The Consumption Economy
APPAREL ... Rethink the Runway: Mainstreaming Sustainable Fashion
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Circular Economy
Re-Use Infographic
Reuse Report by Most people are misinformed about reuse
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Circular Economy
Lost Value Costing of Trash Builds a Bridge to the Circular Economy ... The value of the commodities embedded in your solid waste stream determine the price you pay for disposal.
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Circular Economy
Recycled Waste
Is Recycled Plastic Waste the Road Material of the Future?
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Energy ... Renewables
Solar Roof Tiles
These are Tesla’s stunning new solar roof tiles for homes ... 2016
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What is Universal Basic Income?
Video ... What is Universal Basic Income?
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Unconditional Basic Income
Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income? ... The principled and pragmatic case for a Universal Basic Income
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2 |
Country ... UK
Royal Navy
Videos ... Queen Elizabeth Class - Our greatest challenges / HMS Queen Elizabeth Shipshape And Almost Ready
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Platform Cooperativism
People and Participants ... November 2016
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Initiative ... platform cooperativism?
An instance of the sharing economy
What is platform cooperativism?
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Organization Centric Performance
Joe Wheeler ... The Service Profit Chain: Reloaded
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Food and Agriculture
Monsanto and GMOs
BOOKS The Bizarre History of How Corporate Food Industry Flooded Our Farmlands with GMOs ... It's one elaborate con job.
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Energy ... Oil
The Oil Market
Russia, Saudi Oilfield Mismanagement Will Bring Back $100 Oil
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Nutritional Value
WHFoods ... Links to information about specific foods
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New Economics Foundation
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The involvement of the FBI
Meet the Activist Who Smelled Something Fishy With the FBI's Anti-Clinton Records Dump, and Got Internal Watchdogs Investigating ...
When an official FBI Twitter account that had been dormant for a year sprang to life with old documents about the Clintons, Jonathan Hutson took action.
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Metrics ... GDP
A dysfunctional metric
Edoardo Campanella ... Is It Time to Abandon GDP? ... Economist Edoardo Campanella examines the conceptual and technical flaws of the world’s most important metric, and asks whether and how it could be reformed.
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Burgess Web Admin
Domain List
List of domains being hosted by Dreamhost as of 161105
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Banking and Finance
Impact of Euro on Italian and German Banks
The Italian-German Banking Disease ... Economically, Italy and Germany seem worlds apart. Why then are the two countries’ banks both facing a deep crisis?
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Internet Infrastructure
Geert Lovink ... Organized Networks
Before Building the Avant-Garde of the Commons ... Weak connections are at the bedrock of social media and the marketing empire it protects.
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USA ... Health
Really Expensive in the USA
Rethinking America ... The Wheels Are Coming Off Obamacare ...
Could a German-style approach to health insurance get the US out of the conundrum of paying more and receiving uneven results for health care?
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Energy / Climate
The hydropower paradox: is this energy as clean as it seems?
New research finds that the world’s hydroelectric dams generate a surprising amount of greenhouse gas emissions
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Post BREXIT decisions
Ryanair seeks to avoid Brexit turbulence
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Blockchain Technology
Trade finance is shaping up as one of the most promising early use cases for blockchain technology.
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Company ... UPS
UPS expands air freight fleet with 14 Boeing 747s
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Company ... Oracle / Netsuite Inc
What Oracle’s $9.3 billion NetSuite Acquisition Means ... Oracle Corp.’s acquisition of NetSuite Inc. will proceed after the company announced Saturday that more than half of eligible NetSuite shareholders had backed the $9.3 billion deal.
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Conventional central banking -v- crypto-currency
Marilyne Tolle ... Central bank digital currency: the end of monetary policy as we know it?
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'Stratification’ Theory
'Stratification’ Theory Tackles the Racial Blindspots of Orthodox Economics ... Economist Darrick Hamilton and Institute President Rob Johnson discuss “stratification economics”
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Technology ... Aircraft
Convair B 36 Peacemaker
Video ... Great Planes| Convair B 36 Peacemaker | Documentary
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Technology ... Aircraft
Boeing B 52 Stratofortress
Video ... Great Planes | Boeing B 52 Stratofortress | Documentary
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Region .. Europe
JOSCHKA FISCHER ... How Much Europe Do Europeans Need?
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Company Influence
How to handle the undue influence of big companies
KELLE LOUAILLIER ... Putting Democracy Above the Bottom Line ... the role of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
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USA ... Election 2016
Trump Wins
The Guardian view on President-Elect Donald Trump: a dark day for the world
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USA Elections 2016
Donald Trump Wins
Thomas Frank ... Donald Trump is moving to the White House, and liberals put him there
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USA ... Election 2016
Trump Transition
Globalisation is dead, and white supremacy has triumphed
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USA ... Election 2016
Trump Transition ... Rection to the Result
CNN analyst Van Jones gave a moving explanation of the pain and fear that many Americans feel as Donald Trump appeared to be on the verge of being elected the nation’s next president.
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USA - Election 2016
Presidential Debate
Tonight's Debate ... Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 4:44 PM ... Demos Action ... 220 5th Ave, Floor 2 New York, NY 10001
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USA ... Election 2016
Trump and Climate Change
Trump's win is a deadly threat to stopping climate change
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USA ... Election 2016
Trump and Climate Change
GRIN AND BEAR IT ... Global climate activists try not to freak out over Trump’s win
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USA ... Election 2016
Response to Trump's Win
POLITICS ... CNN’s Van Jones Perfectly Explains The Pain Of A Donald Trump Victory ... “It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us.”
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Peter Burgess Essay
Text development for a Linkdin Pulse essay
Making Socio-Enviro-Economic Progress after the Recent US Presidential Election
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People - Donald Trump
Some of Donald Trump activities from the 1980s
New York City ... A 1980s New York City Battle Explains Donald Trump’s Candidacy ... His battle with Ed Koch over Wollman Rink in Central Park still forms the core of his political identity.
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Burgess Note
(Short) Commentary about Productivity
If the goal is simply maximum corporate profitability, there can never be a fair, optimal society!
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Big Data / Cognitive Computing
InfoWorld EXTREME ANALYTICS ... Listing of essays by James Kobielus
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Asademic Credentials
MIT Media Lab Rolls Out Blockcerts — Open Infrastructure for Academic Credentials on the Blockchain
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UN / Development / Education
The Education Commission
Conversations from Oslo: CEO, African Women’s Development Fund, Theo Sowa
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UN / Development / Education
The Education Commission
In Conversation with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Chair, GAVI; Former Minister of Finance, Nigeria
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Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-iweala
Christiane Amanpour INTERVIEWS Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-iweala -16.04.2013 ... Minister of Finance, Nigeria
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An image from Frank Wennin depicting 8 forms of capital
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Burgess Dialog
Dialog with Frank Wennin
Dialog about Capitals ... Frank suggests 8 ... PeterB wrote about 7 in 2014
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