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TVM Dialog List 1398
19851 - 19900

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Baruch ... The Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity

Chat text
Open file 19851
NYU Africa House ... November 17th 2020

Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development: A Critical Perspective
Open file 19852
Media / Headlines
The Energy 202

Washington Post The Energy 202 ... November 11th 2020
Open file 19853

Open file 19854
US Politics
The Biden Cabinet

Top contender for Biden Defense chief would be historic pick ... Michele Flournoy, held the No. 3 civilian Pentagon job during the Obama administration
Open file 19855
Nature / Environment
US natural ecosystem

Protect gray wolves and endangered species from extinction.
Open file 19856
Finance and Investment
Stansberry Research Letter

Stansberry Research ... on China flood dangers ... debt dangers ... economic crisis and other interesting matters
Open file 19857
The Trump Saga
No surprise here

More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel
Open file 19858
Media / Headlines
Washington Post

Washington Post ... November 14th 2020
Open file 19859
US Politics 2020
Hardball / Misinformation

QUESTIONS MOUNT ABOUT CONTROVERSIAL HUNTER BIDEN-CHINA DOSSIER ... Online profiles of the dossier’s publisher misrepresent key aspects of his background, The Intercept has learned.
Open file 19860
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress ... Gov. Cuomo just mandated a curfew in New York ... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress
Open file 19861
About Authorship

Grab your coffee and join me for Saturday's AuthorYOU Salon tomorrow ... Saturday November 14th 2020
Open file 19862
US election 2020
MAGA March ... big fizzle

BBC ... Million MAGA March: Pro-Trump protesters hold rallies as tensions grow
Open file 19863
Media / Headlines
Daily Kos Recommended

Daily Kos Recommended ... November 14th 2020
Open file 19864
The Trump Saga
Really Bad

Rice speculates on potential impact of withholding security briefings from Biden transition team
Open file 19865
Working Families Party

MEMO: Our plan to win in Georgia ... Britney Whaley,
Open file 19866
Impact of Factory Farms

Factory Farms Are Poisoning Rural Communities. Will Biden Take on This Crisis?
Open file 19867
USAID event:

An Overview for Faith-Based and Community Organizations: USAID’s New Expectations Regarding Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, and Counter-Trafficking in Persons
Open file 19868
Media / Headlines
Apple News

Apple News Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 9:34 AM
Open file 19869
Impact of Covid-19

Webinar | The EIU’s Worldwide Cost of Living: How is Covid-19 affecting the prices of consumer goods?
Open file 19870
Policy Options 2020

Joe Biden’s environmental priorities: The first 100 days
Open file 19871
Media / Headlines
The Washington Post ... The Energy 202

The Washington Post ... The Energy 202 ... November 16th 2020
Open file 19872
The Alliance Partnership / Urban Sea Initiative
Panning Exercise 2020

Baltimore Project A2 ... Harbor West ... preliminary first draft 201112
Open file 19873
The Alliance Partnership / Urban Sea Initiative
Panning Exercise 2020

Camden Project - Mainside ... preliminary first draft 201112
Open file 19874
US Reputation
Irreversible Decline

I was responsible for America’s global brand at the White House. The damage is irreversible.
Open file 19875

What we’re learning from Africa’s largest telco’s first transparency report ... MTN's first transparency report marks a milestone, but raises questions
Open file 19876
Covid Crisis
Reality Reporting

'We're not able to process what's about to happen to us': Shep Smith highlights doctors' warnings on COVID
Open file 19877
Media / Headlines
The Conversation

The Conversation ... November 18th 2020
Open file 19878
Smoke and Mirrors of High Finance

Linkedin Pulse ... What is wrong with me? Why don't I understand?
Open file 19879
50 Wealthy Families

The Richest Family in Every U.S. State ... only the tip of the huge amount of wealth at the top of the pyramid
Open file 19880
The Trump Saga
Sore Loser

Georgia certifies election results, making Biden win official
Open file 19881
Interesting Material
Lynn Crandall

Understanding Research and Development (R&D) ... from Lynn Crandall
Open file 19882
John Mauldin

Thoughts from the Frontline - The Great Reset vs. The Great Reset
Open file 19883
The Opportunity Lab Resource Map

Material from 2017 ????
Open file 19884
Media / Headlines
The Globalist via

The Globalist via ... November 22, 2020
Open file 19885
US Politics 2020
US: Systematically Hollowing Out Democracy

U.S. political campaigns are one vast, sprawling political slush fund, designed to create a money-based web of post-election dependencies that is vast and largely impenetrable.
Open file 19886
American Saga
A Failing America

This historian saw it all coming 30 years ago: How America's failure is pushing us 'off the cliff'
Open file 19887
The Trump Saga
A Closer Look ... Late Night with Seth Meyers

Trump Disavows Sidney Powell as His Legal Team Embarrasses Itself: A Closer Look
Open file 19888
Media / Headlines
The Washington Post ... The Finance 202

The Washington Post ... The Finance 202 ... Your economic policy briefing ... November 24th 2020
Open file 19889
Media / Headlines

Boring is (hopefully) beautiful ... and other stories
Open file 19890
The Biden Transition
Trump's economic sabotage

OP-ED ECONOMY & LABOR ... Trump Is Trying to Set Yellen and Biden Up to Fail as He Sabotages the Economy
Open file 19891
Media / Headlines
The Washington Post ... The Daily 202

The Washington Post ... The Finance 202 ... Your economic policy briefing ... November 25th 2020
Open file 19892
The Trump Saga
Sore Loser

Video ... Trump Isn’t Going Anywhere, Biden Moves Forward Anyway
Open file 19893
US Politics 2020
Progress for President Elect

A Victory for Democracy: Trump Allows the Transition to Begin
Open file 19894
Activism The World in Action ... Share the vaccine with the world! ... About patents in the health sector
Open file 19895
Media / Headlines

AlterNet November 26th 2020
Open file 19896
Late Night Comedy
Late Night with Seth Meyers

Sarah Cooper Reveals Why Trump Blocked Her on Twitter in 2017
Open file 19897
GOP Sen. David Perdue

GOP Sen. David Perdue's mastery of pandemic profiteering continues
Open file 19898
Time for an accounting

Fox News finally pays a price for its false reports on the Seth Rich conspiracy theories
Open file 19899
SPARE Open file 19900
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