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TVM Dialog List 1062
3051 - 3100
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Impact Investing
An exchange for impact investing

Impact Investment Exchange, the Asia’s first Social Stock Exchange funded by the Rockefeller Foundation
Open file 3051
Impact Investing
Social Impact Investment Stock Exchange

Professor Durreen Shahnaz’s speech at Asian Private Banker Investment Advisory Summit Singapore 2012
Open file 3052
Country ... Philippines
Some history going back to the Marcos era

Imelda and Me ... Veronica Pedrosa, whose family was forced into exile by the Philippines Marcos regime, confronts Imelda about her past.
Open file 3053
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... More on abortion

TRMS ... Rachel Maddow opines on the male Republican's knowledge about rape ... this is a big issue in 2012 Republican policies
Open file 3054
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Republicans and women's issues

TRMS ... The sage of Todd Akin ... getting into difficuolty with his stand on 'legitimate rape' and how the female body responds ... etc etc
Open file 3055
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Voter registration confrontations

TRMS ... Montgomery County in Ohio ... Republicans are pulling out all the stops to get control of the vote
Open file 3056
The closing of American academia

The plight of adjunct professors highlights the end of higher education as a means to prosperity.
Open file 3057
Region ... Middle East
Nepal ban on Middle East workers

AJE Video ... Women under age of 30 will not be allowed to work in Middle Eastern countries amid concerns over exploitation.
Open file 3058
Region ... Middle East
Indonesia may stop sending maids abroad

East Asian nation looks to stop sending maids abroad by 2017 amid reports many are being abused.
Open file 3059
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... misstatements and worse

TRMS ... wonderful set of interesting statements by Republican candidates. This is worse than flop-flop it is having both your cake and eating it. Doesn't work. Will the press do their job?
Open file 3060
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... being on the ballot

TRMS ... Where was Obama born so should not be on ballot ... but Romney Ryan also have problems with being on the ballot in Washington State
Open file 3061
Countries ... South Africa
Working Conditions in the Mines

S Africa commemorates mine-violence victims ... Mood tense as services are held for 44 people killed during strike at platinum mine in North West province.
Open file 3062
Country ... South Africa
Legacy of the apartheid era

South Africa: A throwback to the past, a shock for the future ... Police killed 34 striking miners at a platinum mine in South Africa on August 16.
Open file 3063
Country ... South Africa
Violence against striking miners

Police open fire on South African miners ... Not much evidense that this was purely in 'self-defense'
Open file 3064
Importance of Training

The Importance of Training ... Perspective of Peter Ryan, Founder and CEO of the Microloan Foundation
Open file 3065
Management in the Telecenter Sector

Good management is not an academic analysis of data, but using data, including informal data effectively
Open file 3066
People ... Tammy Duckworth
Impressive human being

Nobody Puts Tammy Duckworth in a Corner ... Her opponent in her race for Congress, Rep. Joe Walsh, calls Obama a 'tyrant' and belittles her military service. Bring it on.
Open file 3067
Management in the Telecenter Sector

Accounting, Key Items and Management Information ... Focus on what is important
Open file 3068

AJE: South Africa mine shooting: Who is to blame? ... Police who shot and killed 34 striking miners say they fired in self-defence.
Open file 3069 Open file 3069
Country ... South Africa
Dozens killed in South Africa mine shooting

Police chief says 34 dead and 78 injured in crackdown on striking workers at platinum mine in North West province.
Open file 3070
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Paul Ryan's faux populism

Robert Reich ... Ryan's proposed budget doesn't shrink government by cutting benefits and payments to big business and the rich.
Open file 3071
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Mitt Romney's background

Interesting ... did you know that Mitt Romney started from nothing. Actually someone with a very elite background.
Open file 3072
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Paul Ryan's rage for the machine

Cliff Schecter ... Paul Ryan, the Republican vice-presidential hopeful takes extreme positions on many economic and social issues.
Open file 3073
Country ... USA
Rule of Law

Due process under duress: Detaining citizens under NDAA ... Activists retaliate against the US government by suing them for signing a bill they say goes against the Constitution.
Open file 3074

