Society and Economy
The issue of US social security
Bernie Sanders Levels CNN And Delivers The Truth To The Mainstream Media
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Social Activism
Occupy Walls Street
A view of Occupy from Wharton Business School in Pennsylvania
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Social Activism
Response of authorities to OWS
Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis
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Social Activism
Occupy in New York
Lawrence O'Donnell Calls Arrest of Wall St. Protesters 'Criminal', without Justification
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Social Activism
Authorities don't get the Occupy message
Bloomberg: OWS Protests 'Just An Opportunity For A Bunch Of Unions To Complain'
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Clayton Christensen on metrics
RADICAL MANAGEMENT: Rethinking leadership and innovation ... Clayton Christensen: How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
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Social Activism
Push back against Occupy emerging
Lobbying firm's memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
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Social Activism
Response of the authorities
VIDEO Occupy Baltimore Shrugs Off Other Camp Closures
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Society and Economy
Distribution of wealth
The Top 0.1% Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains
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Media Freedom and Society
Internet Freedom
US State Department not for internet freedom ... The SOPA bill will help private companies cut off internet sites only to protect their profits.
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Social Activism
Occupy in US universities goes violent
US university probes protest pepper spraying ... Footage of incident on California campus described as 'chilling' by university chancellor who rejects calls to quit.
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Society and Economy
Mohamed A El-Erian on the economic chaos
The anatomy of global economic uncertainty ... Economic chaos is ravaging Western countries, few of which are well-equipped to deal with major structural changes.
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International Affairs
US and the Asia Pacific Region
Is US challenging Beijing's ambitions? ... US president looks east to re-establish America as a Pacific nation but has his Asian tour rubbed China the wrong way?
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Society and Economy
Economist does analysis
The undeserving one per cent? ... Ideas about who qualifies to be in the one per cent and how they made their money may be flawed, says economist.
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Society amd Economy
The media adds noise not much light
Krugman, Noonan, Will with ABC’s Christiane Amanpour talking about Newt Gingrich
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Society and Economy
Using games to facilitate progress
We need Dungeon Masters for the real world
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Social Activism
UC Davis ... the response of the authorities
UC Davis Chancellor Katehi walks to her car (higher quality)
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Social Activism
The response of the authorities
The response of Chancellor Katehi of the University of California at Davis has been unfortunate ... and OWS gathers just a little bit more strength
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Society and Economy
Too big and far too leveraged
Simon Johnson writing that Deutsche Bank Could Transfer Contagion ... it is appalling how much leverage is being used
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Society and Economy
Fed Bailing out the Banks
Senator Sanders ... The scale of the bailout of the banks seems to be around $16 trillion in Fed loans ... most in the last quarter of 2008
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Society and Economy
Change is changing
A collection of very special images and changing and change by Dave Gray
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Chris Wallace
Chris Wallace on Fox News has last word, not allowing Juan Williams to have his say about Occupy Wall Street
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Paul Hawken
Pauyl Hawken's bio and the unforgettable Commencement Address 2009 at Portland University ... Healing or Stealing?
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Society and Economy
Urban farming and aquaponics
VIDEO IBM engages with Milwaukee in its Smarter Cities Challenge to develop urban framing and aquaponics
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Society and Economy
Making the money go round ... in the local community
Christmas 2011 - Birth of a New Tradition. Spend locally and create prosperity in the local society.
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Society and Economy
Corruption is everywhere
Fraudulent Defense Contractors Paid $1 Trillion
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Jon Stewart with Chris Wallace
Jon Stewart with Chris Wallace and the bias of Fox News around June 2011
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Home Depot and the Union
This is a video about the advantages there are at Home Depot if you don't join a Union
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Social Activism
Occupy Wall Street
Marianne Williamson Speaking on the Occupy Movement ... Politics ... Economics ... Spiritualism
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Police and Society
Who is developing strategy for police in USA?
More on Police Departments' Collusion in Defense of 1%: Who's the Organization Coordinating Those Crackdown Calls?
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Who are the worst in the 1%
A listing of 30 of the contenders for the worst in the 1%
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Politics, Society and the Economy
Seperate opinions, separate facts
The Right Blames Obama for the GOP's Debt Failure ... one set of facts but two different story lines. Only one is correct!
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Society and Economy
New York Fed ... Primary Dealers
New York Fed ... A list of primary dealers in the Wall Street financial structure and changes in recent years
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Society and Economy
AIG and the New York Fed
Information about the New York Fed’s actions and involvement with AIG from the NYFed website
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The data are ridiculously inaccurate
Economist article ... Official statistics probably exaggerate global current-account imbalances ... must be Exports to Mars
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International Affairs
5th Column and Iran
Fifth column of the postmodern kind ... Iranians supporting a military strike against their own country are brazen and hypocritical.
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Econ4 ... 4 People 4 the Planet 4 the Future
Econ4 is a group of economists who have organized to promote economics that go beyond simple money and finance models
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Social Activism
Pepper Spray at UC Davis
The Occupy Movement has been thoughtful and quiet on the part of the protesters compared to the authorities and the police
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Social Activism
Steven J. Baum PC Law Firm closes
Steven J. Baum PC Law Firm Evil ‘Homeless Costume Party’ Eviction Law Firm Closing, For Being Evil
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Social Activism
Pepper Spray at UC Davis
The Occupy Movement has been thoughtful and quiet on the part of the protesters compared to the authorities and the police
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Social Activism
Occupy Movement
A roundup of the Occupy Movement at day 65 ... many places around the USA and the world.
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Confirmed: Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) coordinating Occupy raids
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Politics, Society and Economy
The US deficit is a diversion
Americans are being lied to about the deficit ... Republicans want to gut social safety nets, not cut the US deficit.
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Society and Economy
The ultra-rich
George Monbiot ... Intelligence? Talent? No, the ultra-rich got to where they are through luck and brutality.
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Social Activism
Revolutionary ideas do not come from books and manifestos
A vision of the whole human race ... Revolutionary ideas do not come from books and manifestos, but from experiences and connections with different peoples.
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Society and Economy
Vandana Smith and Social Activism
The lies of free market democracy ...
By fighting against the doomed system, the 99 per cent have nothing to lose but their disposability and dispensability.
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Senator Grassley
Chuck Grassley's Senate: American idiots ...
The US senate has degenerated from 'the world's most deliberative body' into the world's most deliberately stupid one.
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Money Banking and Financial Services
The damage caused by Central Banks
Central bank tales ...
It is unsustainable to have given banks the power to create money out of thin air in the long run, says author.
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Society and Economy
The deep roots of conservative radicalism
Corey Robin ... The discussion surrounding conservatism today is overshadowed by incoherent knowledge of the founding conservatives.
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Politics, Society and Economy
Obama Campaign Trail
Obama Gets Mic Checked By Occupy Wall Street Protesters (VIDEO) In Manchester New Hampshire
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