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TVM Dialog List 1074
3651 - 3700
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Country ... Egypt
Leadership ... About Mohamed Morsi

The power of Mohamed Morsi ... President-elect's victory takes struggle between Muslim Brotherhood and powerful military to a new round.
Open file 3651
Country ... USA
Military Dysfunction

Paul Rosenberg ... Gaza, Petraeus, Benghazi: US' foreign policy fantasy continues unbroken ... Regarding the Israeli/Palestinian situation, Americans are repeatedly told that 'the Palestinians don't want peace'.
Open file 3652
Country ... Palestine
Agriculture in Gaza

Behind the pillars of cloud ... The food and farming sector in Gaza has been severely maimed, worsening the condition of agricultural sector.
Open file 3653
Workplace Conditions
USA ... Walmart

Walmart and Black Friday protests ... Protests against Walmart are about a ruthless capitalist system that exploits workers as MNCs post record profits.
Open file 3654
Country ... Palestine
Destruction (of value) in Gaza

Yasmeen El Khoudary ... Steal what you will from the blueness of the sea and the sand of memory The world should start looking at our cause with its brains and not with its donations.
Open file 3655
Country ... Palestine
Israel versus Gaza ... where is truth?

Analysis: Media war escalates in Gaza ... Social media is allowing Palestinian activists and armed groups alike to make headway in a war of words and images.
Open file 3656
Country ... Egypt
Helping Settle Israel Gaza Confrontation

Egypt's President Morsi Wins U.S. and Israeli Gratitude in Gaza Deal ... Israel Calls Egypt's Morsi a 'Nice Surprise
Open file 3657
Country ... Egypt
Helping settle the Israel Gaza Confrontation

Egyptian President Morsi and US President Obama Forge Link in Gaza Deal
Open file 3658
Country ... USA
Deteriorated Infrastructure

Nichilas Kristof ... A Failed Experiment ... Superstorm Sandy and the Boom in Standby Generators
Open file 3659
Country .... Egypt

AP Newsmax ... Egypt's Morsi Takes Dictatorial Powers
Open file 3660
Environment ... Guatamala

Searching for Gold in the Highlands of Guatemala: Economic Benefits and Environmental Risks of the Marlin Mine
Open file 3661
Country ... USA

Secret service says the number of threats against the president is overwhelming
Open file 3662
Treating Malaria

BBC program talking about ways for diagnosing and treating malaria in Africa
Open file 3663
Country ... USA
Dysfunctional Economy

Ten Numbers the Rich Would Like Fudged ... The numbers reveal the deadening effects of inequality in our country, and confirm that tax avoidance, rather than a lack of middle-class initiative, is the cause.
Open file 3664
The African Leadership Institute (AfLI)

The African Leadership Institute (AfLI) was founded in 2003. Archbishop Desmond Tutu is Patron of the Institute
Open file 3665
Region ... Africa
People ... Archbishop Desmond Tutu

The Frost Interview ... Desmond Tutu: Not going quietly ... The Nobel laureate on his role in South Africa's struggle against apartheid and his alarm over recent developments.
Open file 3666
Organizations ... USA
Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) is to develop strong, pragmatic and principled national security and defense policies
Open file 3667
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Reviving the GOP

Post election 2012 ... Why Karl Rove's New Plan to Save the Republican Party Will Fail ... Republicans think it will be easy to come back -- just appeal to culturally conservative Latinos! It will fail.
Open file 3668
Organizations ... USA (NJ)
Transitioning to Green

Transitioning to Green is a New Jersey (USA) based organization committed to helping in the new Green Economy
Open file 3669
User Agreements

Open file 3670
User Agreements

Open file 3671
Child Labor ... Africa ... Cocoa Growing

Working Towards Responsible Labour Standards for Cocoa Growing
Open file 3672
Agriculture ... Cocoa
The International Cocoa Initiative

The International Cocoa Initiative was organized by the corporate organizations in the chocolate industry to address the problem of child labor in the industry ... some will argue this is merely a PR effort of little substance
Open file 3673
Agriculture ... Cocoa
Child Labor in West Africa

Child Labor in the Cocoa Sector of West Africa ... A synthesis of findings in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria
Open file 3674
Agriculture ... Cocoa
Child Labor in West Africa

A 2005 report on the state of child labor in cocoa growing in West Africa ... Child Labor in West African Cocoa Production: Issues and U.S. Policy
Open file 3675
Working Conditions

Protest at Walmart stores on Black Friday about wages and staff conditions
Open file 3676
Country ... Egypt
Post Revolution ... Developing Reform

Egypt's Morsi meets judges over new powers ... President repeats assurances that judicial measures are temporary as protests swell in Tahrir Square and Nile Delta.
Open file 3677
Country ... Egypt
Post Revolution ... Developing Reform

Egypt: The president's new powers ... Has Mohamed Morsi overstepped his mark with new decree or is he cleansing state institutions of former regime loyalists?
Open file 3678
Big Print Brief
How Green? How Sustainable?

