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TVM Dialog List 1292
14551 - 14600

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Energy / Biofuels
Regulated Demand

Turning Soybeans Into Diesel Fuel Is Costing Us Billions
Open file 14551
The Trump Presidency
US Gallup Poll

Obama Gets More Credit Than Trump for the Improved Economy
Open file 14552

Unsexy trillion dollar markets
Open file 14553
Health / Wellness
Tobacco / Smoking

This 5-Minute Mistake Can Literally Cut 7 Years From Your Life, According to Science ... Two studies, impressive results. And yet people do it literally every day.
Open file 14554
Company: Pixar
Secrets of Success

Pixar's Biggest Mistakes Were Just Leaked--by Pixar ... Pixar has a strategy so simple you'll want to laugh. Don't.
Open file 14555
The Trump Presidency
After a Year

The Conversation ... Trump’s first year in office: bizarre and sometimes alarming ... After a year in office, Donald Trump has done many things, but has not made America great again. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
Open file 14556
The Trump Presidency
Bizarre Priorities

Trump isn’t letting a government shutdown stand in the way of his party at Mar-a-Lago ... For $100,000, you, too, can wine and dine alongside President Trump.
Open file 14557
Energy / UK Power Generation
Coal Free Generation

British power generation achieves first ever coal-free day ... National Grid hails milestone as other sources like gas, nuclear, wind and solar allow UK to keep lights on with all coal-fired powerplants offline
Open file 14558
Change Finance Forum / Brussels / December 2017

Speakers / Academics at the Change Finance Forum / Brussels / December 2017
Open file 14559
Company: GE
Tail wagging the dog

Seeking Alpha ... General Electric And Pandora's Box
Open file 14560
The Trump Presidency
End of Year One

End of Year One ... Government Shut-Down
Open file 14561
Reporting 3.0 ... Some of the Key People

Reporting 3.0 ... Some of the Key People
Open file 14562
Green Economy Coalition / Green Growth Knowledge Platform

The Green Economy Barometer: 2017 in review
Open file 14563

Grist ... Stuff that Matters ... January 22, 2018
Open file 14564
Companies / Environment
Iceland / Plastic Pollution

This Major UK Supermarket Chain Just Pledged to Be Totally Plastic Free by 2023 ... The plastic revolution is alive. ... Plastic is so yesterday.
Open file 14565
Smart Contracts for Commodity Trade

Worlds first blockchain bulk agriculture trade. Soybeans from US to China.
Open file 14566
Corporate Purpose
Larry Fink / BlackRock

Why Larry Fink isn't waiting on Washington ... 'Without a sense of purpose, no company, either public or private, can achieve its full potential.'
Open file 14567
The Trump Presidency
Heading to WEF Davos

Trump in the World That He Insults ... The President is headed to Davos. How can someone so “America first” attend an event so globally minded?
Open file 14568
The Trump Presidency
Jared Kushner ... dangerously inexperienced ... or dumb

The Political Scene ... Jared Kushner Is China’s Trump Card ... How the President’s son-in-law, despite his inexperience in diplomacy, became Beijing’s primary point of interest.
Open file 14569
The Trump Presidency
Supressing Science

New Climate Censorship Tracker Comes Online ... The project has so far assembled 96 entries of federal restrictions or prohibitions on climate science since November 2016
Open file 14570
The Trump Presidency
In Restraint of Trade

REUTERS ... The United States will start taxing solar panel imports.
Open file 14571
WEF Davos - 2018
Growth and Inequality

Our fixation with growth is hindering the battle against inequality, Norway was recognized as the world's most inclusive advanced economy ... Lithuania was the most inclusive among emerging economies
Open file 14572
People / WEF Davos 2018
Steve Schwarzman, Blackstone CEO at Davos

Trump is right to take credit for the booming stock market ... President Trump's policies, including tax cuts, will provide a big boost to U.S. growth, Blackstone co-founder Steve Schwarzman says.
Open file 14573
WEF Davos 2018
World Bank Projection

The World Bank's assessment of the global economy starts off well. But this rosy picture of the present is tempered by a stark warning about the future.
Open file 14574
Economy 2018
World Bank Report

Global Economy to Edge Up to 3.1 percent in 2018 but Future Potential Growth a Concern ... Current Slack in Global Economy Expected to Fade
Open file 14575
Technology / Society

Disconnected down under ... being disconnected is unpopular but probably better for humanity!
Open file 14576
Company / GE
The sad reality of their financial unit!

