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TVM Dialog List 1206
10251 - 10300

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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People ... Mellody Hobson
Being Color Brave

PwC Talks: Being color brave with Mellody Hobson. Moderated by PwC US Chairman Bob Moritz
Open file 10251
People ... Sheryl Sandberg
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg

PwC Talks: Leaning In, together with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. Moderated by PwC US Chairman Bob Moritz
Open file 10252
Energy ... USA ... Renewables
Low oil prices and changing economics

The Big Reason Why America Is Turning to Renewable Energy ... Employment in renewables is skyrocketing, while fossil fuels have become an economic liability.
Open file 10253
Jeb Bush and Charter Schools

The Big Jeb Bush Charter School Lie: Why His Florida Education ‘Miracle’ Is Hogwash ... The pathway out of poverty these schools were supposed to provide now looks more like a detour to profit-making.
Open file 10254
Air conditioning

ENVIRONMENT ... Cool It on the AC Already ... How air conditioning is making us hotter.
Open file 10255
Pro-Good Expenditures
Just marketing ... or something more

Guardian sustainable business ... Values-led business ... Rifles for a four-year-old: when corporate donations go bad
Open file 10256
Climate Change
Company ... Shell

Guardian sustainable business ... Keep it in the ground ... Nick Stern: Shell is asking us to bet against the world on climate change
Open file 10257
Company ... Google ... Alphabet
Restructuring Plan

Google to restructure into new holding company called Alphabet ... Google is dead. Long live Alphabet.
Open file 10258
People ... Lawrence Lessig
USA Campaign Finance Reform

USA Campaign Finance Reform ... an initiative from 2012
Open file 10259
Energy ... Environment

The Triumph of Solar in the Energy Race
Open file 10260
Environment ... Fashion
Rainforest Action Network ... Supply Chain

Rainforest Action Network ... The Real Environmental Cost of Fashion
Open file 10261
Praxis Peace in Sonoma

Tom Hayden ... an audio presentation from 2012
Open file 10262

The Diminishing Tuna: Round Two
Open file 10263
USA ... Politics
People ... Larry Lessig

A Referendum President ... Larry Lessig ... The Paul Revere of campaign finance reform rides again.
Open file 10264
Unions ... Organizing Nurses

How a Nurse Got Fired (and Then 'Un-Fired') After Trying to Form a Union ... Indiana University Health fired Lacie Little after she began trying to persuade her fellow nurses to unionize.
Open file 10265
Pollination ... Bees

TOM PHILPOTT ... Did Scientists Just Solve the Bee Collapse Mystery?
Open file 10266
Climate Change
Rolling Stone's article from 2012

Global Warming's Terrifying New Math ... BY BILL MCKIBBEN ... Three simple numbers that add up to global catastrophe - and that make clear who the real enemy is
Open file 10267
Abandoned Mines

EPA: Mine Waste Spill Three Times Larger than Original Estimate
Open file 10268
USA ... Politics
Trump, the other Republicans, Clinton and Sanders

Trump: For Republicans, Their Worst Nightmare
Open file 10269
Climate Change
The Carbon Bubble

Jeremy Leggett ... The Guardian Sustainable Business Awards. April 29th 2015.
Open file 10270
International Finance and Development
Addis Ababa ... 2015

José Antonio Ocampo ... A Defeat for International Tax Cooperation
Open file 10271
Wind Power

Video ... Blade Size Matters - Siemens Builds the World's Largest Rotor Blade
Open file 10272
Offshore Wind ... Belgium
Allstom Equipment

Video ... Installation of the Haliade™ 150-6MW offshore wind turbine at Belwind
Open file 10273

Video ... First Haliade 150-6MW offshore wind turbine erected at Le Carnet in France
Open file 10274
Climate Change

Suzette Sommer .. posting to Facebook about the health of trees in the forest
Open file 10275
Finance for Development

Joseph Stiglitz ... America in the Way ... Reporting on the outcome of the Addis Ababa Fiance for Development meeting
Open file 10276
Climate Change
Earth Overshoot

August 13th is Earth Overshoot Day this year ... Carbon emissions continue pushing the Ecological Footprint further
Open file 10277
Climate change
Environmental Deficit

Our environmental deficit is now beyond nature’s ability to regenerate
Open file 10278
Ecological Footprint
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from the Footprint Network ... about the Ecological Footprint
Open file 10279
Climate Change
About James Hansen

NASA Reaches for Muzzle as Renowned Climate Scientist Speaks Out
Open file 10280
Financial Literacy

Video ... the importance of saving early
Open file 10281
Eggs and Chicken

What Do Zombies, Pandemics and the Price of Eggs Have in Common? ... Impact of HPAI outbreak on the prices of chicken and eggs
Open file 10282
Country ... USA
Quality of Life ... Financial Indebtedness

JP Sottile, Truthout ... Our United States of Indebtedness
Open file 10283
Country ... USA
Personal Debt

NerdWallet ... American Household Credit Card Debt Statistics: 2015
Open file 10284
Matt Polsky

Pitfalls of Sustainable Business Metrics ... links to series of writings by by Matt Polsky and Claire Sommer
Open file 10285

It's the Second Dirtiest Thing in the World—And You’re Wearing It ... Only Big Oil pollutes more than Big Textile.
Open file 10286
Sustainability ... Steady State Economics
Ideas ... Daniel W. O'Neill,

The proximity of nations to a socially sustainable steady-state economy
Open file 10287
Last mile delivery

Last mile delivery ... Singapore ... Singpost -POPStation
Open file 10288
Companies ... Edelman
Sector/Industry ... PR

Edelman loses executives and clients over climate change stance ... Public relations giant Edelman has lost valued executives and clients by trying to play both sides of the climate debate
Open file 10289
Climate Change
Conscious Capitalism Movement ... LinkedIn Group

Joshua Abramson ... The Biggest Corporations Should be the Biggest Climate Defenders ... By John Hewson
Open file 10290
Global Health
Contemporary Challenges in Global Public Health

Discussion: Dr. Michele Barry, Dr. Helene Gayle and Dr. Gro Brundtland.
Open file 10291
Economic and Governance Systems

Why is capitalism superior to socialism? ... Let's talk about a Southern Indian province called Kerala, shall we?
Open file 10292
Climate Change ... Energy
Solar ... Renewables ... Germany

Germany Just Got 78 Percent Of Its Electricity From Renewable Sources
Open file 10293
Energy ... Solar
Country ... Germany

How Germany Became a Solar Superpower ... Germany Leads the World in Solar Power
Open file 10294
Best management metrics may not be RCTs

Can randomized trials eliminate global poverty? ... A new generation of economists is trying to transform global development policy through the power of randomized controlled trials.
Open file 10295
Climate Change
Carbon Emissions ... China

China’s carbon emissions overestimated ... Analysis could force climate scientists to revisit estimates of global cycle.
Open file 10296
Country ... Iran
Region ... Middle East

Noam Chomsky: Why America Is the Gravest Threat to World Peace ... What, exactly, is the alleged Iranian threat?
Open file 10297
The Guardian Green Chemistry Conference

The Guardian US ... Wednesday, 2 September 2015 from 09:00 to 17:00 (EDT) ... New York, NY
Open file 10298
Palm Oil

Deforestation briefing: Palmed off - Rumble in the Jungle
Open file 10299
Global Forest Watch

Monitoring the World's Forests with Global Forest Watch ... an initiative of World Resources Institute
Open file 10300
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