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TVM Dialog List 1371
18501 - 18550

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Coronavirus / Climate
Economy Down delivers Climate Crisis mitigation

David Suzuki ... Science Matters - Idle some more: a novel climate solution
Open file 18501
Coronavirus Crisis
Coronavirus and Corruption

Statement of Transparency International with Amnesty International & CIVICUS
Open file 18502
Ellen MacArthur Foundation

VIDEO TALK: Driving Change: Insights from the Field Part 1 ...
Open file 18503
Coronavirus crisis
Coronavirus corruption

Robert Reich ... writing about Coronavirus corruption at high levels among the political elite
Open file 18504
Coronavirus Crisis
Society at Risk ... priority over economy

America’s ‘economic meltdown’ is ‘without historic parallel’ — and deteriorating rapidly: report
Open file 18505
The Trump Presidency
Failure of Presidential Leadership

‘I’ve never seen anything like it’: Sanjay Gupta stunned after Dr. Fauci is forced to fact-check Trump
Open file 18506
US politics 2020
Bernie Sanders' campaign

‘Not done yet’: Bernie Sanders campaign mobilizes donors for coronavirus relief and raises $2 million U.S.
Open file 18507
Media / News
YES Magazine

Video ... A Brief Message from Christine Hanna at YES!
Open file 18508
Interest Rates

Fed rate since 2004
Open file 18509
The Trump Presidency
Rachel Maddow

VIDEO ... Investigators Checking If President Trump Lying Includes Financial Docs | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Open file 18510
Coronavirus Crisis
GOP Senate Plan

GOP drafting stimulus package without deal with Democrats
Open file 18511
Coronavirus Crisis
The GOP bail-out plan

Robert Reich ... You'll want to read this. Every word ... But guess how much the lowest-earning Americans will get if Trump and McConnell have their way? A measly $600.1 It's disgraceful.
Open file 18512
Banking and Finance

De-risking & Credit Enhancement – Why Loan Guarantees make ALL the difference
Open file 18513
Banking and Finance

Introducing In3’s Capital Guarantee Program™
Open file 18514
Banking and Finance

In3 Capital qualified industry sectors
Open file 18515
Coronavirus Crisis
US stimulus package ... Sticking points force stimulus package talks to spill into Sunday
Open file 18516
Living Right

What the Prophet Muhammad had to say about health and cleanliness
Open file 18517
US Governance
Requirement for Presidential Ethics

How a bill co-sponsored by Elizabeth Warren and signed by Trump could reshape the next presidential transition
Open file 18518
Coronavirus Crisis

The deadly trajectory of the cononavirus ...with 30-45 more days before the USA will hit the peak...
Open file 18519
EU-Startups is the leading online publication with a focus on startups in Europe. The website was founded in October of 2010.
Open file 18520
The Trump Presidency
Health crisis overtakes the Economy

Trump Is in a Frenzy Over the Economy—Not So Much the Virus ... STUPID, IT’S THE ECONOMY ... A president who has viewed his entire life through the prism of dollars and cents increasingly sees the pandemic the same way.
Open file 18521
US Politics 2020
Start of Biden -v- Trump

Joe Biden Outlines His Pandemic Plan In Basement Broadcast ... “Trump keeps saying he’s a wartime president,” Joe Biden said. “Start to act like one.”
Open file 18522

Quora ... The financial aspects of WWII ... the financing / payments by the Soviet Union
Open file 18523
US Economy
National Finance

Tom Dyson, Editor, Postcards From the Fringe ... The Fed’s balance sheet could double this year
Open file 18524
The Dysfunction of Capitalism
The profit opportunities of war

Beyond the Economic Chaos of Coronavirus Is a Global War Economy ... The Virus of Capitalism Has Infected the COVID-19 Fight
Open file 18525
Health / Coronavirus

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 CurvePublished 1 week ago on March 16, 2020By Nick Routley
Open file 18526
Media / News
Common Dreams

Common Dreams ... March 23rd 2020
Open file 18527
US Coronavirus Crisis
Ocasio-Cortez on State of the Union

Ocasio-Cortez: President Not Using Defense Production Act Powers To Produce Medical Supplies Will 'Cost Lives'
Open file 18528
Coronavirus Politics
Matt Cartwright ... Member of Congress

WHAT: Coronavirus Telephone Town Hall WHEN: Wednesday, March 25, 5:40 - 6:40 P.M.
Open file 18529
Coronavirus crisis
Federal funding for the crisis

Per Common Dreams ... Coming from the Republicn Senate ... $500 billion for slush fund for corporations (and workers get almost nothing)
Open file 18530
Event: Business Fights Poverty
Webinar: Thursday March 26, 2020 03:00 PM in London

Business and COVID-19: Business Fights Poverty Briefing with McKinsey and UNDP ... Webinar Registration Approved
Open file 18531
Event: Integrated Reporting
Webinar 14 Apr 2020

Integrated Reporting Conversation: Pirelli on 14 Apr 2020
Open file 18532
Coronavirus Crisis

Video: Florida governor Ron DeSantis gives coronavirus update -- March 24, 2020
Open file 18533
Economic History
BBC documentary

Video ... 1929 Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression - Documentary
Open file 18534
History ... Pandemics

1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918
Open file 18535
Health / Coronavirus
Early stages of the pandemic

Video ABC News In-depth: Coronavirus: How the deadly epidemic sparked a global emergency | Four Corners
Open file 18536
Actisim / Politics
Team AOC

Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler are already millionaires. ... Senators Burr and Loeffler had inside information, and it appears that they used it to profit off a global crisis.
Open file 18537
World BEYOND War

Book by David Swanson ... 20 Dictators Currently Supported by the U.S.
Open file 18538
Media / News
Daily Beast ... March 25, 2020

Daily Beast ... March 25, 2020 ... Coronavirus / Crisis of leadership
Open file 18539
US Leadership
Elizabeth Warren interviewd by Ezra Klein

Elizabeth Warren has a plan for this, too ... “When you have a plan and people can see it, they can start making their plans,” Warren says.
Open file 18540
The Trump Presidency
Incoherence / Incompetence

The president insisted on downplaying the coronavirus by comparing it to the seasonal flu, and Fox’s hosts and medical experts acted more as sycophants than interlocutors.
Open file 18541
Health ... Coronavirus Crisis
Political Dysfunction

The Party of Life Embraces Trump’s Death Cult
Open file 18542
Fund Raising / Academia
Get CASE Smart Impact Capital

Free six-month access if you sign up now ... Need to raise capital and stuck at home because of COVID19? Get help today, online and free!
Open file 18543
EMPTY / SPARE Open file 18544
Media / News
Forum for the Future ... March 27th, 2020

Forum for the Future ...
Open file 18545
Aquaponikus / The Alliance Partnership
Notes / Communications

Part a rant ... and part perhaps some useful background to help forward movement
Open file 18546
Media / News
Forum for the Future ... March 27th, 2020

Forum for the Future ...
Open file 18547
Health / Coronavirus
A profitable system ... but catastrophically fragile

#CoronavirusPandemic is not a #BlackSwan! ... It was predicted and *could have been heavily mitigated* as South Korea & Singapore have shown.
Open file 18548
Progressive Politics
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., spoke on the House floor before a vote on a coronavirus relief plan and called aspects that Senate Republicans fought for 'shameful.'
Open file 18549
Media / News
Medium Daily Digest ... March 28, 2020

Why can European countries afford universal health care but not the U.S.? | Kent Kroeger
Open file 18550
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