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TVM Dialog List 1219
10901 - 10950

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Product ... Cotton
Sustainable Cotton

The Low-Down On Sustainable Cotton
Open file 10901
Community Development
New Haven, Connecticut

When the Biggest Employer in Town Isn’t Employing the Town ... Can activists force New Haven institutions to see job creation as a civic duty, not just a byproduct of financial investment?
Open file 10902
Immigrant Labor

You Can Thank Undocumented Immigrant Workers for Keeping You Informed Every Day ... One newspaper’s crisis reveals print media’s dependence on undocumented immigrants.
Open file 10903
Company ... Conoco
Sector ... Energy

Conoco's Tough Decision Praised By Analysts, Sold By Investors
Open file 10904
Company ... Apple
Huge profits extracted from customers

If Apple Were A Worker Cooperative, Each Employee Would Earn At Least $403K
Open file 10905
Banking and Finance
Predatory Lending

Tell financial cops: Investigate predatory lending by Warren Buffett company
Open file 10906
US Election 2016
Politics of Change

It Is Paul Krugman Who Lives in a Fantasy World, Not Bernie Supporters
Open file 10907
US Politics
Lies are built in

CULTURE ... The 7 Biggest Liars in US Presidential History ... Lies are sometimes necessary evils when presidents want to get something accomplished.
Open file 10908
Dysfunctional Metrics

Harpers ... READINGS — From the June 2008 issue ... Our Phony Economy
Open file 10909
Financial Services Industry
Debt Collectors

Cracking Down on Abusive Debt Collectors
Open file 10910
Place ... Brooklyn
Community Development

Brooklyn Youth Create Jobs (and Community Roots) Through Local Compost Program
Open file 10911
Growing water shortages

Water shortages affecting two-thirds of world’s population for a month every year and the crisis is far worse than previously thought
Open file 10912
Health ... Medicine
Patents and Big Pharma

Corporations Killed Medicine. Here's How to Take It Back
Open file 10913
On Capitalism

Richard D. Wolff ... On the Meaning of Capitalism, We Don't Agree
Open file 10914
Product ... Chocolate
Issue ... Supply Chain Child Labor

The Child Labor in Your Valentine’s Chocolate
Open file 10915
People ... Justice Scalia
Supreme Court Justice

Why Scalia's Death Is a Huge Blow to the Right-Wing Agenda in Washington ... The impact of Scalia's death will be felt immediately in a number of pending high-profile cases.
Open file 10916

The Worlds Biggest/Super Planes: Omega 707 - Documentary
Open file 10917
Health ... Malaria
Anti-malarial drugs

Fake anti-malarials: start with the facts
Open file 10918
Country ... UK
Broken politics

LETTER FROM LONDON ... Britain’s broken democracy ... Imagine a drunk driver hurtling toward a cliff edge with no idea where the brake pedal is. That’s Britain.
Open file 10919
Burgess Draft
About educational collaboration

About educational collaboration ... dialog with MEC EEL
Open file 10920
Energy ... Oil and Gas
Impact of low prices

North Sea oil and gas firms must find news ways of working and collaborate more say experts at PwC
Open file 10921
Shared Value Connections

Speakers at the 2016 Shared Value Conference
Open file 10922
People ... Politics
Robert Mercer, the secretive computer scientist-turned-hedge fund CEO

ELECTION 2016 ... Meet the Nerdy Extremist Billionaire Backing Ted Cruz ... The secretive computer scientist-turned-hedge fund CEO who made Cruz’s candidacy possible.
Open file 10923
Urban Farming

FOOD ... Why Growing Vegetables in High-Rises Is Wrong on So Many Levels ... The dream of vertical farming is gaining momentum despite many unanswered questions about its feasibility.
Open file 10924
Technology ... Mobile
The State of 5G

10 Reasons Why 5G Wireless Will Bring Big Benefits to Mobile Users
Open file 10925
Not a single simple thing

Diagram of 12 elements
Open file 10926
The Voice of Joyce

The voice of Joyce: I want ” old” time values & Capitalism
Open file 10927
Luxury Sector

Andrew Winston ... Luxury Brands Can No Longer Ignore Sustainability
Open file 10928
Middle East

More Fuel on Syria Conflict's Fire: Saudi Arabia Will Send Fighter Jets Into Turkey ... What do Turkey & Saudi Arabia aim to gain with a possible ground invasion in Syria?
Open file 10929
Company ... Textron
Money over Morality

Meet the American Firm Whose Internationally Banned Cluster Bombs Are Killing Civilians in Yemen ... The use of the bombs also violates American export law, according to a new Human Rights Watch report.
Open file 10930

PDF: Luxury-Industry-Sustainability-Predictions-2016
Open file 10931
Energy ... Nuclear
Aging plants

AVAAZ ... Nuclear experts are scared ... Belgium has just restarted two old plants
Open file 10932

Some of the people associated with CHR circa 2016
Open file 10933

Latest Malheur News: Cliven Bundy Indicted, Denied Bail
Open file 10934
We Need Better Metrics

Tom Clark ... We need a new language to talk about the economy ... The images used by politicians can simplify difficult theories, but they are also being used to mislead us
Open file 10935
The Phillips analog computer

The computer model that once explained the British economy ... As the Bank of England's MPC meets today, it might glance back to 1949
Open file 10936
Energy ... Illumination
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

What Does the JPMorgan Chase/Current LED Deal Say About the Future?
Open file 10937
Growth sectors

Studies Point to Sustained, Long-Term Green Construction Growth
Open file 10938
A Growth Opportunity

Study Finds Global Green Building is Expected to Double by 2018 Strong Growth Anticipated Globally and in U.S. Green Building Market, but Nation Lags Globally in Measuring the Benefits of Building Green
Open file 10939
Ecologically Grown

Study: Organic Can Feed the World Sustainably
Open file 10940
US Energy Policy

Governors Announce Bipartisan Accord for a New Energy Future
Open file 10941
The Business of Sports

Indentured: The Inside Story of the Rebellion Against the NCAA ... the ncaa makes more profit than the national football league but its student players get next to zero
Open file 10942
UK ... Prisons
In Prison Programs

Pioneering prison literacy scheme gets ministerial go-ahead
Open file 10943
Agglomeration Economics

BBC - Evan Davis - Mind The Gap: London Vs The Rest 1 and 2
Open file 10944

London versus the rest / The sustainability of super-cities
Open file 10945

Event Title: Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War ... Location: Civic Hall
Open file 10946
Big Pharma

How an Army of Lobbyists in Washington Have Locked in One of the Biggest Corporate Ripoff Schemes in America ... Pharma is creaming tens of billions out of the federal government in a variety of schemes.
Open file 10947
Manny Perlman

Highlighting the Cantors Perlman ... Emanuel Perlman
Open file 10948
The curse of fossil fuels

How do you balance being green and making a profit?
Open file 10949

Will cardless ATMs be one of 2016’s biggest trends?
Open file 10950
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