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TVM Dialog List 1303
15101 - 15150

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Food / Seafood / Shrimp
The US shrimp industry culture

An homage and journey through the 50-year old seafood cookbook compiled by my late mother, Jane S. Coleman. A Truly Fresh Fish Needs No Fanfare. Take The Gifts God Gave You, Shut Up & Enjoy The
Open file 15101
News ... GRIST
New Summary

Daily news summary for May 8, 2018 ... page 1
Open file 15102
News ... GRIST
New Summary

Daily news summary for May 8, 2018 ... page 2
Open file 15103
News ... GRIST
New Summary

Daily news summary for May 8, 2018 ... page 3
Open file 15104
TPB Connections
Setting up the system

OUCH .... You’ve invited 591 people to connect. ... You can manage your invitations any time. Try adding contacts from another email address to find more connections.
Open file 15105
Waste being wasted

The US Has Millions of Tons of a Low-Carbon Fuel Source—but It's Being Thrown Away
Open file 15106
Daily News / Grist
May 8 2018

The art of a deal without Trump ... It’s Tuesday, May 8, and investors are going green — whether Trump likes it or not.
Open file 15107
Iran Nuclear Deal

Peter Thiel and Palantir Are at the Heart of the Iran Nuclear Deal
Open file 15108
Arctic Ice

Arctic Heat Surges Again, and Studies Are Finding Climate Change Connections A heat wave sent temperatures spiking 30 degrees above normal in part of the Arctic, and sea ice is taking a nosedive. That ice loss has scientists worried.
Open file 15109
Dynamics of Place
The Small Town Center

The shopping centre where the currency is hope ... Commerce has deserted Newcastle-under-Lyme’s town centre. The latest in our new economics series looks at how the community is filling the gap
Open file 15110
Indigenous Peoples
Tanzania / Maasai

The True Costs of Safari Tourism: Foreign Companies Devastate Tanzania's Maasai in the Name of Conservation
Open file 15111
The Trump Presidency
More Swamp

Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Claims Russian Oligarch Paid $500,000 to Michael Cohen. Michael Avenatti releases a bombshell report. He must now provide the proof.
Open file 15112
UN Initiatives
New York Declaration on Forests

INVITATION: Join the Community of Practice - Global Platform for the New York Declaration on Forests / Endorsers of the New York Declaration on Forests
Open file 15113
Social Media
Addiction and Manipulation

Former Facebook executive: “you don’t realize it, but you are being programmed”
Open file 15114
Courageous Conversation

An initiative to address the problem of racism in the United States
Open file 15115
High Risk ... Low Reward ... and absolutely vital

Open file 15116
Sector / Industry
Iron and Steel

MIT researcher eliminates CO2 in steelmaking. Donald Sadoway, an engineering professor at MIT may hold the solution to one obstacle challenging Essar Steel Algoma’s future success and viability.
Open file 15117
BP Energy Projections

Carbon emissions continue to grow in the energy transition scenario, highlighting the need for a more decisive break from the past
Open file 15118
The Pentagon / The People

Combat High ... America’s addiction to war
Open file 15119
Climate / Health
Allergy Season

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) says that more and more Americans who didn't used to be impacted are suffering from seasonal allergies,
Open file 15120
China / Iran ... US increasingly sidelined

China’s new train line to Iran sends message to Trump: We’ll keep trading anyway
Open file 15121
Linkedin Connections
Mutual Connections

Linkedin Mutual Connections for ?????????????????
Open file 15122
Russia / UK in the air

Every year, Russian propeller-powered aircraft come into UK airspace. Why can't we send a Spitfire squadron instead of two Eurofighters?
Open file 15123
ACAUS event

ACAUS event ... Attendees
Open file 15124
The Market Mogul

News Collection from The Market Mogul as of May 15, 2018
Open file 15125
Energy Storage
Concentrated solar power (CSP)

-Hour Solar Energy: Molten Salt Makes It Possible, and Prices Are Falling Fast Molten salt storage in concentrated solar power plants could meet the electricity-on-demand role of coal and gas, allowing more old, fossil fuel plants to retire.
Open file 15126
Circular Economy 2.0

