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TVM Dialog List 1321
16001 - 16050

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Public Policy
Public Transport

Luxembourg to Be First Country to Offer Free Mass Transit ... Other countries have experimented with free mass transit in recent years.
Open file 16001
Technology / Communications
5G / T-Mobile

MOBILE ... T-Mobile unexpectedly launches commercial 5G network — in Poland
Open file 16002
About the changes over the last 20 years

Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism and Why It Matters Now ... Alan Rusbridger was editor-in-chief of The Guardian from 1995 to 2015. Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Open file 16003
Getting Dominated by Inherited Wealth

What the 1% Don't Want You to Know ... Bill Moyers with Paul Krugman on Thomas Pikety
Open file 16004
Energy / Renewables

Al Gore y la Capacidad Energética de Chile (2017)
Open file 16005
The Trump Presidency
Deepening the Swamp

William Barr ... Trump’s Attorney General Nominee Helped Bush Sr. Get Away With Murder
Open file 16006
Naira ... the Nigerian currency

August 2018 ... Throw back Thursday ... 45 years after the naira was introduced
Open file 16007
The Trump Presidency
Trump on Trade

Trump Forged His Ideas on Trade in the 1980s—and Never Deviated ... The president has been consistent on trade for decades, unlike on other issues, dating to the rise of Japan as a global economic power
Open file 16008
Mohammed Al Amoudi

Wealth ... A Billionaire Vanished for 400 Days and His Empire Boomed ... Mohammed Al Amoudi held in Saudi Arabia on corruption charges ... His fortune has risen to $8.3 billion as businesses flourish
Open file 16009
Scarce Resources

We Don't Mine Enough Rare Earth Metals to Replace Fossil Fuels With Renewable Energy ... Rare earth metals are used in solar panels and wind turbines — as well as electric cars and consumer electronics. We don't recycle them, and there's not enough to meet growing demand.
Open file 16010
Activism / SumOfUs
Palm Oil supply chain

BREAKING: Procter & Gamble’s villainous palm oil partner, FGV, has been sanctioned over multiple human rights violations, including trafficking and forced labour.
Open file 16011
Events: CSR / Sustainability
Ethical Corporation

Ethical Corporation / 7th Responsible Business Summit New York 2019
Open file 16012
Events: CSR / Sustainability
Ethical Corporation

Ethical Corporation / 7th Responsible Business Summit New York 2019
Open file 16013
The Trump Presidency
Department of the Interior

VICTORY: Ryan Zinke resigns as Interior Secretary .. Victory for the environment: Ryan Zinke resigns from the Department of the Interior after onslaught of scandals!
Open file 16014
The Trump Presidency
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

The truth about the 'pee tape': Experts compare the infamous Steele dossier with Mueller's findings ... None of it has been disproven. ... also The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Open file 16015
The Trump Presidency
The problem is way bigger than Trump

Trump is an 'idiot entertainer' who only cares about lurid spectacles of sex, gore and fantasy ... There is a familiar checklist for extinction. We are ticking off every item on it.
Open file 16016
Leticia James

Trump's worst legal nightmare isn't Robert Mueller: Meet Letitia James ... The president isn't prepared for what's coming.
Open file 16017
Paul Ryan / Speaker

“Let’s be frank: The House is broken,” ... Paul Ryan bids farewell to D.C. by doing Trump’s bidding just as Republicans find some spine on foreign policy ... Paul Ryan’s disgraceful last act: Providing cover for Trump on Yemen war
Open file 16018
The Trump Presidency
Not a reality show

All Donald Trump wanted was to be president — and just look how it turned out! He just wanted to be president, and now look at him; Trump is going to be a defendant
Open file 16019
US Taxation
Collecting Taxes

How to solve the tax gap, erase the deficit, and build a wall // GUTTING THE IRS // Who Wins When a Crucial Agency Is Defunded
Open file 16020
Business Leaders
Sheryl Sandberg

The Rise, Lean, And Fall Of Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg ... The reality of Silicon Valley is that it’s commerce by any means necessary. And the reality of Sandberg is that she’s excellent at it.
Open file 16021
International Affairs
Impact of Brexit

The View From 2029: A New King Looks Back on the Brexit Decade ... A message from the future about what the 2019 split from the EU hasn’t delivered.
Open file 16022
Country: Hungary
Politics: Nationalism

‘All I Want For Christmas Is Democracy,’ Say Hungary Protesters ... Hundreds of police in riot gear shepherded what was one of the biggest demonstrations Viktor Orban has faced since he rose to power in 2010.
Open file 16023
Country: China
Economy is slowing down

Economics ... China Confronts Its Eternal Dilemma ... With pressure building for major stimulus, leaders must decide whether boosting growth or controlling debt is more important.
Open file 16024

