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TVM Dialog List 1073
3601 - 3650
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Country ... USA
Post election Washington

Rachel Maddow describing what has been going on Washington today after the election
Open file 3601
Country ... USA
Changing rules about drugs

Rachel Maddow raises questions about the changes in rules and law about marujana
Open file 3602
Country ... USA
Privacy ... Legitimate Investigation

Rachel Maddow talking about Hoover and the FBI ... interesting history, or is it current affairs
Open file 3603
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney loses

Cliff Schecter ... Reality bites ... Many used their 'predictive skills' to say that Romney would win, but Obama was re-elected in a landslide victory.
Open file 3604
Country ... USA
Politics of Security

Rachel Maddow ... showing Obama has a certain amount of guts. If you want to go after Ambassador Rice, then you are going after me.
Open file 3605
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Analysis of Election Results

Rachel Maddow ... talking about the structure of Congress after the election
Open file 3606
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Rebuilding the GOP

Rachel Maddow ... Rebuilding the GOP and suggesting a start would be some comfort with reality
Open file 3607
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Why Romney lost

AJE Alan Foster ... Five reasons why Romney lost
Open file 3608
Region ... Africa
Corruption ... crime and diamonds

Africa ... A peek into Zimbabwe's diamond trade
Open file 3609
Country ... Rumania
Transition from Communism to Democracy

AJE ... Romania: Lifting the Lid ... We investigate whether the much-feared communist-era Securitate still controls the country from the shadows.
Open file 3610
Business Issues
Sustainability and CSR

How to embed sustainability and corporate responsibility in management processes ... Save money, eliminate risk and generate new business
Open file 3611
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Post election politics

GOP governors back away from Romney remarks
Open file 3612
Climate Change

Tom Engelhardt ... The mandate of hell: How not to change the world ... Superstorm Sandy revealed just how 'unprepared' the US infrastructure is for 'predicted climate change events'.
Open file 3613
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Analysis of results

Paul Rosenberg ... Math wins huge upset over GOP - are Democrats paying attention? ... Comforting stories that don't add up lead Republicans to reject what the polls were telling them before election day.
Open file 3614
Country ... South Africa
Desmond Tutu

The Frost Interview ... Desmond Tutu: Not going quietly ... The Nobel laureate on his role in South Africa's struggle against apartheid and his alarm over recent developments.
Open file 3615
World News
AlJazeera ... Counting the Cost

List of programmes as of November 17, 2012
Open file 3616
World News
AlJazeera ... People and Power

List of programmes as of November 17, 2012
Open file 3617
Region ... Israel and Gaza
Opportunism at its worse

Inside Story Americas ... Gaza: How can the US manage the crisis? ... With the changed landscape across the Middle East, we ask what role can Barack Obama play as the conflict escalates.
Open file 3618
Region ... Gaza / Israel
Dangerous Times

Inside Story ... Gaza strikes: Motives and consequences ... As widespread attacks and counter-attacks continue, we ask if these are the opening shots in Israel's election battle.
Open file 3619
UN climate conference 2011

UN climate deal hailed as 'important advance' ... New accord will put all countries under the same legal requirements to control greenhouse gases by 2020 at the latest.
Open file 3620
Funding for Climate Change Impact Mitigation

Climate funds pledged for poor countries ... Rich nations pledge short-term funds to combat climate change in poor countries, but long-term funds remain doubtful.
Open file 3621
Greenhouse Gases

Report: Global carbon dioxide output soaring ... US department of energy says greenhouse emissions rose six per cent in 2010, far more than recent worst case scenario.
Open file 3622
Pricing pollution

101 East ... Pricing pollution ... Australia, one of the world's biggest polluters, has unveiled a radical move to tackle climate change, but will it work?
Open file 3623
Country ... Nigeria
Oil Industry Pollution

AJE ... UN slams Shell over Nigeria oil pollution ... Report says it will cost up to $1bn and take 30 years to clean up damage done by oil giant in Niger Delta.
Open file 3624
Progress and Pollution

Who pollutes: The rich or the poor? ... India's prime minister is allowing India's environment to be destroyed in order to cater to powerful foreign investors.
Open file 3625
Global Warming

Debating global warming ... Plenty of theories still doing the rounds, some undisputed and some that are dubious.
Open file 3626
Athabasca Tar Sands

Bill McKibben ... Global warming: an election issue after all? ... For Obama, global warming could prove to be a surprise winner as a campaign issue.
Open file 3627
Technology for Reform

Givology is a technology initiative to link microdonors with small development initiatives
Open file 3628
Country ... USA
Media and (Right Wing) politics

Why Fox News and the Wall Street Journal Reward Their Pundits for Being Wrong About Everything
Open file 3629
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... Finishing the Job: Next Steps on Financial Reform
Open file 3630
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... The Price of Speculation Makes the Case for Regulation
Open file 3631
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... Reforming the 401(k)
Open file 3632
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... Starving the Watchdog: How Budget Cuts Undermine Financial Regulation
Open file 3633
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... A Price We Can't Forget: $12.8 Trillion in Losses from the Financial Crisis
Open file 3634
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... Subprime Students: How Wall Street Profits from the College Loan Mess
Open file 3635
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... Against the Rules: The Senate's New Attack on Regulation
Open file 3636
Big Banking
Banking Reform and Regulation

DEMOS Policy Blog ... The Casino Economy Harms Needed Public Services
Open file 3637
User Agreements
Bluehost Terms of Service

The Terms of Service for Bluehost as of November 19, 2012
Open file 3638
Systemic Dysfunction

DEMOS Policy Blog ... High Profits, Low Wages, and the Growth of Inequality
Open file 3639
TVM Website Adninistration
Transfer tracking from GoDaddy to Bluehost ... establishment of the new website
Open file 3640
User Agreements

goMobi Terms of Service
Open file 3641
Website Administration
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO Simplified ... an excellent e-Book about the subject of search enginer optimization. An easy read, with lots of value.
Open file 3642
Many questions about Capitalism

What about Capitalism?, This review by Stergios D. Marangos is from: Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis (Paperback)
Open file 3643
Military Leadership
David Petraeus: A US war hero? ... After a scandalous affair brought him down, we ask how successful the retired general's military strategies have been.
Open file 3644
Military Leadership
Oliver Stone: 'Petraeus is no hero' ... the big question is the performance of the military under Petraeus's watch
Open file 3645
Region ... Israel and Gaza
Questionable Legal Basis

Mark LeVine and Lisa Hajjar ... International law, the Gaza war, and Palestine's state of exception Israel's latest assault on Gaza has no legal basis as an occupying power and constitutes a set of war crimes.
Open file 3646
Region ... Israel and Gaza
Interpretting Dershowitz

Belen Fernandez ... Dershowitz versus Gaza ... Alan Dershowitz routinely defends immoral behaviour by the Israeli army by vilifying civilians killed by Israel.
Open file 3647
The Fracking Controversy

Ellen Cantarow ... Frack fight: A secret war of activists ... Opening any part of the country to fracking will certainly damage the environment, beyond the planet's abity to cope.
Open file 3648
Country ... Egypt

AJE ... Egypt's Morsi assumes wide powers ... President sacks prosecutor general and calls for retrial of those acquitted for the murder of anti-Mubarak protesters.
Open file 3649
War on Terror
Death of Bin Laden

Secret details of Bin Laden burial revealed ... Emails released by US Defence Department provide new information over burial of slain al-Qaeda leader.
Open file 3650
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