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TVM Dialog List 1220
10951 - 11000

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Money and Banking
Money transactions

Do ATMs have a place in the future of payments?
Open file 10951
Impact of hunger

Measuring the cost of hunger in Africa’s emerging economies
Open file 10952
The Cost of Hunger in Africa

Social and economic impact of child undernutrition in Egypt, Ethiopia, Swaziland and Uganda
Open file 10953
Non-profit performance

The CauseVox Blog ... Fundraising tips, case studies, and product updates ... 4 Key Metrics All Nonprofits Should Track In 2016
Open file 10954

Practitioner Learning Groups ...Overcoming Market Systems Development Challenges Together
Open file 10955
Container Shipping

Coscocs Targets 2 Million TEUs by 2018 ... Potential to change the status quo
Open file 10956
Economic adulteration

Why the FDA Doesn’t Consider Wood Pulp in Your Cheese a Crisis ... A little cellulose never hurt anyone, right?
Open file 10957
Antibiotics in Meat

A Major American Meat Company Is Going Big With Antibiotic-Free Pork ... Tyson is responding to consumer demand with a new line of meat sourced from pigs raised without drugs.
Open file 10958
Country ... Philippines
Mining versus Local Communities

Are indigenous Filipinos being murdered for anti-mine activism?
Open file 10959
USA ... Media
Al Jazeera America winding down

Al Jazeera has a good batting average ... Although AJAM TV did not succeed, Al Jazeera media continue to report news the region and the world need
Open file 10960
USA ... Media
Al Jazeera America winding down

The way news should be done ... Though it too shall pass, Al Jazeera America was a model of the journalism the country desperately needs
Open file 10961
Airline Safety
Rolls Royce and Quantas

A380 Engine Explodes On Qantas Flight 32 ... an Airbus A380
Open file 10962
Presented by WagnerTech, Bridge: Students for Social Innovation

Open file 10963
USA ... Presidential Politics
The campaign ... end February 2016

The Republican Party’s implosion over Donald Trump’s candidacy has arrived
Open file 10964
Peter Burgess Presentation
Draft Announcement

Draft Announcement related to a Peter Burgess Presentation
Open file 10965
Cambridge in America

Join fellow alumni for this special breakfast with Mary Fowler and Anne Milgram (Trinity Hall 1993).... 8.30 am March 3, 2016
Open file 10966
The Social Progress Imperative

The Social Progress Imperative ... Requently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Open file 10967
Energy ... Coal
Peabody Coal ... Rainforest Action Network

World’s largest private coal company could maybe, finally go bust ... also fellow coal monsters Alpha Natural Resources Inc. and Arch Coal Inc. in bankruptcy protection
Open file 10968
Industry ... Textiles
Circular Economy

How Cotton Recovery is Changing the Game for Sustainable Fashion
Open file 10969
Food ... eggs
Supply Chain

Three Large Grocery Chains Commit To Going Cage-Free
Open file 10970
Ecosystem Analysis
Mangrove ecosystems and biofuels

A Quest for Biofuels May Also Yield Food Security ... A project in Abu Dhabi promises to help revive mangrove ecosystems while producing both food and biofuels.
Open file 10971
Climate Change
Canada and the USA

CLIMATE ... Canada And The U.S. May Be About To Do Something Big On Climate
Open file 10972
An Environment in Crisis

Claire Nouvian, Guardian of the Deep
Open file 10973
Energy ... Nuclear
Environmentally sound or not?

