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TVM Dialog List 1221
11001 - 11050

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Organization ... FSG
The people of FSG

The people of FSG ... March 2016
Open file 11001

Packaging Industry Awards Grants for Polystyrene Recycling
Open file 11002
Company ... Ford
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Ford Augments CSR Credentials By Joining With Electronic Industry
Open file 11003
Big Food and Labelling

Meatless Companies Band Together to Counter the Big Food Lobby ... The Plant Based Foods Association is the first trade group to represent the growing sector.
Open file 11004
Economics ... Taxation
Tax Reform

Think Progress ... ECONOMY ... Here’s How Much Bernie Sanders Would Soak The Rich
Open file 11005
USA ... Politics
Climate Change

CLIMATE ... Most Americans Disagree With Their Congressional Representative On Climate Change
Open file 11006
USA ... Energy
Electric Power Generation

Utilities Cut Coal Use Amid Clean Power Plan Fight
Open file 11007
The 'gig' economy

Study suggests that Half Of U.S. Freelancers Wouldn’t Take A Job No Matter What
Open file 11008
Accountancy Profession

KPMG Announces Agreement With IBM Watson To Help Deliver Cognitive-powered Insights
Open file 11009
Country ... Ghana
People: Nkrumah

What does Ghana have to celebrate in its 59th year of independence?
Open file 11010

Global food production threatens to overwhelm efforts to combat climate change
Open file 11011
Country ... Saudi Arabia

Country ... Saudi Arabia /// Region ... Middle East /// We Are Witnessing the Decline of Saudi Arabia as a Major Power With falling oil prices and new players, Saudi Arabia's power is ebbing.
Open file 11012
Role of Media

Too Loony for Fox News: Fox Created the Fact-Free GOP, Then Trump Stole It Away ... Gullible Fox viewers are the most misinformed. That made it easy for Donald Trump to fill vacuum of ignorance, fear.
Open file 11013
The Accountancy Profession

On International Women's Day, Women CPAs Have Come Far But Have More Strides To Make
Open file 11014
Country ... Honduras
Human Rights and Environment

Berta Cáceres, Honduran human rights and environment activist, was shot at home ... She had won the Goldman Environmental Prize for her opposition to one of Central America’s biggest hydropower projects,
Open file 11015
Country ... Iran
Human Rights

Hounded Out of Iran, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Continues Fight for Human Rights New book 'Until We Are Free' details Shirin Ebadi's refusal to be silenced by Iran's mullahs.
Open file 11016
Conscious Capitalism

Open file 11017
Public Health

Flashback: The Reagan White House Thought AIDS Was Pretty Hilarious In 1982
Open file 11018
Global Health

Gay Rights, Top Stories ... Photos of the First AIDS Hospice Center Tell a Story of Struggle and Resilience
Open file 11019
Burgess contact

Contacts related to NJ-SEAR
Open file 11020
Universal Basic Income

Silicon Valley’s Unchecked Arrogance ... In its mind, Silicon Valley creates the future, while the rest of the world will soon become the “idle class.” What if they instead helped people build wealth for themselves?
Open file 11021
Y-Combinator ... Basic Income

Y-Combinator ... We’re going to try something new—our first Request For Research.
Open file 11022
Universal Basic Income

Y Combinator Wants to Study Universal Income. Here’s Where It Can Start.
Open file 11023
Spiral Dynamics

Summary of Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan by Steve Dinan
Open file 11024
Transport Sector
Companies ... Hyundai Merchant Marine

Hyundai Merchant Marine on the Verge of Bankruptcy ... Creditors of Hyundai Merchant Marine today rejected a rescheduling of the troubled shipping company’s debt, pushing it to the verge of bankruptcy.
Open file 11025
Transport Sector
Panama Canal

How the Panama Canal Expansion Is changing logistics ... Following the Panama Canal expansion, up to 10 percent of container traffic to the U.S. from East Asia could shift to East Coast ports by 2020
Open file 11026
Black Women’s Roundtable

NCBCP Black Women's Roundtable ... The Black Women’s Roundtable (BWR) is an intergenerational civic engagement network of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.
Open file 11027
Sector ... Management Data
Company ... SAP

SAP Expands Its Reach with Merger Activity
Open file 11028
Joshua Farley

Joshua Farley: Economics of the Anthropocene
Open file 11029
Product ... Commercial Aircraft
Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet

Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet - The Plane that Changed the World
Open file 11030
Mission Measurement

About the Mission Measurement initiative
Open file 11031
Logos of some major organizations

Logos of some major organizations that are clients of Mission Measurement
Open file 11032
The Church of the Heavenly Rest

The Fourteen Stations of the Cross created by James deWoody
Open file 11033
The business case for CSR

How Coke, Disney use data to donate smarter
Open file 11034
Community Development

T. Rowe Price Foundation Grants $1.3 Million to Strengthen West Baltimore
Open file 11035
Using technology in innovative ways

TECHNOLOGY ... MIT Dean Takes Leave to Start New University Without Lectures or Classrooms
Open file 11036
Property Development

Esther An, chief sustainability officer at Singapore-listed property firm City Developments about how sustainability adds value to business growth and innovation.
Open file 11037
The not for profit ecosystem

Maryland NonProfits ... a list of non-profits (names only)
Open file 11038
Climate Change
Ecological Footprint

Would you give up cheese to slow climate change?
Open file 11039
Big data analysis

Will the Data Historian Die in a Wave of IIoT Disruption?
Open file 11040
Climate Change

China’s new 5-year plan is out, and it doesn’t sacrifice the environment for the economy
Open file 11041
General Information
Truthout links

Open file 11042
USA ... Politics
GOP ideology

Paul Krugman ... On Invincible Ignorance
Open file 11043
USA ... Lobbying
The scourge of special interest lobbying

Chemical Companies Decide What's Toxic, Not the EPA or FDA ... A bill on drinking water standards was being vetted—and possibly even written, at least in part—by chemical industry lobbyists.
Open file 11044
ace = 'Arial'> Food
Profit more important than Wellness

Why the Breakfast Most Americans Will Eat Today Is a Corporate Scam ... Cold cereal, donuts and orange juice are breakfast staples because somebody somewhere wanted money.
Open file 11045
Country ... Honduras

Hundreds of Scholars Demand Justice for Assassinated Honduran Indigenous Activist Berta Cáceres Latin America experts penned an open letter demanding an end to human rights violations and impunity.
Open file 11046
War on Terror

Zero-Sum in Brussels: The Savage Vision Driving a Terror-Ridden World ... The West has plenty of blood on its hands for the latest terror attacks.
Open file 11047
Plastics Toxic Traps: When These 7 Types of Plastic Are Dangerous ...

Plastic is everywhere in our society, and it is wreaking havoc with our health.
Open file 11048
USA ... Politics
The Toxin of Liberal Elitism

Hillary Clinton must separate herself from corporate Democratic elitism of Rahm Emanuel and Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and should tell them to 'take a hike'.
Open file 11049
USA ... Health
Women's Health

The U.S. Is Becoming a Terrifying Nation for Women ... Why are conservatives insistent on thrusting American women into devastating situations?
Open file 11050
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