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TVM Dialog List 1061
3001 - 3050
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The Burgess Library

A library of Burgess books was lost in a fire in February 2012 ... these are some replacement books
Open file 3001
Music, Media and Style
There is a place for these in Islamic society

AJE ... Pop goes Islam ... The controversy surrounding an Islamic styled music channel for Muslim youth.
Open file 3002
Rule of law versus what is right and just

Julian Assange's right to asylum ... Given the travesty that is American justice, WikiLeaks' founder is entitled to seek asylum and well-advised to fear extradition
Open file 3003
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... the GOP on stimulus

TRMS ... Does a stimulus work ... well for GOP Congressment the idea is to vote against it in public and then ask for it in private
Open file 3004
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... voter registration

TRMS ... Its how you game the play ... changing the voting rules will change what happens in the elections
Open file 3005
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Paul Ryan

TRMS ... How is Ryan going to handle the Medicare issue among Republican retirees ... he goes to Florida next weekend
Open file 3006
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney and the tax issue

TRMS ... Romney still has tax return issues ... lots of income and wealth, but not much payment of tax
Open file 3007
Assange and WikiLeaks under attack

No sign of breakthrough in Assange asylum row ... Ecuador says WikiLeaks founder will remain in its embassy in London as long as he is denied safe passage out of UK.
Open file 3008
Country ... USA
Justice and enforcement ... torture

Impunity at home, rendition abroad ... The modern US urge to torture did not begin on September 12, 2001, but can be traced back to the Cold War.
Open file 3009
Country ... Russia
Pussy Riot and the Russion opposition

After Pussy Riot, artists everywhere must stand up for each other ... There are hundreds of artists who perform under threat to their freedom and lives, who also deserve our solidarity.
Open file 3010
Nick Hanauer

A TED Talk that addresses the role consumers and demand in creating jobs rather than tax policy which is nothing more than a smoke-screen
Open file 3011
Country ... USA
Paul Ryan: Path to Prosperity

The Path to Prosperity ... 3 Episodes: (1) America's two futures, visualized (2) Saving Medicare, Visualized (3) Pro-Growth Tax Reform, Visualized
Open file 3012
People ... Hans Camenzind
Inventor Of The 555 Timer

RIP: Hans Camenzind, Inventor Of The 555 Timer
Open file 3013
Country ... Mozambique
Coal to fuel economic progress

Mozambique's mixed blessing ... Rich coal find promises to reverse fortunes of African nation once ranked as world's poorest ... Doubts over equality in Mozambique's coal boom
Open file 3014
Media ... Fox News
Fox News lies

Fox News lies ... no it doesn't ... but then here are several examples of lies on tape. Case proven!
Open file 3015
Country ... Mozambique
Natural Resource boom ... boon for who?

Counting the Cost ... The economic rise of Mozambique ... Could the African nation be a bright spot on the fiscal horizon?
Open file 3016
Country ... Malaysia
Sport is helping tourism

AJE Asia-pacific reports how the Monsoon Cup for Formula One sailing is helping local tourism
Open file 3017
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... More on Paul Ryan

Romney and Republicsns ... and Congressmen Ryan selection for VP. But starts off with old American Express ads which are interesting
Open file 3018
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... More on Paul Ryan

TRMS ... Weapons of Mass Destruction ... Iraq ... Paris is burning ... Ryan has a history with all of this
Open file 3019
Government Dysfunction
The Veterans Administration

Rachel Maddow getting to grips with the paperwork backlog in the VA ... this is not what should be happening
Open file 3020
The establishment does not want transparency

Assange addresses media from Ecuador embassy ... WikiLeaks founder thanks Ecuadorian leader for showing 'courage' in granting him asylum, in speech from London embassy.
Open file 3021
The establishment does not want transparency

AJE Inside Story ... The curious case of Julian Assange ... Ecuador has granted the Wikileaks founder asylum but will the UK grant him safe passage out of the country?
Open file 3022
Fair and Balanced ... or not?