Seeking Alpha ... General Electric And Pandora's Box ... Article and associated comments
Open file 14577
The Trump Presidency
In Restraint of Trade!

CLIMATE & ENVIRONMENT ... Trump Administration’s Massive Tax on Imported Solar Panels
Open file 14578
Better Metrics
Employee related metrics

Lowell L. Bryan /
Open file 14579
The Koch Brothers

How much will Charles and David Koch benefit from the Trump tax scam? If their recent $500,000 donation to House Speaker Paul Ryan is any indication, a lot.
Open file 14580

A Net-Zero Future that Leaves No One Behind
Open file 14581
Transport / Air
Company: Etihad

Etihad Airways Cargo pulls Airbus freighters from service - reports
Open file 14582
USA / Gallup Opinion
Political Splits Widen on Satisfaction With Life in U.S.

Satisfaction around four fundamental measures of the nation's status -- the overall quality of life, morality, opportunity and wealth distribution
Open file 14583
Company: McDonalds
Packaging Pollution

CLIMATE & ENVIRONMENT ... McDonald’s Promises 100 Percent Sustainable Packaging by 2025
Open file 14584
Energy / Natural Gas
The end of natural gas is near

Natural gas is no longer a contender or pretender, just a relic of the past, likely to fall as far and as fast as Old King Coal, and maybe faster.
Open file 14585
USA Politics

American democracy is failing. The courts are finally starting to notice. ... Democracy’s lost decade.
Open file 14586
US ... Military
Overseas Bases

The US Has Military Bases in 80 Countries. All of Them Must Close. US bases are wreaking havoc to the health and well-being of communities across the world.
Open file 14587
The Trump Presidency
Relations with the UK

Donald Trump Ordered Theresa May to End British Protests Against Him: Report ... The prime minister's aides couldn't believe what they were hearing.
Open file 14588
Respect for Women
An incident in the UK

Presidents Club scandal ... Pity the ‘hostesses’ at this revolting gropefest dressed up as a charity do ... A fundraising dinner at the Dorchester treats women as a petting zoo for captains of industry and business
Open file 14589
Circular Economy
Big pledges ... but what about accomplishment

CLIMATE & ENVIRONMENT ... Companies Worth $1.3 Trillion Pledge a Boost for the Circular Economy
Open file 14590
Transport / Technology
Maersk/IBM and Blockchain

Ocean cargo giant A.P. Moller-Maersk and technology powerhouse IBM announced plans this week for a joint venture (JV). ... Maersk and IBM roll out blockchain-based joint venture with a global trade focus
Open file 14591
The Trump Presidency
Hush Money ... or Not

Daily Shouts ... Eight Totally Legitimate Reasons Trump Paid Stormy Daniels $130,000
Open file 14592
Weak Financial Regulation
Good for some ... bad for most everyone else

Davos is Trump’s Kind of Town ... As the wealth of two-thirds of the world’s billionaires is based on inheritance, monopoly and cronyism, Trump will be among friends in Davos.
Open file 14593
Weak Financial Regulation
Good for some ... bad for most everyone else

Why Kleptocrats Love America ... Those at the top of Wall Street finance know that what they do may be wrong – but not necessarily illegal. And so they carry on, under the “watchful” eye of US authorities.
Open file 14594
WEF Davos 2018
Economics ... Inequality

EconoMatters, Future Of Globalization // Living under the modern conditions of “liquidity,” humans know that everything can happen—yet nothing can be done with confidence and certainty.
Open file 14595
WEF Davos 2018
John McDonnell ... UK Shadow Chancellor

John McDonnell: I'm in Davos to tell the elite they are held in contempt ... UK shadow chancellor to tell business leaders at WEF of ‘avalanche of discontent’
Open file 14596
Company: Unilever
Announcements at WEF Davos 2018

Five big announcements we made at Davos this week. The World Economic Forum provides an opportunity to discuss some of the crucial work we’re doing around the world with our partners.
Open file 14597
Company: Chipotle
Healthy Eating

The Healing America Tour kicked off its first event on Jan 20th, 2018, in St. Petersburg, FL, with Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Nelson Campbell.
Open file 14598
EVENT ... HONG KONG FinTech 2018
Details of the Event

Open file 14599
Open file 14600
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