TVM Value Accountancy provides a way to measure how green ... to measure how sustainable
Open file 3679
Country ... USA
Republicans ... Get over it

Susan Rice to meet McCain over Libya row ... Rice, widely considered Obama's top pick to replace Clinton, seeks to defuse Libya attack row with the Republicans.
Open file 3680
Big Print Brief
TVM Value Accountancy ... State, Progress and Performance

TVM Value Accountancy is a framework to relate State, Progress and Performance in a coherent simple way.
Open file 3681
Country ... USA
Washington needs good people

Tell President Obama: Appoint an S.E.C. chair who will hold Wall Street accountable
Open file 3682
Country ... USA
Media is more agenda than news

Thomas Ricks Accuses Fox News Of 'Operating As A Wing Of The Republican Party' (VIDEO)
Open file 3683
Fracking in the USA

Fracking in America ... With the US looking to ease its reliance on foreign oil, Fault Lines investigates the impact of natural gas extraction.
Open file 3684
US Energy Independance

Inside Story Americas ... The cost of energy independence ... A report says the US could be energy independent by 2035 but will it follow a sustainable path to reach this goal?
Open file 3685
Country ... DRC
Complex issues in East DR Congo

Inside Story ... Will military action end the DR Congo crisis? ... As M23 takes control of the key eastern city, Goma, we ask why the government refuses to hold talks with rebel soldiers.
Open file 3686
Country ... DRC
Complex issues in East DR Congo

Inside Story 18 Oct 2012 ... Fuelling the DR Congo conflict ... A leaked UN report has implicated Rwanda and Uganda in a regional unrest but who really benefits from the instability?
Open file 3687
Country ... DRC
Complex issues in East DR Congo

AJE News 11 Jul 2012 ... DRC official claims Rwanda aiding M23 rebels ... Spokesman in North Kivu province says M23 rebels, who have seized towns in the country's east, are supported by Kigali.
Open file 3688
Country ... DRC
Complex issues in East DR Congo

AJE News Africa 08 Jul 2012 ... Rebels seize towns in eastern DR Congo ... M23 movement takes Rutshuru and two other towns close to Ugandan border, extending influence in North Kivu province.
Open file 3689
Climate Change
Missing from US Politics 2012

Mark Hertsgaard ... The deafening silence on climate change ... Global warming has seldom been mentioned this year on the campaign trail, despite Obama's promise to the contrary.
Open file 3690
Climate Change
Missing from US Politics 2012

Inside Story US 2012 ... US 2012 climate dialogue runs aground ... Why have the US presidential candidates been avoiding discussing climate change in the run up to the elections?
Open file 3691
Climate Change
Missing from US Politics 2012

Hilal Elver ... The cold shoulder to climate change ... Neither candidate has mentioned climate change in the debates or the campaign at large, despite its obvious impact.
Open file 3692
Country ... USA
Serious Dialog is Missing

Paul Rosenberg ... A grand bargain is a grand betrayal: The forgotten, lonely world of facts ... That the United States is centre-right and Obama must needs compromise on slashing the welfare state is a myth.
Open file 3693
Country ... Pakistan
Girls' Education

AJE Witness ... Shabeena's Quest ... On Pakistan's Taliban frontier getting an education is an act of defiance, but one woman is opening her school to all.
Open file 3694
Country ... Israel
Why Gaza? Why Now?

Mark Perry 27 Nov 2012 ... How Israel (Netanyahu) threw Barack Obama 'under the bus' ... Contrary to Romney's claim, it was Obama who was thrown under the bus by Israel, not vice versa.
Open file 3695
Country ... USA
Who is going to be next Secretary of State?

Rachel Maddow 11.16.2012 ... Rachel Maddow talking about Republicans and the alleged Susan Rice misstatements on Sunday talk shows ... and what might be the real back story
Open file 3696
Country ... USA
Obama still facing intransigent Republican House

11.16.2012 ... Rachel Maddow taking us through the history and behavior of House Speaker Boehner ... votes differenetly now under Obama than he did previously under both Republicans and Clinton
Open file 3697
Country ... USA
People Who Run Congressional Committees

11.16.2012 ... Rachel Maddow showing us who the Republicans in Congress have chosen to head their committees ... clearly showing Republican lack of diversity
Open file 3698
Country ... USA
Politics ... Supression of the Vote

11.16.2012 ... Rachel Maddow talking about election issues in Florida ... and Governor Charlie Christ. Also TRMA interview with Charlie Christ
Open file 3699
Country ... USA
Washington's Performance

11.16.2012 ... Rachel Maddow ... Beohners staff has to confront nude protesters ... apparently it worked. The concern is that the Republicans in Congress are gutting America not building America
Open file 3700
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