Impact on Mass Transit
A Plunge in Mass Transit Ridership Deals a Huge Blow to Climate Change Mitigation
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VoltDB webinar recording
The Hidden Inflection Point in 5G: the way in which EDGE is going to complement CLOUD
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Media / News
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Chronicle of Philanthropy newsletter ... July 17th, 2020
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Friends of the Earth
Tell Congress to cut the bloated military budget and reinvest in communities!
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Impact of Covid-19
Economic Recovery
What if a ‘green’ economic recovery isn’t the best thing for the climate?
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Covid-19 Response Group
Webinar Chat ... July 17th 2020
Covid-19 Response Group ... Webinar Chat ... July 17th 2020
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US Politics
Nightmare Prospect
Only a Democratic landslide can ward off the nightmare prospect of this president simply refusing to leave office
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The Trump Saga
Law and Order misplaced
Trump Unleashes His Secret Police in Portland ... In a dangerous authoritarian move, federal agents in camouflage and without badges are rounding up American citizens.
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John R. Lewis
John R. Lewis, front-line civil rights leader and eminence of Capitol Hill, dies at 80 ... Remembering Rep. John Lewis, in his own words
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The Trump Saga
Profitable Politics
The Trump campaign is the grift that keeps on grifting
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The Covid-19 Emergency
Increasingly out of control
It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.
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The Covid-19 Pandemic
The American Response
Don’t Be Fooled by America’s Flattening Curve
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Conspiracy Theories
Ignorance is Bliss
Republicans are being eaten from within by the QAnon cult, and no one can stop it
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The Trump Saga
The November Election
Trump can't do what he needs to do to turn his campaign around ... [TPB Note ... but don't count on it. Voters are far too easily influenced by BS and conspiracy theories!!!!!!!!] |
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Media / News
Daily Kos ... July 19, 2020
Daily Kos staff looks back at some of their favorite posts from the past week.
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Covid-19 Emergency
In the USA ... getting worse not better
Brace yourself for the latest COVID-19 predictions. You're not going to like them
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The Death of John Lewis
John Lewis was an impressive human being
Roy Morrison ... A Plan for Social and Economic Justice
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Comprehensive Accountability
GRI Sector Stndards
The public consultation period for the draft Sector Standard: Oil and Gas is now open
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Advertising and Promotion
Products for Profit ... but WHY?
Grow Your Business as an Everything DiSC Authorized Partner ... Start a Conversation ... Jeremy Stewart | Channel Development Manager, Wiley
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The Trump Saga
Robert E. Lighthizer ...OUCH
Robert E. Lighthizer ... Trump’s Trade Policy Is Making America Stronger ... A Response to Critics
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About New Jersey / About Camden
The Power of People in High Places
Camden has a ‘severe’ revenue problem, and N.J. tax-break projects aren’t helping, internal report says
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About New Jersey / About Camden
The Power of People in High Places
N.J. task force: Norcross-linked firms benefited from behind-the-scenes lobbying
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About New Jersey / About Camden
The Power of People in High Places
Opinion ... Cooper Health official says the company’s tax incentive award is appropriate, justified and legitimate
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US Politics
Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr.
Response from Senator Casey / following an automated letter sent by me through an activist organization
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Representative Ayana Pressley
Representative Ayana Pressley
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The Gates Foundation’s “Green Revolution” in Africa
Agribusiness Wins, Small Scale Farmers Lose ... Ann Garrison interviews Timothy Wise on why US-style corporate agriculture pushed by billionaire Bill Gates has been disastrous for Africa.
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Event: ... July 21st 2020 ... 1:00 pm EDT
Chat from the webinar ... SDG Ambition: Scaling Business Impact for the Decade of Action
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Porfolio Planning
Portfolio Strategy ... 5 Ways To Prepare For The Next Stock Market Crash
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Growth Vs. Value
The Growth Vs. Value Trade Is At 1999 Levels ... Unparalleled levels of monetary stimulus over the last decade has disproportionately benefited Growth stocks.
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Event dialog
Sustainability Leaders Dialogue organized by John Grosskopf
Chat text from meeting 200722
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Media News
Washington Post ... The Finance 202
The Washington Post ... The Finance 202 .. Your economic policy briefing
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Event Chat Dialog
University in Bahrain
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US Leadership
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ocasio-Cortez, Democrats blast GOP on House floor for 'culture' of sexism
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Event ... Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 | 12:00-1:30 p.m. EDT
Zoom Webinar ...Power After Carbon: Transitioning to Low-Carbon Power in the United States
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US Leadership
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
On Monday, Rep. Yoho called Alexandria a “f**cking b*tch” on the steps of the Capitol.
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The Trump Saga
The Health Pandemic
What does the White House do when one of their own dies from COVID-19? Lie, of course
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US Politics
About a VP for Biden
For VP, my heart says Warren, but the times call for this choice instead ... a thought provoking analysis
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Some images related to the GRI exposure draft on Oil and Gas
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US Politics
Young, Progressive Leadership
Squad Victory Fund ... We want to do something special for Rashida’s birthday
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Question for upcoming webinar
Modern socio-enviro-economic system is amazingly productive and profitable. Why are society and environment such a mess?
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TPB Dialog
David Powell and Connall McConagle in July 2020
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US Politics
Senate dysfunction
‘This whole house of cards is gonna collapse’: GOP shutters Senate with US on verge of economic catastrophe
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The Trump Saga
Trump's tin-pot dictatorship
‘Man. Woman. Camera. Person. TV.’: Noam Chomsky responds to Trump bragging he aced a dementia test
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Media News
Bloomberg ... This week in the New Economy
Several stories including Trump reversing the Nixon initiative to open a US relationship with China
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Event: Bloomberg webinar
July 28th 10 am EDT
Saving Global Trade ... Covid-19 is the perfect storm for the global trading system.
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Current events
Some MSNBC vidoes
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The Trump Saga
Increasingly Dangerous Times
Homeland Security Was Destined to Become a Secret Police Force
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The Trump Saga
USA in massive decline
America Is a Country Besieged by Its Own President
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