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TVM Dialog List 1247
12301 - 12350

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Climate Models

Abandon hype in climate models
Open file 12301
Carnegie Hill Village

Carnegie Hill Village Update Meeting -- December 8th 2016 ... Heavenly Rest 8.30 am
Open file 12302
USA ... Politics
Understanding Trump's Support

Trump’s Real Bond: We the Fat People ... The indisputable way to explain the 2016 U.S. presidential election result.
Open file 12303
USA ... The Political Economy
The role of oil

Trump and Palin: Is America Becoming an Oil Kleptocracy? ... That such a substantial number of Americans want to see Trump as their president is an alarming signal.
Open file 12304
US Presidency
Trump Transition

How to Assess the Trump Economy in a Global Context A reality check on what’s really ahead for US infrastructure, tax cuts, health care and protectionism.
Open file 12305
US Election
Trump Transition

Corruption in Trump’s America ... The election of Donald Trump could spell disaster for anti-corruption efforts in the U.S. and abroad.
Open file 12306
USA ... Politics
Concerns over the Trump Transition

Japanese internment ... could this be repeated for some other ethnic group
Open file 12307

Open file 12308
Management System News
LNS Research

China 2025 with Dassault Systèmes, SAP Vision for Extended Supply Chain, & Emerson Focuses on Financials [MondayMusings]
Open file 12309
US elections 2016
Why Trump won

Disaffected rust belt voters embraced Trump. They had no other hope ... Midwestern workers voted for Obama in 2012, but they have lost faith in the establishment. Trump promised change!
Open file 12310
Why do I Exist?

Why Do I Exist is an initiative to assist orphans from the Rwanda genocide coordinated by Marie Claudine Mukamabano, herself an orphan survivor from the genocide
Open external link
Open file 12311
US Politics
Limits on the Presidency

‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisis ... Experts say president-elect does not understand the law and must sell businesses to avoid electoral college disaster.
Open file 12312
How technology is changing the world

Humans Need Not Apply
Open file 12313
How technology is changing the world

In response to Humans Need Not Apply
Open file 12314
Impact of Technology

CGP Grey's 'Humans Need Not Apply': A Solution
Open file 12315
Impact of Technology

Andrew McAfee: Are droids taking our jobs?
Open file 12316
Future Jobs
Andrew McAfee perspective

TEDx presentation ... What will future jobs look like? | Andrew McAfee
Open file 12317
How work is changing

Youtube Video ... The Future Of Work
Open file 12318
Sustainable Development / Sustainable Living
TEDx presentation by Mathis Wackernagel

Video ... How much Nature do we have? How much do we use? | Mathis Wackernagel | TEDxSanFrancisco
Open file 12319
Health / Wellness
Metrics / Incentives

Fortune ... Biopharma needs a better incentive system.
Open file 12320
TEDx talk by Alexandra Paul

Overpopulation facts - the problem no one will discuss: Alexandra Paul at TEDxTopanga
Open file 12321
Quality of Life
Jobs / Employment / Income

The Future Of Work ... Economist in 2010 ... Economics ... Labour markets ... How to fix unemployment
Open file 12322
Employment / Unemployment
Demand for Workers

The Economist explains ... The three types of unemployment
Open file 12323
Country ... Canada
Transport ... Rail

Extreme Railway Journeys : Transcontinental Rail Canada
Open file 12324
US Politics
Financial Issues

Dismantling Bank Regulations ... one of the results of the Trump win
Open file 12325
Controlling Carbon
let indigenous people control their land ...

Global leaders must acknowledge that land and forests owned and managed by local communities are more likely to prevent deforestation and deliver greater carbon storage
Open file 12326

Zimbabwe Has Launched Another Currency to Try and Ease Its Cash Shortage
Open file 12327
End of the World

The end of the world as we know it: Steven Vromman at TEDxGhent
Open file 12328
Health / Wellness
Medical humanity

Dr. Amie Woods ... What's helping me become a better doctor | Amie Woods | TEDxGeorgeMasonU
Open file 12329

The key leadership of the Metrus Organization
Open file 12330
Data and Technology

Timeline of data and information technology
Open file 12331
Linkedin Connections
Geoff Kendall

Geoff Kendall is the Founder CEO of the Future Fit Foundation in the UK
Open file 12332
Trump Transition

Why Trump's Nominee for Health Secretary, Tom Price, Is Completely Terrifying ... Sen. Charles Schumer: 'His appointment is akin to having the fox guard the henhouse.'
Open file 12333
Dr. Jayfus Dodwell

Dr. Jayfus Dodwell is an innovator / entrepreneur that is promoting the intelectual development of young people for science and the betterment of mankind
Open file 12334
Video ... The future of transport

Many differerent technologies are possible ... but implementation of good engineering is dreadfully slow
Open file 12335
Dean Baker on Trade Policy

The Slow, Painful Death of the TPP
Open file 12336
Sacred Lands of Indigenous Peoples

How Indigenous Activists in Norway Got the First Bank to Pull Out of the Dakota Access Pipeline
Open file 12337
Book ... Rigged by Dean Baker

How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
Open file 12338
Dean Baker
Books authored by Dean Baker

Books authored by Dean Baker
Open file 12339
USA ... Politics / Energy
Energy / Natural Gas

Open Letter To President-Elect Donald J. Trump by Rudolf Huber ... focus on energy and role of natural gas
Open file 12340
Power of money in politics and lobbying

21st Century Cures doesn't reduce crushing drug prices ... Big Pharma and lobbying can destroy well-meaning legislation
Open file 12341
Trump Transition ... Senior Appointments

AlterNet opinion ... Trump Names Former Goldman Sachs Exec and Major Political Moneyman for Treasury Secretary ... Drain the swamp? Not with Steven Mnuchin.
Open file 12342
Free Trade
Some economic theory / dialog

David Glasner ... What’s so Great about Free Trade? with follow up commentary by David Henderson
Open file 12343
People / Organization
Erik Bichard and Phil Higham / RealWorth, Social Value UK

Leaders in sustainable development join Social Value UK
Open file 12344
Health / Wellness
Social Care

Why privatisation of social care may not be the answer to a coming crisis
Open file 12345
Water ... Michigan USA
Company ... Nestle

Michigan residents deplore plan to let Nestlé pump water for next to nothing,
Open file 12346
Peter Burgess Connection
People ... Meddie Mayanja

Meddie Mayanja ... Policy Analyst, Integration and Evaluation at Alberta Health
Open file 12347
Activism / Crony Capitalism
Credo Action to block Trump's crony cabinet

Tell Democratic leaders: Block Trump’s crony cabinet
Open file 12348
Economy / Jobs
Hydrogen energy / manufacturng

POLICY & GOVERNMENT ... Hydrogen to the Rescue: U.S. Manufacturing Jobs are Already Coming Back
Open file 12349
People / Organization
Riane Eisler / Center for Partnership Studies

Fund raising letter from Riane Eisler for the Center for Partnership Studies
Open file 12350
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