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TVM Dialog List 1388
19351 - 19400

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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The Trump Saga
Covid-19 Response /// total failure

Doctor tells Nicolle Wallace why ‘the worst is yet to come’ — and it ‘scared the bejesus’ out of the MSNBC anchor
Open file 19351
Dumb is Dangerous

Massive super-spreader COVID-19 event now underway in South Dakota
Open file 19352
Executive Avarice

Ralph Nader ranks the infinite greed, power and controls of giant corporations
Open file 19353
The Trump Saga
Ignorance is Bliss

Robert Reich dissects Trump’s dangerous lies about the COVID economy
Open file 19354
Systemic Dysfunction
Healthcare crisis

How COVID-19 ‘laid bare’ the crisis of healthcare in America ... pushing back againsat corporate propaganda ... interview with Wendell Potter, founder of the Center for Health and Democracy
Open file 19355
Police Violence
Out of Control

Community Outraged at Police Killing of Andres Guardado
Open file 19356
Event ... Antioch University Webinar
White Fragility

Webinar ... Let’s Talk: White Fragility ... Sharon Kyle & Dick Price, LA Progressive Publisher and Editor
Open file 19357
Media / News
LA Progressive

LA Progressive ... dick_and_sharon ... SUNDAY, 9 AUGUST 2020
Open file 19358
The Health Pandemic
The Value of Social Capital

Adam Gopnik ... The Paradoxical Role of Social Capital in the Coronavirus Pandemic
Open file 19359
Powerful People
Steven Mnuchin

The High-Finance Mogul in Charge of Our Economic Recovery ... How Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin became one of the most consequential policymakers in the world.
Open file 19360
Political Involvement
Working Families Party

My sister in service Ilhan Omar's primary election is on Tuesday ... Pa'lante ... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Open file 19361
Political Involvement
Bold Progressives / Squad Victory Fund

Ilhan’s primary election is in just a few days, Peter
Open file 19362
Events / Speakers
Circularity 20 ... GreenBiz Virtual Summit

Speakers ... Circularity 20 ... GreenBiz Virtual Summit
Open file 19363
Circular Economy

Circular Economy ... articles written by GreenBiz in less than 6 months ... very interesting but how impactful?
Open file 19364
COVID-19 Emergency Response
Election Planning

Chat stream for ZOOM meeting on Auust 10th, 2020
Open file 19365
Economy / Economics
EPI ... Economic Policy Institute

Instead of fair paychecks, corporate America pays big bucks to bust unions
Open file 19366
State of the USA
Chronic Dysfunction

Chris Hedges ... America’s death march: Even beating Trump won’t stop the empire’s terminal decline
Open file 19367
Economy / Economics
EPI Report

EPI ... We can reshore manufacturing jobs, but Trump hasn’t done it ... Trade rebalancing, infrastructure, and climate investments could create 17 million good jobs and rebuild the American economy
Open file 19368
Workplace Conditions

EPI Report ... Fear at work ... An inside account of how employers threaten, intimidate, and harass workers to stop them from exercising their right to collective bargaining
Open file 19369
Sloppiness, Incompetence or Corruption?

The White House Paid Up to $500 Million Too Much for These Ventilators, Congressional Investigators Say
Open file 19370
The Trump Saga
Sloppy Contracting

Taxpayers Paid Millions to Design a Low-Cost Ventilator for a Pandemic. Instead, the Company Is Selling Versions of It Overseas.
Open file 19371
Ecconomy / Economics
Making sure zillionaires aren't inconvenienced

The Pandemic Is a Perfect Time to Soak the Rich ... Democratic leaders are treating billionaires delicately in the hopes that they’ll relinquish their riches on their own. Bernie Sanders has a better idea.
Open file 19372
Politics 2020
The Presidential Race

Noam Chomsky: Trump Is Quite Capable of an “October Surprise”
Open file 19373
Politics / Religion

The true face of white evangelicalism has been exposed ... Falwell — the president of Liberty University
Open file 19374
Media / News
The Finance 202 ... August 12, 2020

The Washington Post ... The Finance 202: ... August 12th 2020 / Kamala Harris annoucement
Open file 19375
Media / News
The Energy 202 ... August 12, 2020

The Washington Post ... The Energy 202: Kamala Harris brings a record on climate change and environmental justice to Biden ticket
Open file 19376
Real Estate
Sidney Hillman Foundation ... August 2020

Evicted without warning ... How Philly’s troubled system leaves some tenants blindsided and locked out of their homes.
Open file 19377
High Finance
Funding Camden New Jersey

Goldman Sachs committed a $41.5 million loan to help finance the project.
Open file 19378
US Politics
Gridlock ... Who is to Blame?

COVID-19 relief talks look dead until September
Open file 19379
Election 2020
Kamala Harris for Vice President

Fox News’ Chris Wallace: Trump Wishes Biden Had Picked Anyone But Kamala Harris
Open file 19380
Media / News
CNBC Morning Squawk

What to watch today: Dow to fall as coronavirus relief talks remain at a stalemate
Open file 19381
Digital Gaming
Apple versus Epic Games

Everything About This Sucks ... about the Apple AppStore
Open file 19382
Politics 2020
The Democratics party is trending more Progressive than Biden-Harris

There’s something much more exciting happening behind the scenes of the Biden-Harris ticket
Open file 19383
The Trump Saga
Mishandling the economic emergency

Nancy Pelosi owns Chris Wallace: 'Clearly you don't have an understanding of what is happening here'
Open file 19384
Thought Leaders
Robert Reich

Here’s how American billionaires have profiteered off the pandemic: Robert Reich
Open file 19385
Election 2020
What are Democrats going to do? ... Eyes turn to Ocasio-Cortez as she seeks to boost Biden ... all eyes are on how the progressive powerhouse will influence the 2020 platform
Open file 19386
Mathematics / Analysis

Why Hundreds of Mathematicians Are Boycotting Predictive Policing ... Some academics are calling the controversial practice a 'scientific veneer for racism.'
Open file 19387
Military / US
Defending the Homeland

Why weren’t fighter jets all over the US scrambled directly after the second hijacked plane hit the tower?
Open file 19388
Military / Navy
HMS Victory and USS Constitution

How would the USS Constitution have fared against HMS Victory?
Open file 19389
Election 2020
Kamala Harris as VP

Kamala Harris as VP completely blows up the Trump campaign's strategy, if it ever had one
Open file 19390
Election 2020
Has Trump already won?

Why Trump is Likely to Win Again ... Swing voters are sick of “social vaporware”
Open file 19391
Election 2020
Has Trump already won?

Americans are Sleepwalking into a Stolen Election ... The Election isn’t Going to be Stolen. It’s Already Being Stolen.
Open file 19392
Business Purpose
All about profit

Two Steps Forward ... The Business Roundtable’s statement of purpose, one year on ... a little bit of talk about purpose, action is all about profit.
Open file 19393
The Measurement of Social Value

How ProSocial Valuation Helps Measure The ROI Of Purpose: An Interview With Lesa Ukman
Open file 19394
Terms of Service

Medium Terms of Service effective September 1, 2020
Open file 19395
Terms of Service

Medium Terms of Service - Effective date March 7, 2016 through August 31, 2020
Open file 19396
Politics / Election 2020
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)

Elections – The Fight to Protect our Democracy ... Notes of virtual meeting Monday 200817
Open file 19397
Sustainable freedom requires responsibility

The Militias Against Masks ... Groups protesting lockdown measures see the coronavirus pandemic as a pretext for tyranny—and as an opportunity for spreading rage.
Open file 19398

CETS and INVISION collaboration
Open file 19399
SPARE Open file 19400
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