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TVM Dialog List 1177
8801 - 8850

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World Bank performance

#WorldVsBank: Small Farmers, Global South Demand End to World Bank's 'Moral Bankruptcy'
Open file 8501
Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon War Room

Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon War Room merge ... Two of the world’s leading not-for-profit organizations championing low-carbon solutions for tackling climate change are joining forces.
Open file 8801

Open file 8802

Intoducing the Honda 'Green Dealers' Guide
Open file 8803

Case Study • So Flora is opening up its supply chain. But why is it doing that now?
Open file 8804
Country ... USA
Gallup Poll ... Ethics

Gallup Poll ... Americans Rate Nurses Highest on Honesty, Ethical Standards
Open file 8805
Country ... USA

GALLUP ... Satisfaction With Direction of U.S. Continues to Languish
Open file 8806
Country ... Russia

Moscow's collapsing power dreams ... Plummeting oil prices and a sinking rouble reveal the real limits of Moscow's inflated ambitions.
Open file 8807
Country ... Afghanistan
Education of Girls

The Girls of the Taliban ... An insight into a girls' school in Afghanistan which imposes an even stricter interpretation of Islam than the Taliban.
Open file 8808
Mayor Bill di Blasio

New York City Bill de Blasio scolds disruptive misinforming reporter
Open file 8809
Marissa Mireles

Developing a film about Misappropriation of funding in Haiti.
Open file 8810
Trems of Service
Google AdSense Online

Google AdSense Online Terms of Service
Open file 8811
Dean Dorcas

Dean Dorcas ... The Future of Supply Chains ... Understanding Cost to Serve
Open file 8812
Country ... Saudi Arabia
Women's Issues

Saudi Women to be Tried in Terrorism Court After Defying Driving Ban
Open file 8813
Retail ... UK
Wages Rates

Top UK Retailers Targeted in Price Tag Switch for Living Wage
Open file 8814
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

How the TPP Sells Out America’s Women
Open file 8815
US Politics
Money In Politics

Lawrence Lessig ... Despite Election Day Losses, MayDay and the Anti-Corruption Movement Are Making Inroads
Open file 8816
Country ... Libya
Rebel / Oil

'If You Leave, We Will Bomb': Oil Tanker at Rebel-Held Libyan Port
Open file 8817
Country ... Libya
Competing factions

Libya Militants Kill 22 Soldiers In Failed Offensive Against Oil Terminals
Open file 8818
Country ... Russia
Impact of oil prices

December 2014 ... Russia's Economy Headed For Even More Trouble
Open file 8819
face = 'Arial'> Country ... Pakistan
Education ... Children ... and Violence

Gordon Brown ... A Petition for Peshawar
Open file 8820
Ideas ... Economy
Stephen S. Roach

The Fed Sets Another Trap ... December 2014 ... Settting the stage for another financial crisis
Open file 8821
Ideas ... Economy
Simon Johnson

Break Up Citigroup ... New legislation a tactical win for CitiGroup and mega banks, but a strategic blunder
Open file 8822
Ideas ... Economy
Ricardo Hausmann

The Productivity of Trust ... Business has a huge connection with government, but this relationship is not trusted
Open file 8823
Country ... Russia
Banking and the Financial Crisis

Sergei Guriev ... Running From the Ruble
Open file 8824
Ideas ... Economy
Robert Skidelsky

Britain’s Closet Keynesian ... Osborne's actions speak louder than words
Open file 8825
Idea ... Climate Change
Adair Turner

Adair Turner in the UK ... Please Steal Our Fossil Fuels ... carbon free economy is becoming technologically possible
Open file 8826
Country ... USA

New York City Cops Seek Federal Court Approval to Mass Arrest Protesters Without Warning ... A legal fight from Occupy resurfaces amid 2014's police brutality protests.
Open file 8827
Torture and Terrorism

