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Date: 2024-07-26 Page is: DBtxt001.php txt00000418
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Big Pharma

Pharmaceutical companies like Novartis make profit a priority over value.

Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
It is really no surprise that Novartis should take an aggressive position against any reduction in the patent protections they have for their products. Sadly, the only metric that investors concern themselves with is profit ... while the value associated with great research is totally discounted. This exchange refers to moves by the Indian Government to change the regulations concerning the manufacture of generic medications.
Peter Burgess
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY UPDATE ... September 2022
One of the characteristics of TrueValueMetrics (TVM) is that all ACTORS and ACTIVITIES have a good side and a bad side. In order for decision making to be the best it can be, both of these must be taken into consideration. In the case of 'big pharma' some people see just the 'price gouging' and think of the industry as 'bad' while other people ... like investors ... see just the profit flow and the stock price growth ... and another group see just the amazing research and wonder drugs. All of these are valid at the same time, and ALL must be taken into consideration.

In the case of the healthcare sector, in addition to the corporate entities there are national governments and political agendas which have a big role in setting the stage and the agenda for industries like pharmaceuticals. In the USA the (mainly Republican) politicans have made it difficult if not impossible for the public to access medicine at a reasonable price, as well as the government itself. President Biden has taken steps to change this ... but as I understand it they are small and slow steps, but better than nothing ... and we should remember that Biden has only the smallest of a majority in Congress.

Novartis is based in Switzerland. This is an interesting country with a reputation for its cleanliness and timeliness ... but it is also home to a number of well known major international companies that are at the top of the corporate 'hard ball' league, not to mention being home to some rather important international banks that have facilitated global bad behavior for generations.

As mentioned initially ... there is a good and bad side of almost everything ... and Switzerland is no exception to this rule!
Peter Burgess
[e-drug] Oxfam statement on Novartis case in India

Mohga Kamal-Yanni mkamalyanni@oxfam.org.uk via healthnet.org to Essential
Sep 4 (1 day ago)
E-DRUG: Oxfam statement on Novartis case in India

Oxfam is closely watching the outcome of Novartis' endless and highly damaging challenge to Section 3(d) of India's Patent Act. We are profoundly disappointed that Novartis has continued to pursue legal action against the Indian Government. Five years ago, hundreds of thousands of people called upon Novartis to drop its legal challenge against the Indian. Today, over 2 billion people still lack regular access to affordable medicines, and yet Novartis has persisted. Oxfam is seriously concerned that if Novartis succeeds, it will lead to long term and profound changes in India's patent system that will undermine generic competition and access to affordable,low-cost medicines.

Best wishes
Mohga - A Proud Egyptian
Dr. Mohga M Kamal-Yanni
Senior health & HIV policy advisor
Oxfam GB
John Smith Drive, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK
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Skype Mohga Kamal-Yanni

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[e-drug] Oxfam statement on Novartis case in India (2)
Eva Ombaka e.ombaka@gmail.com via healthnet.org to Essential
4:39 AM (10 hours ago)
E-DRUG: Oxfam statement on Novartis case in India (2)

This is very disturbing. Unfortunately the most affected, i.e. the common man/woman on the street does not appreciate yet that this is going to hurt him/her. If he did, maybe something can be done to voice our wishes via social networks like has been done in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya etc... or is that being either naive?

Aluta continua!

Eva Ombaka

Dr. Eva M A Ombaka
P.O.Box 60559
Dar es Salaam
(+255) 783 535 202
*BNI: Changing the way the World does business*

The text being discussed is available at

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