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TVM Dialog List 1159
7901 - 7950

A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Sarah Cleveland

Shift­ing the focus of what is con­sid­ered smart insti­tu­tional invest­ing. ... Portland, Oregon ... Financial Services
Open file 7901
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Tiffany Bailey

Academic Internship Specialist at Stella and Charles Guttman Community College/CUNY ... Greater New York City Area ... Higher Education
Open file 7902
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Anna King

Marketing Executive at Ethical Corporation and Useful Social Media ... Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom ... Marketing and Advertising
Open file 7903
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Shikshya Khatiwada

VP of Business Development at Fusemachines Inc. ... Greater New York City Area ... Financial Services
Open file 7904
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Gregg Sgambati

Managing Director, ESG Solutions ... Greater New York City Area ... Financial Services
Open file 7905
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Bjorn Lomborg

President at Copenhagen Consensus Center ...
Open file 7906
Copenhagen Concensus Center

Preliminary Benefit-Cost Assessment for 12th Session OWG Goals ... Bjorn Lomborg does analysis and then confronts conventional wisdom ... Refreshing!
Open file 7907
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Qiyang Xu

Consultant at The World Bank ... Washington D.C. Metro Area ... Nonprofit Organization Management
Open file 7908
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Melissa (Proios) Daniels

Owner, Horticultural Specialist, Plant Connection Inc. ... Greater New York City Area ... Wholesale
Open file 7909
Disaster Accountability Project (DAP)

There is no place for secrecy in a disaster relief organization. ... DAP taking on the American Red Cross about Sandy Superstorm fund flows
Open file 7910
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Steve Lerner

CEO & Founder at YakStack LLC ... Greater New York City Area ... Consumer Services
Open file 7911
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Julio Orellana

Sales at Cables & Chips Inc. ... Greater New York City Area ... Information Technology and Services
Open file 7912
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John Davies

VP, Senior Analyst | GreenBiz Executive Network ... Orange County, California Area ... Management Consulting
Open file 7913
Peter Burgess Connections ... LInkedIn
John Ehrenfeld

Retired; occasional teaching and lecturing; author. Until 12/2012, Adjunct Faculty at Marlboro College MBA. ... Greater Boston Area ... Research
Open file 7914
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Vicky Heinlein

Creative Director, Digital | SourceMedia ... New York, New York ... Design
Open file 7915
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Michael Hartig

Partner at Capital Markets Advisors LLC ... Greater New York City Area ... Capital Markets
Open file 7916
People ... Journalists
Jesse Eisinger

Jesse Eisinger is a senior reporter at ProPublica, covering Wall Street and finance. He writes a regular column for The New York Times’s Dealbook section.
Open file 7917

History of Malaria in the 20th Century ... starting with the Panama Canal ... and changing drugs
Open file 7918
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Kate Chapman

Director at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team ... Washington D.C. Metro Area ... Information Services
Open file 7919
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Patrick Meier

Next Generation Humanitarian Technology ... Washington, District Of Columbia ... Information Services
Open file 7920
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Vito DiPiazza

Expert Military Professional, Visionary Project manager. Cultural Communicator. ... New London/Norwich, Connecticut Area ... Military
Open file 7921
USA ... Taxation

National People's Action ... Walgreens: Stand with Us & Stay in America ... Campaign created by Eugene Yong Lim Icon-email
Open file 7922
USA ... Taxation
The corporate tax inversion manoeuvre

Tax Fairness Groups Rally Against Walgreen's Potential $4 Billion Tax Dodge (VIDEO)
Open file 7923
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Stephen Viederman

Vocation grandparenting,working to leave options open for my grandchildren and all children. ... New York, New York ... Nonprofit Organization Management
Open file 7924
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Stephen Wolfram

Founder & CEO at Wolfram Research ... Greater Boston Area ... Computer Software
Open file 7925
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Robert Hemmings

Product Advisor at Microsoft ... Greater New York City Area ... Management Consulting
Open file 7926
Land Grabs
Carbon Offset Scheme

World Bank and UN carbon offset scheme 'complicit' in genocidal land grabs - NGOs ... Plight of Kenya's indigenous Sengwer shows carbon offsets are empowering corporate recolonisation of the South
Open file 7927
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Philippe Naccache

Associate Professor of Strategy and Sustainability Management , France Business School & Academic Council, Obalys ... Paris Area, France ... Higher Education
Open file 7928
People ... Journalists
Justin Elliott

Justin Elliott has been a reporter with ProPublica since 2012, covering politics with a focus on money and influence. He was previously a reporter at and TPMmuckraker and news editor at Talking Points Memo.
Open file 7929

UNDERSTANDING WHAT REDD MEANS TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ... Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)
Open file 7930
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Kate Reulbach ... Brooklyn, New York ... Internet
Open file 7931
Peter Burgess Connections ... LInkedIn
Corentin Metgy

Entrepreneur ... Greater New York City Area ... Internet
Open file 7932
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Emeka Okafor

Strategy Advisor at African Innovation Foundation ... Greater New York City Area ... International Trade and Development
Open file 7933
Activism ... GreenPeace
B2B Collaboration

Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, CEO of the LEGO Group, comments on the Greenpeace campaign using the LEGO® brand to target Shell.
Open file 7934
Supply Chain
Tea and Coffee

NEW: 14% of world’s tea and cocoa under sustainable management, but it’s ‘not nearly enough’ says Rainforest Alliance president.
Open file 7935
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
William Russell

Transitioning To Green, LLC, Managing Director SustainEdge, Adjunct Professor and more... Greater New York City Area ... Management Consulting
Open file 7936
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Jerry Ashton

Blogger for Huffington Post and Freelance Radio Blogger chronicling Social Activism. Veteran Debtor/Creditor Advocate ... Greater New York City Area ... Management Consulting
Open file 7937
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Barry Dambach

Sr. Director Sustainability & EHS at Alcatel-Lucent ... Greater New York City Area ... Telecommunications
Open file 7938
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Alberto Larotonda

Founder | CEO of A Social Enterprise ... Red Bank, New Jersey ... Financial Services
Open file 7939
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Rakesh Rajani

Head, Twaweza ... Tanzania ... Nonprofit Organization Management
Open file 7940
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Gus Escher

Managing Director at Cross Point Capital LLC ... Greater New York City Area ... Capital Markets
Open file 7941
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Ruth Stevens

B-to-B marketing | Sales lead generation | Consultant | Speaker | Educator | Outside director | @RuthPStevens ... New York, New York ... Marketing and Advertising
Open file 7942
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Charles Dorkey III

Partner McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP ... Greater New York City Area ... Law Practice
Open file 7943
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Robert Muir

CEO / Director ... Auckland, New Zealand ... Wholesale
Open file 7944
People ... Ethiopia
Nunu Wako and Noah Samara

Nunu Wako Meet Noah Samara Founder of World space Satellite Radio
Open file 7945
Council of Foreign Relations

Elizabeth Economy and Michael Levi ... By All Means Necessary ... How China's Resource Quest is Changing the World
Open file 7946
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar (Looking for Career Opportunity) ... Communication Specialist ... Pakistan ... Civic & Social Organization
Open file 7947
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Sandi Goodman

Co-Owner at CEES Electric/ CEES Homeowners Hub ... Greater New York City Area ... Construction
Open file 7948
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Giovanni Savino

Independent at Giovanni Savino Photography ... Greater New York City Area ... Photography
Open file 7949
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Charlie Wilkie

Senior Vice President - Sponsorship at The Guardian ... New York, New York ... Publishing
Open file 7950
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