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A listing of files associated with BOOKS

Burgess Book ... Hundreds of Issues that Impact Relief and Development Performance
A single silver bullet is not going to work ... Author: Peter Burgess Published in 2006
Open file 0525
Burgess Book ... Iraq: A New Direction ... Multi-Sector Area Development
A Strategy for Peace ... A Methodology for Rapid Socio-Economic Progress ... Author: Peter Burgess Published in 2006
Open file 0526
Burgess Book ... Revolutionary Change for Relief and Development
Author: Peter Burgess Published in 2006
Open file 0527
Backstabbing for Beginners: My Crash Course in International Diplomacy
By Michael Soussan ... Published by Nation Press
Open file 2677
Books ... The Burgess Library
A library of Burgess books was lost in a fire in February 2012 ... these are some replacement books
Open file 3001
More Than Good Intentions: Improving the Ways the World’s Poor Borrow, Save, Farm, Learn and Stay Healthy
The Center for Financial Inclusion The Smart Campaign CMEF ... Alex Counts on Karlan and Appel’s “More Than Good Intentions”
Open file 3220
Book ... More Than Good Intentions
by DEAN KARLAN AND JACOB APPEL ... Improving the Ways the World's Poor Borrow, Save, Farm, Learn, and Stay Healthy
Open file 3226
Books and Papers ... How to Publish
Jim Edwards ... How To Create an eBook (in 24 Hours)
Open file 3302
Books and Papers ... How to Publish
Jim Edwards ... 10 REAL Steps To a SERIOUS Online Business
Open file 3303
Books ... The Burgess Library ... Author alphabetical
A library of Burgess books was lost in a fire in February 2012 ... these are some replacement books
Open file 3401
Book ... by John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney
The Endless Crisis ... How Monopoly-Finance Capital Produces Stagnation and Upheaval from the USA to China
Open file 3462
Books ... Burgess Library
Images of Books in Burgess Library (many destroyed in house fire February 2012)
Open file 8911

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0525 0526 0527 2677 3001 Burgess Books 3220 Dean Karlan 3226 Dean Karlan 3302 How to publish 3303 3401 Burgess Books 3462
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.