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TVM Dialog List 1072
3551 - 3600
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David Harvey

David Harvey: The Crisis Today: Marxism 2009 ... Debate with Chris Harman at Marxism 2009
Open file 3551
Marxism revisited by Professor David Harvey

The Enigma Of Capital - Professor David Harvey - London School of Economics ... Mulitple Parts
Open file 3552
Politics 2012 ... and Policy

The progressive president America needs ... Barack Obama, though vastly better than Mitt Romney, is barely a shadow of the president America truly needs.
Open file 3553 Open file 3553
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Obama wins

Interpreting Obama's victory ... Obama and the constituencies that supported him could be harbingers of a better future for the country, writes Falk.
Open file 3554 Open file 3554
Whistleblowers and WikiLeaks

Alleged WikiLeaks source offers guilty plea ... Bradley Manning offers to plead guilty to lesser offenses; no response from prosecutors.
Open file 3555
The Bradley Manning WikiLeaks Case

Lawyers for WikiLeaks suspect urge dismissal ... Defence team for US soldier Bradley Manning argues that case was mishandled by prosecutors and must now be thrown out.
Open file 3556
Region ... Africa
Relations with the West

How to Rob Africa ... Why does the Western world feed Africa with one hand while taking from it with the other?
Open file 3557
Social Media

Becoming an 'influencer'
Open file 3558
Malaria ... Swaziland

The Malaria Elimination Initiative of the Global Health Group, University of California, San Francisco is proud of what it has done ... but is it really good and is it sustainable
Open file 3559
Economic Organization
The Collaborative Economy

Michael Bawens of P2P and his book length paper on the emerging collaborative economy
Open file 3560
Executive Remuneration
People with top earnings 2011

Chevron executives make millions ... Chevron boss John Watson made $25 million in 2011
Open file 3561
Excessive Consumption in the USA

Fareed Zacharia highlights what modern technology can do to change the pattern of excessive consumption
Open file 3562
Coal ... USA

Coal company announces layoffs in response to Obama win
Open file 3563
Corporate Profits
Exxon Mobil

Exxon reports record profit of nearly $16 billion ... for quarter!
Open file 3564
Mobile phones

Samsung’s Galaxy S III passes Apple iPhone 4S as best-selling phone
Open file 3565
Rich People
Larry Ellison

Technology has created many billionaires ... but where has this wealth come from?
Open file 3566
Rich People
Bloomberg Business Week Top 200

2012 Inaugural List ... Bloomberg Business Week Top 200 ... The World’s 200 Richest People
Open file 3567
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 .... Obama Wins

AJE Empire ... Choosing the American President ... The voters have chosen, but what will the next four years bring?
Open file 3568
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Obama wins

AJE Fault Lines ... How the White House was Won ... It was a long and bitter race that cost at least $2.5bn, but were American voters presented with a real choice?
Open file 3569
Big Banking
Deeply corrupt self serving economic activity

Barclays faces fine for manipulating markets ... US regulators gave bank 30 days to show why it should not be penalised for manipulating physical electricity prices.
Open file 3570
Big Banking
Barclays LIBOR aftermath

Scandal-hit Barclays appoints new chairman ... Industry veteran David Walker to steer British bank in the aftermath of Libor crisis.
Open file 3571
Big Banking
The LIBOR scandal

Dean Baker ... The Fed, Ben Bernanke and the rotten Libor ... Ben Bernanke had an obligation as Fed chair to expose and stop the rigging of inter-bank lending rates.
Open file 3572
Country ... USA
Some political history

When Republicans Deliberately Sowed a Financial Crisis
Open file 3573
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Fiscal Cliff

Who Will Blink First, Obama or Boehner?
Open file 3574
Country ... USA
Military Strategy

Space warfare and the future of US global power ... By 2020, the Pentagon hopes to 'patrol the entire globe ceaselessly', relentlessly via a 'triple canopy space shield'.
Open file 3575
Country ... Israel
Military Issues

The purity of drones ... Israel's drone export business to Latin America is leading Colombia to replicate the economic model.
Open file 3576
Country ... USA
General Petraeus resigns as CIA chief

Rachel Maddow and the news cycle on Friday November 9, 2012
Open file 3577
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... After the election

Rachel Maddow talking about the leadership of the Republican Party ... or lack thereof
Open file 3578
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... After the election

Rachel Maddow pointing up the problems with voting in the USA
Open file 3579
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... After the election

Rachel Maddow describing the Republican Party's post election activities
Open file 3580
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... After the election

Rachel Maddow setting out the story of women's votes around the country
Open file 3581
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... After the election

Rachel Maddow on time to reform the election process ... make it simpler and make it better
Open file 3582
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... After the election

Rachel Maddow talking about the down level election results ... many changes going to Democrats
Open file 3583
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... After the election

Rachel Maddow asks some simple questions about Karl Rove's performance
Open file 3584
Analysis of the Economy

TED Talk: Paul Collier on the 'bottom billion'
Open file 3585
Analysis of Economy

BBC podcast ... Manuel Castells on the rise of alternative economic cultures
Open file 3586
Analysis of Economy

BBC podcast ... Steve Keen: Why Economics Is Bunk ... a pioneer of meaningful new economics from Australia
Open file 3587
The cost of waste

Report: The Alberta GPI Accounts: Municipal and Hazardous Waste by the Pembina Institure
Open file 3588
Analysis of Economy

BBC podcast ... Martin Wolf: New Global Economics ... A very conventional conversation
Open file 3589
The operation of the economic system

A Burgess Note: Where does wealth come from?
Open file 3590
Working Conditions
USA Health Coverage

Applebee's CEO and Millionare Zane Tankel vs. Working Americans
Open file 3591
The operation of the economic system

Burgess Note: Profits Up … Jobs Down
Open file 3592
Vulture investing

The vultures swooping on vulnerable nations ... Could vulture funds be turning their sights on troubled eurozone countries like Ireland and Greece?
Open file 3593
About consolidation of firms

Practice Manager: Is PKF the real deal as BDO plays catch-up?
Open file 3594
Structure of the Global Accountancy Profession

Open file 3595
Taxes paid by multinationals

Corporation tax: Easy for multinationals to avoid?
Open file 3596
Country ... USA
US Government Finance

Foolishness about US Government Finance ... A National Debt Of $14 Trillion? Try $211 Trillion
Open file 3597
Country ... USA
US Government Finance

Dean Baker ... The crisis of the deficit crisis mongers ... The Congressional Budget Office and other budget forecasters can't ignore the economic reality forever.
Open file 3598
Region ... Europe
The European Endowment for Democracy

November 13, 2012 ... The European Endowment for Democracy – Support for the unsupported ... Receives funding of € 6 million
Open file 3599
Country ... USA
Military personnel

Rachel Maddow on the complex story of senior military personnel
Open file 3600
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