What's gone wrong at The Guardian? ... Hiring Joshua Trevino, who endorsed the killing of Gaza flotilla members, is a worrying step for journalism.
Open file 3023
Assange and WikiLeaks for transparency

RussiaToday ... 'Manning a hero, US war on whistleblowers must end' - Assange FULL SPEECH August 19th in London
Open file 3024
Country ... Bangladesh
Working Conditions

Fashion by Famine: Safety in tatters as clothing firms exploit the poor. This story references Bangladesh, but similar issues are present in many countries where textile firms are being operated. Who cares when the investors can make more money?
Open file 3025
Assange and WikiLeaks

Julian Assange, the balcony Bolívar of Knightsbridge ... The WikiLeaks founder blew a giant raspberry in the face of William Hague from the Ecuadorean embassy in London
Open file 3026
TED ... Ideas worth spreading

THE COMMENT STREAM ... Forbes on The Real Reason That Nick Hanauer's TED Talk Was 'Censored'? It's Shoddy And Dumb
Open file 3027
TED ... Ideas worth spreading
Forbes on The Real Reason That Nick Hanauer's TED Talk Was 'Censored'? It's Shoddy And Dumb
Open file 3028
Myth of lower taxes increase employment

The Inequality Speech That TED Won't Show You ... the full text of the TED talk
Open file 3029
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Niall Ferguson: Obama’s Gotta Go

Niall Ferguson makes the case in a front page Newsweek article that Obama has not made good on his campaign promises. Like others, Ferguson ignores the game changer that was the implosion of the Bush/Cheney economy and failure of the global banking system
Open file 3030
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Policy Options

Niall Ferguson has upped the ante ... but in the process may have mobilized Obama supporters to address the socio-economic policy options more aggressively
Open file 3031
Country ... Honduras
Drugs ... Corruption ... US Intervention

AJE Fault Lines ... The US and Honduras ... Is the US lending financial support to a police force and army linked to a campaign of extra-judicial killings?
Open file 3032
Country ... USA
Obama's Inaugural Address

President Obama Inaugural Address ... January 2009.
Open file 3033
The Koch Brothers

People & Power asks why the billionaire siblings are spending a fortune in support of a conservative political agenda.
Open file 3034
Country ... Syria
Communications infrastructure

MTN alleged to be closing off communications ... The internet goes dark, then the tanks roll in
Open file 3035
Data about Philanthropy

Explore How America Gives
Open file 3036
Crime does pay

Sad But True: Corporate Crime Does Pay ... And CEOs almost never go to jail.
Open file 3037
Former Barclays CEO 'held back evidence'

Parliamentary committee claims Bob Diamond held back evidence during hearings on the Libor rate-rigging scandal.
Open file 3038
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Economics Debate

Paul Krugman on Paul Ryan ... An Unserious Man ... Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate led to a wave of pundit accolades
Open file 3039
Country .... USA
Education ... Policy Options

OP-ED by Henry A Giroux ... Corporate Media and Larry Summers Team Up to Gut Public Education: Beyond Education for Illiteracy, Vulgarity and a Culture of Cruelty
Open file 3040
Country ... USA
Media, Society and Economy

Michael Kazin ... Whatever Happened to the American Left? ... a shadow of its former self
Open file 3041
Country ... Nigeria
Energy ... Pollution ... Human Rights ... etc

Platform reports ... Data leak reveals Shell’s deep financial links to human rights abusers in Nigeria.
Open file 3042
Country ... Lebanon

Lebanese Canadian Bank Linked To Drugs, Terror Group
Open file 3043
How the food market works

Report: The Hunger Makers ... How Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Other Financial Institutions Are speculating With Food at the Expense of the Poorest
Open file 3044
Country ... Ethiopia
Ethiopian leader Meles Zenawi dies

Former guerrilla leader, Meles Zenawi, in power since 1991, to be succeeded by deputy prime minister, state TV says.
Open file 3045
Country ... Ethiopia
Obituary: Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi

The PM dies after battling an unknown illness for two months. Here is a look at his rise to power.
Open file 3046
What model works ... works best?

Health Corporation of America (HCA) ... A Giant Hospital Chain Is Blazing a Profit Trail
Open file 3047
Country ... Ethiopia
Death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi

A collection of images associated with the legacy of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
Open file 3048
Why do we need to pay billions of pounds for big projects?

Productivity is up ... but escalation in price is extraordinary. Why do today's big schemes require huge budgets.
Open file 3049
Country ... Norway
Sovereign Wealth Funds

Investment: Norway’s nest egg ... Oslo’s oil fund is seen as a paragon of responsible use of energy income but debate rages about its strategy
Open file 3050
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