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TVM Dialog List 1237
11801 - 11850

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Pamela Hartigan

In Honour of Pamela Hartigan ... long time leader in the field of social responsibility
Open file 11801
Wind Energy Update

Dong, Vattenfall, E.ON etc. on Brexit, their major challenges and offshore wind budget allocation
Open file 11802
Seismic analysis technology

Video ... The Widest Ship in The World ... The Ramform Titan launched a new class of seismic ship that is easily the most powerful and efficient in the world.
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Open file 11803
A century of technical progress

Video ... The Most Extreme Planes in The World
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Open file 11804
The Reuse Marketplace

a free reuse service to find, sell, trade, or give away reusable and surplus items that would otherwise end up as trash.
Open file 11805
TPB Connections
Some TPB network connections ... August 2016
Open file 11806
People ... Dermot Desmond
Money Laundering

Celtic's biggest shareholder Dermot Desmond under pressure on bank ‘money laundering’
Open file 11807
Tax avoidance ... tax havens

Warning that Scotland is becoming ‘Panama of the North’ as Edinburgh tax haven firm under investigation
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Open file 11808
Tax avoidance / Tax Havens

Revealed: the secret bases of Scotland 's 25,000 hidden tax haven firms
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Open file 11809
The Value of Human Capital
... and the value of metrics

The True Value of Metrics ... Can HRO show its true value through continued measurements? The answer will depend on what gets measured.... from 2007
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Open file 11810
The Social Cost of Carbon

The SC-CO2 is an estimate of the economic damages associated with a small increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, conventionally one metric ton, in a given year.
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Open file 11811
7USA ... Government
Managaement and Accountability

In Afghanistan, Defense Contractors Outnumber U.S. Troops 3 to 1 ... There are nearly 29,000 DOD contractors in Afghanistan.
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Open file 11812
ace = 'Arial'> FOOD

FOOD ... How the Corporate Food Industry Is Taking Desperate Steps to Fight Animal Reforms ... The worst offenders claim factory farming is 'green.'
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Open file 11813
Measuring the Economy ... Tim Worstall

CBO's Very Bad Report - It's Complete Nonsense That The Top 10% Hold 76% Of All US Wealth
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Open file 11814
Economic Performance

America's Appalling Wealth Inequality: Worstall's Fallacy
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Open file 11815
iWasteNot Systems

iWasteNot Systems: A Dating Service for Trash
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Open file 11816
iWasteNot Systems

Circular Economy ... iWasteNot Systems
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Open file 11817
The Rio Olympics

Google Doodle Celebration
Open file 11818

Esoko: Ghana's Innovative Text Messaging System That Empowers Farmers - Talking Heads
Open file 11819
Data Models of Accounting Information

Igli Hakrama ... Data Models of Accounting Information ... a paper PDF describing data models
Open file 11820
Water more important than anything else for life!

Why You Should Never Drink Bottled Water Again
Open file 11821
USA ... Election
The optics of the Clinton campaign

Clinton’s Salazar Pick Undermines Her Climate Promises, Putting Fracking Industry Before People
Open file 11822
USA ... Election
Clinton's policy choices

Big issues: the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (TPP) and fracking
Open file 11823
People ... Amrote Abdella
Demo Africa hosts entrepreneurs in Johannesburg from Monday ... Among speakers in attendance will be Amrote Abdella, Reginal Director, Africa Initiatives at Microsoft,
Open file 11825
Country ... UK
Nuclear Policy

All at sea: making sense of the UK’s muddled nuclear policy ... 2015
Open file 11826
Country ... UK
Foreign Complexities

The world according to Theresa May – China, the US, Europe and the new British PM
Open file 11827
Country ... UK
Energy Policy

If the Hinkley C nuclear deal looks astonishing, that’s because it is
Open file 11828
Country ... UK
Energy Policy

Britain runs the risk that Chinese state-owned nuclear firms have more in mind than just business
Open file 11829
Economic Performance
Jobs ... Employment

Why we’re wrong to blame immigrants for our sputtering economies
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Open file 11830
Africa ... Environment
Chinese investment

PambaZuka 2008 ... China’s Environmental Footprint in Africa
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Open file 11831
Organization ... The World Bank
Racism in the World Bank

I can no longer remain silent about racism in the World Bank ... by Anonymous ... a former member of the Bank's senior management team
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Open file 11832
T Peter Burgess Essay
Productivity UP ... Jobs DOWN

August 2016 ... Peter Drucker famously said 'You manage what you measure'.
Open file 11833
USA ... Economic Performance
Jobs ... Employment

U.S. Labor Force: Where Have All the Workers Gone?
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Open file 11834
Some tips

Open file 11835
EcoSystem Services
Salt Marshes

‘Musseling In’ in Salt Marshes Good for Ecosystem
Open file 11836
Product ... Bottled Water
Packaging versus Infrastructure

Another Reason To Be Worried About Bottled Water ... Sales are up, but our spirits are down.
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Open file 11837
Products ... Bottled Water and Soda
Its all about profit optimization

Bottled water set to topple soda sales for the first time ... Soda has finally met its match: water.
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Open file 11838

A keystone mutualism underpins resilience of a coastal ecosystem to drought ... the role of mussels
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Open file 11839

Bottled Water to Outsell Soda for First Time This Year
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Open file 11840
Quality of Life
Place and People really do matter

David Kadavy ... Yes, you can leave the North America bubble ... It’s not the only place that matters
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Open file 11841

This 100-Year-Old To-Do List Hack Still Works Like A Charm ... The “Ivy Lee Method” is stupidly simple — and that’s partly why it’s so effective.
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Open file 11842

Bottled Water to Outsell Soda for First Time This Year
Open file 11843

Breaking down global health care barriers and finding the customers of the future ... Sir Andrew Witty will step down after nine years as CEO
Open file 11844

Companies that are innovating to solve the world’s biggest challenges using the Shared Value approach
Open file 11845
Shared Value

Michael E. Porter, Mark R. Kramer ... The Lesson Behind Fortune's 'Change the World' List ... 2016
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Open file 11846
Affordable Housing

How Mark Zuckerberg Might Attack The Affordable Housing Crisis ... he is rumored to be looking at housing as an issue to address with his new charitable organization.
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Open file 11847
Future Cities Accelerator

The Unreasonable Institute and Rockefeller Foundation are working together on the Future Cities Accelerator, offering 10 grants of $100,000.
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Open file 11848
Sports ... Rio Olympics

The ignorance aimed at Caster Semenya flies in the face of the Olympic spirit
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Open file 11849
Economic Performance
Investment Impact

TruCost ... Carbon Footprinting: Helping Investors Ask the Right Questions
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Open file 11850
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