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TVM Dialog List 1231
11501 - 11550

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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UK ... Politics
Theresa May

John Morrison ... The Guardian ... Will the new British Prime Minister shake up corporate responsibility?
Open file 11501
Sector ... Pharmaceuticals
Profit Optimization

AstraZeneca Pushes to Protect Crestor From Generic Competition
Open file 11502
People: Serena Williams
Great Athlete

The Telegraph reports that she is in good form to win more majors, especially the US Open coming up in the fall.
Open file 11503
Energy ... Fossil Fuels

Energy and Environment ... Why Obama’s top scientist just called keeping fossil fuels in the ground ‘unrealistic’ ... Keep-It-in-the-Ground Movement ‘Unrealistic’
Open file 11504
Environment / Supply Chains / Materials

Tobias Webb ... Some musings on progress around deforestation in business supply chains
Open file 11505
Innovation Forum

How business can tackle deforestation: Asia under the lens ... Corporate actions that can drive - and enable - change on the ground ... 27 - 28 September 2016, Unilever Four Acres Singapore
Open file 11506
Innovation Forum Speakers - 2016

Speakers for the Innovation Forum meeting in Singapore
Open file 11507
Post referendum commentary

Frexit? Dexit? Auxit? No Way. Britain Is Special.
Open file 11508
Management Issues

The smart city C-Suite? 5 jobs that could save cities ... As digitization and sustainability collide, city jobs will continue to evolve. So far, the 21st century has been an interesting time to work for a city.
Open file 11509
Initiatives ... Innovation Forum
Event .... Washington DC

Modern Slavery and Forced Labor Forum ... 17th October 2016 , Washington DC
Open file 11510
Initiatives ... Innovation Forum
Event .... Washington DC

How business can engage smallholder farmers ... Building resilient supply chains, improving environmental sustainability and boosting economic growth for smallholders ... 19th - 20th October 2016, Pew Conference Center, Washington, DC
Open file 11511
People ... Speakers
Verge Event ... Santa Clara 2016

People ... Speakers ... Verge Event ... Santa Clara 2016
Open file 11512
UK ... Government
Theresa May Appointments

Liz Truss is first female Lord Chancellor as Gove sacked
Open file 11513
What to do?

America Produces a Shocking Amount of Garbage: Find out Where Your State Ranks—and What You Can Do About It The average American produces more than four pounds of trash every day.
Open file 11514
ECONOMY ... Inequality
The Role of Education

How Business School Is a Driving Force in America's Increasingly Unequal Society ... Students are still taught to extract resources from workers, taxpayers and the real economy.
Open file 11515
ECONOMY ... Market Manipulation
William Lazonick ... Profits Without Prosperity: How Stock Buybacks Manipulate the Market, and Leave Most Americans Worse Off
Open file 11516
Peter Burgess Dialog
Natural Capital Protocol

Message to Peter Bakker ... CEO World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Open file 11517
ECONOMY ... Inequality
How the Super-Rich Will Destroy Themselves ... The super-rich may be hastening their own demise, while taking the rest of us with them.
Open file 11518
Initiative ... Sustainability
MHC International

MHC International Ltd (MHCi) is a social enterprise that focuses upon research and advisory services for all aspects of Sustainability, CSR, etc
Open file 11519
Total Cost Assessment Methodology

Developed in 1991 by the Tellus Institute for the EPA and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Open file 11520
People ... Peter Ehrlich

SAN FRANCISCO / Crusade to save a dying forest / Presidio expert brings passion to towering task
Open file 11521
Crisis Mappers

[CrisisMappers] How much is your time worth? ... July 2016
Open file 11522
Social Business
What is it?

Beyond the Porn Principle: How to Better Evaluate Social Enterprise
Open file 11523
Affordable Housing

Building Affordable Homes – Everywhere ... discussion of the ChoTotal concept
Open file 11524
Ideas ... ESG
Too weak to be effective

The Evolution of ESG: An Interview with Erika Karp
Open file 11525
People ... Melissa Hughes
Education and more

Unleash Your Inner Kindergartner for a More Creative You
Open file 11526
Energy ... Low Carbon
Ideas from Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)

Micropower’s Quiet Takeover ... Small-scale, low-carbon generation now produces one-quarter of world electricity
Open file 11527
Initiative ... WISE
An initiative of Quatar Foundation

WISE .... World Innovation Summit for Education
Open file 11528
Theresa May
The Worshipful Company of Marketors

Congratulations to our Liveryman the Prime Minister
Open file 11529
Event ... Oxford
The Worshipful Company of Marketors

Invitation to attend special one-day conference “Is Marketing for Good the Future of Marketing”?
Open file 11530
Nuclear Power

Best alternative energy source is nuclear ... Most of what you’ve heard about the cost of building new nuclear plants is inaccurate.
Open file 11531
Amanda Mackenzie OBE

High achiever ... big role in rebranding Norwich Union to become Aviva ... now leading the marketing of the SDGs
Open file 11532
Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.

About the Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.
Open file 11533
People ... Speakers
Investing for the Next Generation ... May 2016
Open file 11534
Country ... Venezuela
The economic crisis in Venezuela

Life on the line: Inside Venezuela’s crisis - Talk to Al Jazeera (In the Field)
Open file 11535
Country ... Turkey
July 2016 Failed Coup

Video ... Inside Story - What's behind Turkey's failed coup?
Open file 11536
People ... Cambridge Economist
Richard Stone

The life of Richard Stone ... from his diary. Richard Stone was a bridge between Keynes and modern times
Open file 11537
Blog posts by Fareed Zakaria
Obama's Terror Strategy Works
Open file 11538
Blog posts by Fareed Zakaria
How Long Will We Ignore Syria's Suffering?
Open file 11539
Blog posts by Fareed Zakaria
Links to about a hundred posts
Open file 11540
Fareed Zacharia
Links to Zacharia postings
Open file 11541
A lot of detail and disorganized material for analysis about the IRIS system I
Open file 11542
A lot of detail and disorganized material for analysis about the IRIS system II
Open file 11543
A lot of detail and disorganized material for analysis about the IRIS system II
Open file 11544
A lot of detail and disorganized material for analysis about the IRIS system II
Open file 11545
Energy ... Distributed Solar
PACE ... Property Assessed Clean Energy

Is PACE moving to prime time?
Open file 11546
Iran Nuclear Agreement

Iran Gets Bad End of the Deal
Open file 11547
Sum of Us / Palm Oil / Krisply Kreme
Activism / Sum of Us / Deforestation / Palm Oil / Krispy Kreme / Supply Chain / Materials / Accountability / Donuts
Open file 11548
Financing the Future of Energy
The opportunity for the Gulf’s financial services sector

A report prepared for the The National Bank of Abu Dhabi
Open file 11549
USA ... POlitics ... GOP
The GOP Convention in Cleveland

If you want fact-free speeches, Cleveland is the perfect place to go
Open file 11550
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