Integrated Reporting
IIRC - Better Alignment Project
Financial and non-financial reporting frameworks share common founding principles of transparency and accountability
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In support of the Green New Deal
Join Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and tell Congress: we demand a Green New Deal
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Forever chemicals
Newsletter from the Green Science Policy Institute ... A lot is happening in the world of PFAS, the class of toxic 'forever chemicals.'
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British Politics
The role of Eton
There’s a side to Eton that you won’t read about in David Cameron’s memoirs ... The world-famous college keeps producing leaders who value power more than compassion. I’ve seen how that happens
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Oil, religion and the Middle East
Energy & Geopolitical Implications of the Saudi Oil Attacks | Q&A with Jason Bordoff, Antoine Halff and Richard Nephew (09/17/2019)
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People ... Climate Science
Gernot Wagner
Can the Planet Be Saved?
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Climate Crisis
It’s Greta’s World But it’s still burning. The extraordinary rise of a 16-year-old, and her Hail Mary climate movement.
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People: Mary Adams ... Intangible Capitalist
Integrated Reporting
A New Definition of Intangible Capital ... Published on August 9, 2017 ...and other material
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US Agriculture
Wrong sort of subsidies
$1m a minute: the farming subsidies destroying the world - report ... ‘Perverse’ payments must be redirected to measures such as capturing carbon, report says
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Climate Crisis
I now look back on my 20 years of climate activism as a colossal failure ... The climate crisis is so severe the actions of the denialists are now an immediate threat to our children
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Clean Capitalist
Green New Deal: Ain’t New, Green — or The Clean Capitalist Real Deal
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Corporate Reporting
Integrated Reporting
7 tips for adopting integrated reporting
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Renewable Energy
WEF ... Here’s how India became a global clean energy powerhouse
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Climate Action
Role of Accountancy
Radical Accountancy – the most impactful climate actions might come from unexpected places
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Middle East
Sunni / Shia
As Oil Attacks Raise Questions, Revisit Saudi Arabia and Iran’s Bitter Rivalry
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Industrial detritus
Environmental Damage from Junked Vehicle Tires ... Tires: The plastic polluter you never thought about
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Climate Crisis
Carbon Pricing
Business supports carbon pricing to raise climate ambition ... Carbon Pricing - WBCSD Policy Paper 2019
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Climate Crisis
Some History
The President Who Wanted Us to Stop Climate Change ... If only we’d listened to Jimmy Carter on renewables, consumption, and transportation.
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Climate Crisis
Investors moving ... but not very fast
Tackling climate change — an investor’s guide ... What counts as a climate-friendly investment strategy?
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The Trump Presidency
How the hell did he get elected?
Donald Trump is a deeply stupid man who routinely gets his ass kicked on the world stage
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Corporate Accountability
Corporate Accountability ... Stop Big Polluter's greenwashing at the NYC climate summit!
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Climate Crisis
Media ... the Telegraph
Billionaires making fun of the young climate activists ... they should know better
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Climate Crisis
Video ... Damn it .. do something
David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg's plea for the planet
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Climate Crisis
Activism ... Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg - Inspiring Others to Take a Stand Against Climate Change | The Daily Show
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Rubber Tires - A dirty business | DW Documentary
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Company: Coca-Cola
Plastic Pollution
Coca-Cola's plastic secrets | DW Documentary
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Climate Crisis
The Natural Solution
There is a natural solution to the climate breakdown: protecting forests. Climate activist Greta Thunberg and writer and climate activist George Monbiot explain.
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Climate Crisis
UN Climate Summit
UN Climate Summit: Small Countries Step Up, Major Emitters Are Silent, and a Teen Takes World Leaders to Task ... More countries vowed to drop coal, and Greta Thunberg and 15 other young activists filed a UN complaint arguing big emitter countries violate children’s rights.
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US Politics
Leader McConnell and Kentucky Coal
McConnell’s Record on Coal Has Become a Hot Topic in His Senate Campaign
The Senate majority leader led the opposition to Barack Obama’s “war on coal,” but now some miners fault him for flagging support.
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Climate Crisis
UN Climate Summit
UN Climate Summit: Dozens of Countries Commit to Cut Short-Lived Climate Pollutants ... The pollutants, including methane and the coolants HFCs, are many times more potent than carbon dioxide but don't last as long. Cuts could have a powerful impact.
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US Politics
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren on Climate Change: Where the Candidate Stands ... How do the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls compare on their climate history and promises to solve the crisis? ICN is analyzing their records.
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Politics 2020
Elizabeth Warren
100% Clean Energy for America ... By Elizabeth Warren ... Team Warren running for President 2020
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Low rate of new investment in renewables
Oil Giants, Under Fire From Climate Activists and Investors, Mount a Defense
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Low rate of new investment in renewables
European oil majors spending up to 7% on low carbon but wider industry needs to step up ... European Majors set the bar by investing the most in low carbon; however, sector lagging as a whole and investing only 1.3% of total 2018 capital expenditure;
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Accountancy Initiatives
Accountants meet to address climate change threat ... The International Federation of Accountants and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants hosted a panel discussion Monday morning at the IFAC offices featuring officials from their organizations,
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Involvement of Accountants
Social and environmental value creation / accountants meet to address climate change threat
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Social Progress Index
In Case You Missed It: 2019 Social Progress Index ... The 2019 Global Index is Live!
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IIRC Stakeholder Survey 2019 ... TPB responses to the questionaire
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The Trump Presidency
The beginning of impeachment
Trump ‘in disbelief’ after his call to Pelosi failed to stop the impeachment inquiry
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Public Citizen
Robert Weissman, President, Public Citizen asking for online donations
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Pricing Carbon
Putting a price on carbon is not easy; energy efficiency can help
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'We Sent Kellyanne Conway A Subpoena This Morning'
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Involved with Sustainability
Speakers at New Metrics '19 ...Keynote Speakers at New Metrics '19 ... Panelists at New Metrics '19
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The Trump Presidency
Sad ... IMO a dangerous President
Here’s why the Ukraine memo tears apart Giuliani’s State Department claims: His ‘narrative is completely false’
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The Trump Presidency
How Trump could throw Mike Pence under the bus to save himself
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Measuring Social Impact
The Problem With The Impact Genome Project ... Would the Impact Genome Project have predicted the impact of Martin Luther King?
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United Nations
General Assembly 2019
Moving the Money to Finance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ... By David Lipton, IMF Acting Managing Director
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The basis for everything
Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change a Missed Opportunity: IUCN, University of Oxford Report
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Solar Energy
Solar Technology Will Just Keep Getting Better: Here’s Why ... Peter Kelly-Detwiler referencing Jenya Meydbray, Founder and CEO of PVEL (PV Evolution Labs).
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