NY Times article from 2002 ... After 9/11, a Torrent of Money, and Anger
Open file 3075 Open file 3075
Transparency ... Sex, lies and Wikileaks

AJE Listening Post main story ... As once friendly news outlets report the Julian Assange story more critically, we ask if the media has lost the plot.
Open file 3076
Country ... Iraq
US Military are Powerful but only soldiers

Permission to Engage ... Victims' families and an ex-US soldier unpick the Wikileaks film that showed US forces killing Iraqi civilians in 2007.
Open file 3077
Company ... Ernst and Young
Its financial performance from 2003

Most of the time the financial performance of professional firms is kept very secret ... once in a while it comes out.
Open file 3078
Fund Flow Analysis

A Burgess letter from 2001 pointing out that fund flows for development assistance do not reach needy beneficiaries
Open file 3079
Health and the Global Fund

[af-aids] Re: HIV/AIDS Programs Drain Funds From Programs Aimed at Malaria (2)
Open file 3080
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 and more

The Cafe asks if US: is Still #1? ... Will whoever wins the US election find themselves with the unenviable task of overseeing the decline of the US?
Open file 3081
Country ... USA
Romney and Ryan: Fighting for an exclusive US

AJE Opinion ... Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate will have profound implications for the upcoming election.
Open file 3082
Copuntry ... USA
Politics 21012 ... Mitt Romney: The aristocrat

Cliff Schecter ... In a series of gaffes the Republican candidate has managed to distance himself from his fellow Americans.
Open file 3083
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Two fists full of dollars for Romney

Cliff Schecter ... GOP hopeful's relationship with money embodies everything that is wrong with the US economy.
Open file 3084
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Akin simply mispoke

Helen Philpot ... My Vagina Has Legitimate Concerns About Electing Republicans
Open file 3085
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ...

Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card': 'Awful,' 'Embarrassment,' 'Garbage' (VIDEO)
Open file 3086
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Republican war on women!

What the 'legitimate rape' fiasco reveals about Paul Ryan's extremist past Todd Akin's insensitive remarks regarding 'legitimate rape' could provide the Romney ticket with a good smokescreen.
Open file 3087
Contraband clothes dominate Nigeria's market

Importing used clothes is illegal in Africa's most populous country, even though 80 per cent of Nigerians buy them.
Open file 3088
Country ... Liberia
News ... Alfred's Free Press

One innovative journalist has found a way to get daily news and information to Liberians – with the aid of a blackboard.
Open file 3089
Mining very profitable

Mining very profitable but value destruction for society ... AJStream has programme about the Canadian mining industry and its behavior in Latin America
Open file 3090
Water ie more important than oil

AlterNet / It's No Longer Enough to Regulate Corporate Greed: The Global Water Crisis Demands a Paradigm Shift
Open file 3091
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Republican money

Rachel Maddow introducing us all to the money flows at the upcoming Republican Convention ... it would be funny if this was not so serious
Open file 3092
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Republicans on abortion

Rachel Maddow ... Todd Akin has opened up a whole dialog about abortion and the potential move in the direction of repealing Rowe v Wade
Open file 3093
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Republicans and the birthers

Rachel Maddow ... and just for good measure Donald Trump might be getting to make a pitch for his birther position at the GOP convention
Open file 3094
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... and who is the real Mitt Romney?

Rachel Maddow ... is Mitt Romney's experience important or not? Mitt Romney does not seem to have decided
Open file 3095
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... GOP makes huge ad buy

The Ed Show ... August 27 ... The Republicans are now starting to play the 'welfare' card ... but GOP story is a really big lie
Open file 3096
What exactly is the World Water Forum

Access to Sanitation Reserved for the VIPs at World Water Forum ... It's a perfect statement about the World Water Forum's agenda serving the rich and powerful while the poor are denied access to water.
Open file 3097

Open file 3098
Country ... China
China and its bubbles

China: Broken Dreams ... Despite the country's rapid economic growth, many young Chinese are growing disillusioned as they struggle to find jobs.
Open file 3099
Country ... China
Employment ... jobs

AJE ...How the Government of China is responding to China's growing jobs crisis - 06 March 2009
Open file 3100
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