Is Nuclear Power Our Energy Future—Or a Dinosaur in a Death Spiral?
Open file 10974
Green Products

Environment ... There Is No Such Thing as a Green Product
Open file 10975
Impact Investing
Accounting for Climate Exposure

A broader view of the impact of climate change can offer mainstream and impact investors a competitive edge.
Open file 10976
Sustainability Reporting

The Battle of Giants: GRI vs SASB vs IR
Open file 10977
USA ... Education
Policy Options for Education

Why Noam Chomsky and Education Activists Are Warning That Obama's Pick for Education Secretary Could Be Disastrous ... Defenders of public schools are warning the Senate not to confirm John King.
Open file 10978
Geopolitics ... Saudi Arabia
Arms Sales

Conference Examines the U.S.' 'Special Relationship' With Human Rights Abuser Saudi Arabia ... Summit on Kingdom's global role will discuss strategy to disrupt American arms sales.
Open file 10979
Products ... Drugs
Big Pharma

Big Pharma Has Open Contempt for the People Who Make Them So Rich ... Big pharma executives are going all out to paint themselves as the good guys — just not to you.
Open file 10980
Products ... Drugs
Big Pharma is all about profit, not health!

Major Pharma Scandal: Whistleblowers Claim Popular Asthma Drug Was Marketed Illegally ... Did Novartis and Genentech get away with this big marketing scam?
Open file 10981
Money and Banking
Too Big To Fail

The End of Big Banks
Open file 10982
The Phillips Machine

The Phillips Machine is an analog computer from 1949 that describes the income flows in a modern economy.
Open file 10983
A modernized Phillips Machine

Schematic for a modernized Phillips machine 2014
Open file 10984
The Phillips Machine

The computer model that once explained the British economy ... As the Bank of England's MPC meets today (January 2016), it might glance back to 1949
Open file 10985
Government Finance

Stopping America’s Federal Debt Explosion (Burgess view ... A wrong perspective)
Open file 10986
Country ... UAE

A Future of Happiness, Tolerance, and Youth
Open file 10987
Peter Burgess Dialog
Project Syndicate

Project Syndicate ... Collection of Comments by Peter Burgess ... downloaded 160306
Open file 10988
Country ... USA
Abuse of America's Values

Why the FBI's Spying and Attempt to Subvert the Civil Rights Movement Is a Vital History Lesson for All Activists Today ... Young people should understand how COINTELPRO's abuses impact police and race relations today.
Open file 10989
People ... Finance
Audrey Choi

TED Speaker ... Audrey Choi is a thought leader on how finance can be harnessed to address public policy challenges.
Open file 10990
World Bank Group Dialog
Ending Poverty

TEDxWBG ... Ending Poverty ... from October 9, 2014
Open file 10991
Country ... UK
Importance of trade with the EU

Britain Beware: The Power of Trade ... How would the UK fare outside the European Union?
Open file 10992
USA ... Climate Change
Systemic Dysfunction

Courting the U.S. Environment ... Why judges play such an outsized role on combatting climate change.
Open file 10993
USA ... Immigrant Experiemce
Africans and African-Americans

How African-Americans and African Immigrants Differ ... The rift between African-Americans and recent African immigrants to the United States.
Open file 10994
Geopolitics ... Turkey
Middle East ... Refugees ... Europe

Rethinking Europe ... EU Refugee Crisis: Turkey as an Effective Partner? ... Appeasing Erdogan’s Turkey without regard for European values won’t create an effective border.
Open file 10995
Water Pollution
ENVIRONMENT ... Florida ... USA

Food and Ag ... Florida Just Flushed Its 'Toilet' Lake onto Its Beaches ... Right in time for tourist season, polluted runoff is fouling coasts on both sides of the Sunshine State.
Open file 10996
Water Pollution
Florida ... USA

Florida lawmakers sour on Big Sugar land deal to aid Everglades ... Florida lawmakers are poised to use hundreds of millions of dollars earmarked to help the Everglades for other projects
Open file 10997
Government ... USA
Special Districts

John Oliver ... Special districts spend more public money than all city governments combined. That's odd considering most of us don't know they exist.
Open file 10998

March 2016 ... Appointment of PwC Global Chairman: Bob Moritz
Open file 10999
FSG ... Foundation Strategy Group

The idea of Shared Value
Open file 11000
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