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TVM Dialog List 1009
401 - 450
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 1 Al Quaeda recruits against US resentment
Open file 401
News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 2 Al Quaeda as a global brand
Open file 402
News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 3 War as a for-profit business
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 4 US military increasingly privatized
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 5 Torture and abuse become American weapons
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 6 US adopts the tactics of its enemies
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 7 NYPD as international anti-terror force
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 8 NYPD keeps watchful eye on city streets
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 9 Loose nukes a threat of global scale
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 10 US races to prevent nuclear terror
Open file 410
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
One number says it all
With consumer confidence taking a dip, Americans will a feel ripple effect from the drop in spending.
Open file 411
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Racism on the rise in Europe
In Norway, England, the Netherlands, Russia, and especially Austria, racist and Islamophobic movements are on the rise.
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News Retrospective
Day of Destruction ... Decade of War
Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC No. 13
Open file 413
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
America's self-inflicted decline
The United States is facing major economic problems, and its politicians are unable - or unwilling - to solve them.
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Country Level Economic Data
Country Comparison > GDP - per capita (PPP)
Per Capita GDP is one of the most widely used economic statistic, but it is also one of the most flawed
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Country Level Economic Data
Countries by GDP (PPP)
List by the International Monetary Fund (2010)[1]
Gross Domestic Product is a measure of how much is being consumed, more than anything about value
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What the Media has to Say
Charlie Rose in conversations with George Will
Dialog is important. Charlie Rose embraces many points of view carefully listening to his visitors
Open file 417
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Big Pharma
The big pharmaceutical companies like Novartis make profit a priority over value.
Open file 418
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Stiglitz ... The price of 9/11
Ten years after 9/11, al-Qaeda has been greatly weakened; but the price paid by the US was enormous, and unnecessary.
Open file 419
Communications and Networks
Handling data overload
Google + has intrtoduced 'circles' to handle data overload
Open file 420
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
You can't buy a better agriculture
With the Earth's cropland quickly eroding, a shift to perennials is needed for a sustainable food supply.
Open file 421
AlJazeera English ... Features
The decline of agriculture?
Climate change induced extreme weather events and shifting weather patterns are challenging farmer's ability to feed us.
Open file 422
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The outsourcing bogeyman
Outsourcing benefits all countries by focusing on competitive advantage, but many politicians do not understand this.
Open file 423
AlJazeera English ... Africa
Libyan convoy to Niger raises speculation
Armed convoy of Gaddafi loyalists cross desert border, but there are no signs of toppled leader or his sons.
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AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Chapter VII: a loophole for imperialists?
The NATO intervention in Libya overstepped its UN authorisation, but this is barely being discussed in the media.
Open file 425
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
David Cameron's 'Great Expectations'
Proposals to cut back on social safety nets in the United Kingdom risk returning the country to a Dickensian era.
Open file 426
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
WikiLeaks' obvious truth
People must seek to protect not only WikiLeaks, but also the mechanism by which the information enters into our purview.
Open file 427
PBS Newshour
Workplace safety in China
Is Apple putting enough emphasis on the conditions of work in its supply chain?
Open file 428
The Political blame Game
Stop Blaming Obama for Your Lightbulb Problems
The much-derided new lightbulb efficiency standards were a Republican idea, even if Republicans have come to hate them
Open file 429
People are Important
People can make a differnce
The Smooch Project aims to improve society one person at a time ... the trailer is a good start!
Open file 430
About People ... Syria
Rifaat al-Assad
Rifaat al-Assad is speaking out against the current regime in Syria ... but is part of the family
Open file 431
AlJazeera English ... The Stream
Country: Chile
Lots of changes going on in Chile ... a good discussion going back to September 11, 1973
Open file 432
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
9/11 - was there an alternative response?
Noam Chomsky: Suppression of one's own crimes is virtually ubiquitous among powerful states, at least those that are not defeated.
Open file 433
About People
Pervez Musharraf
Pervez Musharraf, 10th President of Pakistan In office 20 June 2001 – 18 August 2008 and previously in chage of the Pakistan army
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About People
Paul Bremmer
Paul Bremmer was the most senior US civilian during the occupation of Iraq in charge of adminstration and reconstruction.
Open file 435
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Ten years after the mouse roared
Bush made a tactical error in declaring a 'global war on terrorism'; he should have instead declared war on al-Qaeda.
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About People
Benazir Bhutto
Benazir Bhutto was Prime Minister of Pakistan twice (1988–1990; 1993–1996). She was assassinated in December 2007
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About People
Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara. President of Niger
President Maïnassara held power in Niger from January 27, 1996 to April 9, 1999 when he was assassinated.
Open file 438
Quality of Life
Very few people in rich countries live in fear, but fear is the norm for many ... maube 2 billion people!
Open file 439
Health Management
Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) for Malaria Control
Summary of main features of CSS for malaria control nased on 2009 workshop
Open file 440
Health Management
Community Systems Strengthening for Malaria Control
Malaria control, CSS and community-owned response April 2009
Open file 441
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The imperial delusions of the United States
Almost ten years after the 9/11 attacks, US foreign policy remains aggressive and unrealistic.
Open file 442
Money, Banking and Financial Services
Small suctomers fighting back
The appalling behavior of the 'too big to fail' banks remains an issue. petitions help
Open file 443
About Violence
Treating Violence as a Contagious Disease
CeaseFire Chicago is a program to reduce violence in the community and funded with the help of the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation
Open file 444
Monitoring and Evaluation
at Robert Woods Johnson Foundation
Some notes about the approach to monitoring and evaluation at the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation
Open file 445
Country: Somalia
Little known Somali clan law
Michael van Notten has compiled some important material about the clan law that governs in the traditional Somali society
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About Organizations
Goldman Sachs
From a money perspective Goldman Sachs might be more valuable broken up ... but does the firm have any value value?
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Organizations: Media
The unit of Thompson Reuters has a deep network of financial journalists around the world reporting on the capitalist market economy
Open file 448
Politics in the USA
Fund raising for the Democrats
The Democratic politicians are going to raise money, but will they have a message that is worth working for?
Open file 449
Armies that use torture are putting themselves at risk, not to mention the societies they come from.
Open file 450
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