Addressing Social Needs beyond Material Circularity ... Circular Economy 2.0 In Practice #13: Regen Network – using blockchain to create the balance sheet for earth
Open file 15127
Profession / Accountancy
International Reciprocity

ACAUS VIDEO: Founding Accounting Bodies and NASBA share details of the various reciprocity pathways as well as shared their insights about the key skillsets we need to adapt to our continually disrupted markets.
Open file 15128
Olga Ryzhevska

Olga Ryzhevska ... Co-founder @ StartupSoft ... Reaching out
Open file 15129
Personal Development / Personal Characteristics

Competitive Rowing Helped Me Become a CEO. Here's Why ... Business is about planning, coordination, and discipline. Which is why rowing is such a great sport for forging corporate leaders.
Open file 15130
The Trump Presidency
Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE vying to influence the Trump regime

The Trump Crime Family's Grifts are Right in Front of Our Noses ... The walls are closing in on the Trump family.
Open file 15131
Gun Violence
School Shootings in the USA

Victims of the Santa Fe High School shooting in Texas.
Open file 15132
The Trump Presidency
Do any laws apply in the Trump community?

Open file 15133
The Trump Presidency
Feud with Jeff Bezos

DONALD TRUMP WILL NOT REST UNTIL AMAZON IS A SMOLDERING PILE OF RADIOACTIVE ASH ... The president reportedly tried to gouge Jeff Bezos for billions.
Open file 15134
The Royal Wedding
Harry and Meghan

The New Yorker ... Harry and Meghan Look to the Future, but Some Royals Never Change
Open file 15135
Stuart Kauffman

Rethinking Economic Growth ... In this article, the first in a series on Science and Development, scientist Stuart Kauffman discusses his concept of the 'prestatable' and its relationship to economics and development:
Open file 15136
An advertisement about the value of money

An advertisement about the value of money from Morgan Stanley
Open file 15137
Country / UK
Royal Wedding

An American Energy at the Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Open file 15138
Country / UK
Royal Wedding

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wed, and a new era dawns in Britain
Open file 15139
Gun Violence
Mass Shooting ... Texas / May 2018

Here's the #1 Factor Experts Say Accounts for High Number of Mass Shootings in the US Welcome to the world of environmental criminology.
Open file 15140
The World's Richest People
The Koch Brothers

Four Koch brothers took genes, money in different directions
Open file 15141
Technology / Blockchain
Smart Contracts

Shelly Palmer ... What is a Smart Contract?
Open file 15142
Today's News

AlterNet Newsletter ... TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 23, 2018
Open file 15143
Not for Profit ... Positive Money

SOME QUESTIONS ... THE BANK OF ENGLAND’S CREATED HOW MUCH MONEY?! ... Since the financial crisis how much new money has the Bank of England created?
Open file 15144
Supreme Court
Neil Gorsuch

The sinister history underlying Neil Gorsuch’s decision lashing out at American workers ... It's springtime for robber barons again!
Open file 15145
Event ... Skytop Strategies
Stockhold Conference

Skytop Strategies Stockhold Conference / Speakers
Open file 15146
Concentration of Power
Size Matters ... smaller is better

Why We Need to Build Human-Scale Organizations ... Or, Why Mega-Scale Organizations Can’t Do Tomorrow’s Work
Open file 15147
Circular Economy / Initiative
The Circle Lab

Circular Economy ... The Circle Lab ... Circle Lab invites the global community to tackle humanity’s biggest challenges with circular solutions by applying the most up-to-date knowledge on the circular economy
Open file 15148
Wealth Management

Wealth ... Here’s How Much Money You Need for Bankers to Think You’re Rich ... In an era of hyper-wealth, economy-class rich starts at $25 million.
Open file 15149
Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh

The Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh, with BRAC's Muhammad Musa ... DEVIN STEWART in conversation with MUHAMMAD MUSA about work that BRAC is doing.
Open file 15150
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