2167
People ... US politics
Newt Gingrich

Rachel Maddow on January 27, 2012 presenting about Newt Gingrich ... thinking boldly about the future ... setting up on the moon!
Open file 2168
People ...US Politics
Mitt Romney

Rachel Maddow on January 27, 2012 presenting about Mitt Romney ... problems of financial disclosure ... issue of gays ...
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Politics, Society and Economy
The US State of Georgia

Rachel Maddow reports on what is going on in the US State of Georgia over the birthplace of President Obama ... the 'birthers'
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Politics, Society and Economy

Rachel Maddow goes after the performance of PolitiFact's checking and interpretation of facts!
Open file 2171
World News, Society and Economy
AlJazeera English articles

Many of the links for the AlJazeera English collection as of Januarty 27, 2012
Open file 2172
People ... Finance
Mohamed A. El-Erian

PLACEHOLDER ... Mohamed A. El-Erian is the CEO and co-CIO of PIMCO, the world's largest bond trader
Open file 2173
People ... Political Leaders
Tony Blair

Open file 2174
People ... Public Intellectual
Howard Zinn

Naom Chomsky ... Remembering Howard Zinn ... The historian and activist dedicated his life to 'the countless small actions of unknown people'.
Open file 2175
War on Terror, Society and Economy
Better to have less War on Terror not more!

Jonathan Hafetz writes Obama's failed human rights moment ... More than 10 years after 9/11, US politicians are expanding the 'War on Terror' instead of scaling it back.
Open file 2176
People ... US Politics
Governor Daniels

Rachel Maddow ... Unions rights being stripped in Indiana
Open file 2177
Activism, Society and Economy
Ms Civil Society vs Mr Unaccountable

Rebecca Solnit ... The Occupy movement has taken the development of civil society into a previously unimaginable direction.
Open file 2178
Activism, Society and Economy
Is it time to occupy the world?

Danny Schechter ... If the Occupy movement hopes to achieve anything, they must organise and create a proactive strategy.
Open file 2179
Country ... Sudan
No agreement between Sudan and South Sudan over oil revenues

Will China help out the West in Sudan? Sudan is holding South Sudan to ransom, but there is no money to pay!
Open file 2180
Country ... Iran
Is Iran going nuclear?

Jim Lobe writes that there is growing elite opposition in US to a strike on Iran over their nuclear bomb development
Open file 2181
Sustainability, Society and Economy
The solutions generation

Robert Costanza ... The next generation will have to bring about major transitions in order to build a more sustainable future.
Open file 2182
Metrics, Society and Economy
GDP growth is no measure of societal progress

Nic Marks ... The accumulation of a nation's wealth bears little relation to the happiness of its citizens, so why measure GDP growth?
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Happiness, Society and Economy
The pursuit of happiness

Robert Costanza ... In Bhutan, progress is measured by how happy people are, not how much wealth people have.
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Energy, Society and Economy
Can nuclear power be part of the solution?

Robert Costanza ... The total costs of producing nuclear power need to be re-evaluated in a more pragmatic way.
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Happiness, Society and Economy
The economics of happiness

Jeffrey Sachs ... In Bhutan, national policy emphasises increasing people's happiness, rather than income.
Open file 2186
Economic Data, Society and Economy
USA ... trend of Federal Government Expenditures

Federal Government Expenditures have declined substantially in Q4 of 2011
Open file 2187
Organizations ... Africa
Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative (AGI)

Tony Blair: Sierra Leone has much to celebrate ... 10 years after the end of war in Sierra Leone
Open file 2188
People ... US Politics
Newt Gingrich

Joe Scarborough writes about the Newt who was in Congress in the 1980s ... 'The Newt I know'
Open file 2189
Happiness, Society and Economy
The official pursuit of happiness

Derek Bok ... Policymakers should focus less on GDP - and more on what researchers have shown to consistently make people happy.
Open file 2190
Metrics, Society and Economy
UK to launch 'happiness' index ...

Government to measure 'general well-being' of population at a time when tough austerity measures are beginning to bite.
Open file 2191
Happiness, Society and Economy
Happiness linked to income

Forget everything your therapist told you and focus on your CV: A new study says that paycheck rules your state of mind.
Open file 2192
Landmines, Society and Economy
Landmines in a militarised culture: Threat or security?

Preethi Nallu ... In Myanmar, landmines are used by the military, non-state armed groups - and even civilians.
Open file 2193
Country ... Tunisia
Tunisia: A revolutionary model

A year after the Jasmine Revolution, can the country's new government fix the vast social injustices that triggered it? Includes excellent interview with Moncef Marzouki, interim President of Tunisia and others
Open file 2194
Workplace Safety, Society and Economy
Working Man's Death ... Brothers

Using little more than their bare hands, gangs of Pakistani workers pull ships apart to sell the scrap metal.
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Workplace Safety, Society and Economy
Working Man's Death ... Heroes

AlJazeera follows Ukrainian miners as they go underground to dig the last pieces of coal from exhausted mine shafts.
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Workplace Safety, Society and Economy
Working Man's Death ... Lions

In a crowded Nigerian slaughterhouse blood, fire and smoke are normal working conditions.
Open file 2197
Workplace Safety, Society and Economy
Working Man's Death ... Ghosts

In east Java, men climb steep paths carrying heavy loads of sulphur rock from the mouth of a volcano.
Open file 2198
Country ... Zimbabwe
To Yuan or not to Yuan, that is the question

January 2012 ... The government of Zimbabwe is considering using China's Yuan as their national currency.
Open file 2199
Sex, Society and Economy
Let’s talk dirty

Pakistan is a 'family values' culture ... but by failing to teach essential information, youth are exploited and womnen die needlessly
Open file 2200
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