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TVM Dialog List 1318
15851 - 15900

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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UK / Brexit
Political Interference

New Evidence Emerges of Steve Bannon and Cambridge Analytica’s Role in Brexit
Open file 15851
The measures should always be constant

Open file 15852
Need new politics and policies

Climate Change Should Make the Republican Party Impossible
Open file 15853
Natural Disasters / Wildfires
California / Paradise

The bizarre and frightening conditions that sparked the Camp Fire
Open file 15854
Risk Reduction

Better forest management won’t end wildfires, but it can reduce the risks – here’s how
Open file 15855
Chaotic Negotiations

Brexit ... The Guardian view on Brexit chaos: a threat to break up Britain // Editorial ... Leavers claim Britain’s future lies in going it alone. Not if the country ends up in bits
Open file 15856
US / New York City
Transportation / Mobility

New York City subway and bus services have entered 'death spiral', experts say ... MTA officials warned they may have to drastically cut service or increase fares as deficits are expected to hit nearly $1bn by 2022
Open file 15857
US / New York City
Transportation / Mobility

Can the British man who saved Toronto's subway help New York City? ... Andy Byford, a veteran of Transport for London, Sydney’s RailCorp and Toronto Transit Commission, takes ‘the biggest challenge in the most wonderful city’
Open file 15858
Modern Systemic Dysfunction

Robert Reich ... Break up Facebook (and while we're at it, Google, Apple and Amazon)
Open file 15859
About UNEP
The Felix Dodd blog ... 181120

UNEP Executive Director Resigns and why - who could take his place?
Open file 15860
The Green Economy
Better New Thinking

The Green New Deal: How to fix the economy without breaking the planet ... a video from Grist published on November 5, 2018
Open file 15861
Engineering Efficiency

The Truth about Hydrogen ... a video by Real Engineering published on Jul 27, 2018
Open file 15862
Plastic Waste

marine plastic debris originates from land-based sources and rivers potentially act as a major transport pathway
Open file 15863
The Trump Presidency
Matthew Whitaker for AG

Whitaker Earned Nearly $1M from Right-leaning Nonprofit
Open file 15864
Country: Venezuela

Venezuela’s Socialist Corruption – $1 Billion In Bribes Just To Be Able To Steal
Open file 15865
Technology / Blockchain
The Food Supply Chain

IBM’s Food Blockchain Is Going Live With a Supermarket Giant on Board
Open file 15866
Urgency ... from Bill McKibben

How Extreme Weather Is Shrinking the Planet ... With wildfires, heat waves, and rising sea levels, large tracts of the earth are at risk of becoming uninhabitable. But the fossil-fuel industry continues its assault on the facts.
Open file 15867
Green New Deal

The Surprising Origins Of What Could Be The ‘Medicare For All’ Of Climate Change ... Insurgent progressives are reclaiming a term used, then forgotten, by centrists who seem more concerned about balanced budgets than rising seas.
Open file 15868
Green New Deal / Sunrise Movement

FORK IN THE ROAD ... There’s a fight brewing in DC over the future of the green movement
Open file 15869
The Green New Deal / The Sunrise Movement

OFF TOPIC ... The face of the Green New Deal (she's not who you think) ... Meet Varshini Prakash
Open file 15870
USA / Health Sector
Private profit -v- Public health

Insurance Industry Readies Propaganda Blitz as Medicare for All Gains Traction
Open file 15871
The State of the USA
Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky: Moral Depravity Defines US Politics
Open file 15872
Quality of Life

Short Video ... Brené Brown on Empathy
Open file 15873
What Steve Bannon stands for

Steve Bannon | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union ... November 2018
Open file 15874
Blog by Tobias Webb, Founder, Innovation Forum

Some thoughts after our recent sustainable landscapes conference (to be updated) A regular blog about (un) sustainable business. A focus on practical stuff, not blue sky pretentious waffle. Around 6000 regular readers, surprisingly.
Open file 15875
Connection: Tobias Webb

Business sustainability: We need to talk about measurement
Open file 15876
The Value of Beauty

Why Beauty Matters (Por que a beleza importa?) Roger Scruton
Open file 15877
Political Philosophy
Sir Roger Scruton

Sir Roger Scruton | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union ... specialises in aesthetics and political philosophy
Open file 15878
International Development / Humanitarian Aid
Policy Options

Open file 15879
Social Media
Facebook / Zuckerberg

Facebook’s leadership is facing a crisis following the company’s latest controversy.
Open file 15880
Workplace conditions

No Penalty, No Progress: Urge Australia to make big business take action ... forced labor that brings us the garments, foods, electronics and other goods we enjoy.
Open file 15881
The LIDC Collaboration

Open file 15882
Organized by Living Cities in Boston

Collaboration for Inclusive Economic Development ... A forum for policymakers, philanthropies, and practitioners hosted by the Boston Fed
Open file 15883
Thought Leaders
Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky destroys ‘criminally insane’ Trump administration ... 'It’s as if we’re kind of like the proverbial lemmings just happily marching off the cliff.'
Open file 15884
US Government Climate Report

Americans Will Pay Billions More For Climate Change, and That’s the Best Case A grim U.S. government assessment of global warming’s economic impacts gives a whole new meaning to Black Friday.
Open file 15885
US Government Climate Report Vol II ... 2018

FOURTH NATIONAL CLIMATE ASSESSMENT VOL II ... links to the complete report
Open file 15886
US Government Climate Report Vol I ... 2017

FOURTH NATIONAL CLIMATE ASSESSMENT VOL I ... links to the complete report
Open file 15887

Trump and Mueller (What’s next?) ... We're living through a slow-motion Saturday Night Massacre.
Open file 15888
Young Political Leaders
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio-Cortez storms Washington, winning headlines but rankling some colleagues
Open file 15889
Second World War

Quora ... How good were the British during WW2? According to this, pretty good!
Open file 15890
Engineering and Technology
Ship Design

Quora ... Why do Nimitz class aircraft carriers flex when they hit large waves? Are there any other peculiarities in large storms?
Open file 15891
Power and Influence

Matthew and Sarah Elliott: How a UK Power Couple Links US Libertarians and Fossil Fuel Lobbyists to Brexit
Open file 15892
Power and Influence
The Koch Networks

Kochtopus ... a huge network of influence driven by huge amounts of money
Open file 15893
Socio Eeonomic Commentary

Dambisa Moyo ... The African Threat
Open file 15894
Keynes and Hayek

Video ... 'Fear the Boom and Bust': Keynes vs. Hayek Rap Battle (not serious!!!!!!!!)
Open file 15895
Economics / Economists

Video ... Masters Of Money | Part 1 | John Maynard Keynes
Open file 15896
The innovations of Elon Musk

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Why Elon Musk is the most important tech giant of today ... The famous astrophysicist argues why Elon Musk is more important than Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg.
Open file 15897
Economics / Economist
Karl Marx

VIDEO ... BBC Masters of Money Karl Marx HD
Open file 15898
Fit for Purpose ... or Not?

Will accountants become the weavers of the 21st century?
Open file 15899
Open file 15900
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