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TVM Dialog List 1203
10101 - 10150

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Country ... USA
Sen. Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham on “America’s Role in the World” ... Atlantic Council ... with an interesting push back from 'Code Pink'
Open file 10101
People ... Kenneth Rogoff
The IMF / World Bank nexus

An Open Letter by Kenneth Rogoff of the IMF regarding the Joseph Stiglitz book “Globalization and its discontents” - July 2, 2002
Open file 10102
People ... Ideas
Bill Easterly

Bill Easterly opened Interaction Forum 2015 with an impassioned speech about joining the moral debate on the forgotten rights of the poor.
Open file 10103
People ... Jeff Mowatt
Initiative ... People Centric Economic Development

Reimagining capitalism for people and planet ... social enterprise for-benefit fourth sector for-purpose people-centered social business
Open file 10104
Country ... Greece
Region ... EU

Down and Out in Athens and Brussels ... Jeffrey Sachs
Open file 10105
Food ... Meat
The role of a butcher

Why the Meat at Wal-Mart Is So Awful ... a post from 2005
Open file 10106
Country ... Greece
Germany and debt

Thomas Piketty: “Germany has never repaid.”
Open file 10107
Country ... Greece
Germany and debt

Piketty: 'Germany Has Never Repaid Its Debts; It Has No Standing To Lecture Other Nations'
Open file 10108
Country ... Greece
People ... Robert Reich

Tipping point in the global economy ... Greece is all over the news this week—but how come so few people are talking about Wall Street's role in creating the crisis, or what people like us can do to change the outcome?
Open file 10109
People,... Elizabeth Warren
Banks ... too big to fail

The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act: Sign up now to show your support
Open file 10110
Country ... Tunisia

Tunisia: Britain to Blame? ... Can Tunisia really blame the NATO campaign in Libya for its current troubles?
Open file 10111
Country ... Greece
Maybe a better solution

Targeted Debt Relief: Humanitarian Action Plan for Greece ... A Social Solidarity Program focused on Greece’s poor is a deal Germany may suggest.
Open file 10112

Joseph Nye ... The Limits of Chinese Soft Power
Open file 10113
Industrial History

Open file 10114
Country ... Greece
Financial Engineering

Greek debt crisis: Goldman Sachs could be sued for helping hide debts when it joined euro
Open file 10115
HSBC HSBC chairman warns against banking reforms ...

Douglas Flint warns that banking reforms due in 2019 could deter banks from taking even the most minor risks
Open file 10116
Companies ... HSBC
Former CEO Lord Green

Lord Green can’t get out of this HSBC grilling ... The former trade minister will face questions from MPs on subjects he has so far been reluctant to address
Open file 10117
Country ... USA
Geopolitics ... Obama Perspective

Text: Obama’s Speech in Cairo ... Text of President Obama's prepared remarks to the Muslim world, delivered on June 4, 2009 in Cairo as released by the White House.
Open file 10118
Serena Williams

Serena Williams Is Today’s Muhammad Ali ... As a political symbol and an athletic powerhouse, Serena Williams is “the greatest” in her sport.
Open file 10119

Can meat actually be eco-friendly? ... together with TED talk by Christien Meindertsma
Open file 10120
New Economics Foundation (NEF)

Responses to austerity
Open file 10121
What value higher education

Degrees of Value ... WRITTEN BY: Faiza Shaheen, Senior Researcher, Economic Inequality
Open file 10122
New Economics Foundation (NEF)

A bit rich ... social return on investment
Open file 10123
New Economics Foundation (NEF)

Blue New Deal ... WRITTEN BY: Fernanda Balata, Project Lead, Coastal and Marine Environment
Open file 10124
Initiatives ... NEF

Tackling the healthy diet price gap and The virtuous circle of wellbeing
Open file 10125
USA ... Politics
Bernie Sanders

Why Bernie Sanders' Economic Vision Sets Him Apart From the Other Presidential Candidates .. Sanders says unchecked growth that mostly benefits the 1 percent, 'is absurd.'
Open file 10126
Deep Sea Resource Exploitation

They want to mine where?! ... An Avaaz call to action.
Open file 10127
Country ... USA

Obama Becomes First President to Visit US Prison
Open file 10128
Country ... Iran
Arms Control

Iran nuclear deal shifts tectonic plates in the Middle East ...Analysis: Deal keeps Iran from developing nuclear weapons and could open door to wider cooperation
Open file 10129
Energy ... Solar
Some useful graphs

Shrink-that-Footprint ... 19 graphs that explain solar panels for home owners (plus two pretty maps)
Open file 10130
RMI and Carbon War Room

Going Further Faster Together ... Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon War Room merge to speed the energy revolution and create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future.
Open file 10131
Money Managemeent Institute and Burckart Consulting

Impact investing needs a better way to measure impact
Open file 10132
Container Ships

Maersk Line's biggest container ship ... Youtube
Open file 10133
Country ... Iran
Arms Control

National Security ... No alternative to Iran nuclear deal, Kerry says on Sunday talk shows
Open file 10134
Companies ... BP
Industrial Pollution

BP Reaches $18.7 Billion Agreement to Settle Deepwater Horizon Spill
Open file 10135
Louisiana ... USA
Rebuilding the wetlands

Billions from BP Fine Come at Critical Time for the Delta
Open file 10136

Some links connected with the UN Global Compact ... water
Open file 10137
Post Capitalism

ECONOMY ... The End of Capitalism Has Begun ... Without us noticing, we are entering the postcapitalist era.
Open file 10138

The Inside View ... Can Collectively become the ESPN of sustainability? ... Does have any serious substance?
Open file 10139
Country ... USA

The American State of Mind; Two Contrasting Perspectives
Open file 10140
Financial Engineering
Ideas ... Robert Reich

How Goldman Sachs Profited from the Greek Debt Crisis
Open file 10141
Burgess Connections

A misc set of email connections
Open file 10142
Strengthening the Public Health System

Coursera ... Building Resilient Public Health Systems
Open file 10143

Chevron ... Re: Outrageous ... “You came, you contaminated, you lost in the courts, and you ran from the law”
Open file 10144
Banking and Finance
Dodd Frank

Heather McGhee, Demos ... Five years ago today, I attended the bill signing for the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ...
Open file 10145
Metrics for Marketing

Metrics Insider: Building A Single Currency For Marketing Measurement
Open file 10146
Energy ... Carbon Emissions
Cap and Trade

Thom Hartmann ... You need to know this. Electricity bills in the Northeast have dropped $460 million since that region put a price on carbon.
Open file 10147
Book Review
Green Capitalism: The God that Failed, by Richard Smith,

Capitalism, Green or Otherwise, Is ''Ecological Suicide''
Open file 10148
An Alternative to Leadership

The Case for a 'Jazz Revolution' Against Corporate Capitalism
Open file 10149

Edelman loses executives and clients over climate change stance ... Public relations giant Edelman has lost valued executives and clients by trying to play both sides of the climate debate
Open file 10150
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