9 Other Countries that Jumped on the Post 9-11 Terrorism Fear to Crack Down on Dissenters ... These nations have taken a page from post-9/11 America's playbook.
Open file 8828
The Market Basket

The Triumph of Core American Values in the Epic Battle for a Grocery Store Chain ... The Market Basket conflict illustrates why recognizing the contributions of workers is the key to success.
Open file 8829
Country ... USA
Democratic Party Politics

The Democratic Party Keeps Screwing Up: Why Progressives Need to Be Independent of the Party ... Progressives have no power in a corporate, focus-grouped, Wall Street-leaning party.
Open file 8830
The Center for Media and Democracy

A Message from Nick Surgey, Dirty Tricks Exposed - Reporting on spin and disinformation since 1993
Open file 8831
Ideas ... Economy
Jeffrey D. Sachs

Financing Climate Safety
Open file 8832
Economy ... China
Zhang Jun

China’s Growth Secret
Open file 8833
Company Behavior

Leading European truckmakers (accused of) operated cartel for 14 years: FT
Open file 8834
Country ... Malawi
From Nsanje in the Shire Valley

Chris and Jennifer go to Malawi … A VSO adventure to volunteer at Trinity Hospital, Nsanje, Malawi. 'the views expressed in this blog are the author's own and do not reflect those of VSO or Yorkshire and Humber Deanery'
Open file 8835
Country ... USA

The Bloody 'Bad Old Days': How the Specter of 1970s New York Is Used to Quash Dissent ... With the murder of two NYPD officers, 1970s rhetoric made a comeback.
Open file 8836
Country ... USA

Breaking News ... Two NYPD Officers Killed (December 2014): Is there a double standard when it comes to the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown vs. the deaths of Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos?
Open file 8837
Money and Society
Community Currency

Money and Society MOOC ... A free online course at Masters-level will enable you to understand the past, present and future role of money in society.
Open file 8838
Banking and Business Behavior How American Corporations and the Super Rich Steal From the Rest of Us ... Main Street is going broke. Wall Street is cashing in.
Open file 8839

$800 for a 20-Mile Ride? 7 Most Outrageous Uber Rip-Offs ... The prices some passengers paid for the service are staggering.
Open file 8840
Ideas ... Economy
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: The GOP's Economic Plan Has No Basis In Reality ... In this as in other domains of public policy, Republicans have not shown a particular affinity for facts.
Open file 8841
Ideas ... Remuneration
By Paul Rosenberg

Let’s All Screw the 1 Percent: The Simple Move Obama Could Make to Strengthen the Rest of Us ... You're working more hours and not getting paid for them. We can fix that -- and put more people to work. Here's how.
Open file 8842
Energy ... Fracking
USA / Pennsylvania

Time to Stop Pennsylvania Fracking: Ban in New York Creates New Momentum ... Momentum builds in the Keystone State in the wake of its neighbor's surprise announcement.
Open file 8843
Oil Price Economics

December 2014 ... Gulf states will let oil price fall further, say ministers ... Saudi refusal to cut oil production could drive prices lower and make tar sands, deepwater and shale projects unviable
Open file 8844

The World's Biggest Car Company Wants to Get Rid of Gasoline ... about Toyota's hydrogen car project
Open file 8845
Homelessness ... USA

'Some Sort of Hell': How One of the Wealthiest Cities in America Treats Its Homeless ... The city refuses to provide affordable housing, yet won't tolerate people living outdoors.
Open file 8846
Political Influence

Round Goes the Revolving Door: Black Water Lobbyist to Run House Intel Committee ... The revolving door between government and private industry is quite scary.
Open file 8847
US Economy and Politics
Eugene Robinson

December 2014 ... Economic facts get in the way
Open file 8848
USA ... Politics

Foes of Obama's Cuba opening rewrite their Apartheid past
Open file 8849

A concept in flux: questioning accountability in the context of global health cooperation
Open file 8850
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