SRI-CONNECT ... Where sustainable companies meet responsible investors
Open file 16025
UK Review of Auditing Industry

Left Foot Forward ... This government’s review of the auditing industry dodges major reforms ... The government is backing a new report on audit reform, but it lacks radical edge. Prem Sikka writes.
Open file 16026
The Trump Presidency
Michael Flynn

'You sold out your country!': Judge tears into Michael Flynn at sentencing as right-wing conspiracy theories fall apart Critics of Mueller thought they'd be vindicated at Flynn's sentencing — they were not.
Open file 16027
US Politics
Healthcare Debate

NEWS & POLITICS ... Critics pounce after Schumer refuses to back Medicare for All — 'Not the kind of moral leadership we need' ... After the Democratic leader said he wants 'best, cheapest' healthcare for every American, one critic asked: 'Does Chuck know that free is the cheapest?'
Open file 16028
Incredible Power

Video ... The Power of Nature HD
Open file 16029
Stock Market Valuation
US Stock Market

Here's Why Stocks Could Be Headed A Lot Lower From Here
Open file 16030
The Trump Presidency
Lies, Lies, Lies

Cuomo Bombshell: CNN Host Shows Trump-Signed Letter Of Intent For Moscow Hotel
Open file 16031
Country ... Hungary
Emerging Resistance

I occupied Hungary’s state TV offices with other MPs. This is only the start The streets and parliamentary opposition are united in protest: we will continue to resist until the Orbán regime is gone
Open file 16032
UK ... Brexit
Going Down

No-deal Brexit is a national disaster. It is every politician’s job to avert it ... No government, or opposition, should countenance inflicting the hardships of war on its country. This is collective madness
Open file 16033
Companies ... Shell
Wholesome PR and Dirty Reality

Jamie Oliver is burnishing Shell's reputation – and tarnishing his own You can’t blame the oil company for wanting to recruit the wholesome chef, but there’s nothing in it for him. Except £5m
Open file 16034
The Trump Presidency

United States Foreign Policy ... America’s Long Goodbye ... The Real Crisis of the Trump Era
Open file 16035
Companies ... Facebook

'Zuckerberg Must Resign Now': Outrage After Report Shows Facebook Let Corporate Partners Read Users' Private Messages 'An incredibly damning indictment of Facebook, every single paragraph,' one critic said of the bombshell New York Times report
Open file 16036
Companies ... Facebook
A Monster

New York Times ... As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants ... Internal documents show that the social network gave Microsoft, Amazon, Spotify and others far greater access to people’s data than it has disclosed.
Open file 16037
Conference Organizations

ICEFE: International Conference on Economics and Financial Engineering
Open file 16038
Company: Arcellor Mittal USA
Triple Bottom Line Impacts

Beth Spurgeon ... Investing in nonprofit sustainability ... ArcelorMittal continues to 'build resilience' in community partners
Open file 16039
Health / Wellness
Good Food

Nina Teicholz at TEDxEast: The Big Fat Surprise
Open file 16040
Health / Wellness
Good Food

Long life depends on this: Gary Wenk at TEDxColumbus
Open file 16041

Gertjan Meeuws is a pretty stubborn Dutch horticultural engineer, convinced that the way we are producing our food today, won't be a sustainable solution for feeding the world of tomorrow.
Open file 16042
The Trump Presidency
Russian Entanglement

Here's why this media scholar changed her mind and now thinks there's a 'very strong' case Russia won the 2016 election for Trump Author of 'Cyberwar' originally thought it was 'absurd' that Russia could have elected Donald Trump. Not any more.
Open file 16043
International Cooperation

181 nations just voted to help refugees — except the far-right United States and Hungary ... The Global Compact on Refugees aims to provide a better global framework to respond to the crisis
Open file 16044
Capitalism / Consumerism
Success correlates to serious unsustainability

The Unholy Marriage Between Crony Capitalism and Sustainability
Open file 16045
The Trump Presidency
One chaotic period after another

The resignation of Secretary Mattis ... Trump announces withdrawal from Syria ... another area of complete chaos in the Trump administration
Open file 16046
Environmental Sustainability
Why ultra slow implementation?

Neil Malhotra ... Professor at Stanford ... Thinking Creatively About Environmental Sustainability
Open file 16047
SPARE Open file 16048
Global Economy
Chinese Growth

Is China Tanking?
Open file 16049
Climate Change
Growing Risks ... Growing Costs

Hurricane Michael Cost This Military Base About $5 Billion, Just One of 2018's Weather Disasters ... Major hurricanes, devastating wildfires, a drought and a series of extreme storms ran up the count of billion-dollar U.S. climate and weather disasters.
Open file 16050
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