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TVM Dialog List 1146
7251 - 7300
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Marcia Lynn Eichenauer

Founder, CEO at CHRISTech MOBILE TV NETWORK ... Greater New York City Area ...Online Media
Open file 7001
Environmental impact reporting

Economist: Companies are starting to open up about their environmental risks. They need to do more
Open file 7251
Natural Capital

How can the value of nature be embedded in the world of business? ... Natural capital isn't about putting a cash value on a Siberian tiger or a mangrove forest; it's about business risks and costs
Open file 7252
Performance Metrics

Microfinance 2.0: different methodology could reshape industry ... A recent paper published by EY advocates for taking a more scientific approach to evaluating the impacts of microfinance programs
Open file 7253
Supply Chain Data

Guardian Witness ... Made in? Tell us where your clothes come from ... Where are you wearing? Map your outfit, take a picture and share the results via GuardianWitness
Open file 7254
Supply Chain

Textiles manufacturers can't avoid circular economy principles forever ... The textile sector is water intensive and wasteful. As cotton prices fluctuate and agricultural land for food runs out, it needs a new business model
Open file 7255
WRAP ... Waste and Resources Action Programme

WRAP REPORT: Valuing Our Clothes: the evidence base
Open file 7256
MDIA background

Information for a comprehensive Glossary ... from a WRAP report
Open file 7257
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Bob Schreiber

Bob Schreiber ... President/ Director Facilities & Compliance - ICAN, Inc ... Orlando, Florida Area ... Facilities Services
Open file 7258
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Tana Kantor

Tana Kantor ... Publisher at TGEink ... Princeton, New Jersey ... Publishing
Open file 7259
TVM development
Working papers

TVM-PHP-code-VIAmetrics-140430 /// code working papers for a new feedback routine
Open file 7260
Working Conditions
Anglo Saxon Universities

The Ivory Cage and the Ghosts of Academe: Labor and Struggle in the Edu-Factory
Open file 7261
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Alex Lowenstein

Alex Lowenstein ... Account Manager at Bright Power, Inc. ... Greater New York City Area ... Renewables & Environment
Open file 7262

The Big Pivot ... a book by Andrew Winston (PDF from the introduction to the book)
Open file 7263

CDP ... Catalyzing business and government action
Open file 7264

CDP Some CDP Reports
Open file 7265
Internet Management
New ICANN requirement

Open file 7266
Oil pipelines and other transport

But CSX’s mega-explosion in Lynchburg, Virginia may have put a damper on those dreams for the time being, as public attention is drawn to the risks of shipping oil in “bomb trains.”
Open file 7267
Sustainability at H&M

Raz Godelnik ... Is H&M Serious About Making Fashion Sustainable?
Open file 7268
Apps and interesting data

Mary Mazzoni ... 3p Weekend: 7 Eco Apps That Are Actually Worth Downloading
Open file 7269
Eco Districts ... NYC

Eco Districts: Making NYC More Sustainability & Resilient, One Neighborhood at a Time
Open file 7270
Living City Block

Living City Block founded by Llewelyn Wells ... From MUSH To The City of Tomorrow: Taking District Energy To Urban Neighborhoods
Open file 7271

GoodGuide Keeps Growing: A Cool Tool to Help Consumers Change the World
Open file 7272
TVM / MDIA / VIAmetrics Administration
PHP code

PHP code for the MDIA / VIAmetrics dialog
Open file 7273
Andrew S. Winston

Book: The Big Pivot ... Radical Practical Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer and More Open World
Open file 7274
Standard Value
Carbon Emissions

Carbon Emissions versus Economic Activity ... from CDP
Open file 7275
Accounting and Accountability

Does foreign aid make NGOs corrupt? ... Short-term, ever-changing funding priorities and limited support for administrative costs may inadvertently force local organisations to misspend funding
Open file 7276
The Guardian

The Guardian ... Global Development Professional Network ... Hubs
Open file 7277
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Sergey Kondukov

Sergey Kondukov ... Owner, Elements Model Management ltd. ... Guangzhou City, Guangdong, China ... Arts and Crafts
Open file 7278
Peter Burgess Dialog
Chris Macrae

there are some very big issues going on over next 18 months so that post 2015 millennials are centrally connected
Open file 7279
Eric Lowitt

Maybe it’s time to de-emphasize the use of the word “sustainability”.
Open file 7280

Some ways that IKEA is addressing sustainability
Open file 7281
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Eric Lowitt

Eric Lowitt ... CEO of Nexus Global Advisors | HBR Author | Sustainability, Collaboration, Strategy Expert | Keynote Speaker ... Greater Boston Area ... Management Consulting
Open file 7282
Data ... Health

A new CDC report shows an astounding number of preventable deaths in America
Open file 7283
Peter Burgess Dialog
Andrew Winston

FDU ... The Big Pivot
Open file 7284
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Mark Sullivan

Mark Sullivan ... Director International Projects at Baker Tilly ... Halifax, United Kingdom ... Accounting
Open file 7285
Amitav Acharya

Amitav Acharya at The Bunch Institute ... The End of the American World Order
Open file 7286
Environment ... Water

Mother Jones ... It Takes HOW Much Water to Make Greek Yogurt?! ... Dairy products require a whole lot of water—and many of them come from drought-ridden California.
Open file 7287
Metrics ... Agriculture

6 Charts That Show How We Became China's Grocery Store and Wine Cellar
Open file 7288
Public perception

Study: It Is 'Very Likely' That Scientists Are Confusing Us About Global Warming ... The United Nations' blockbuster climate reports are full of language that makes people doubt climate change.
Open file 7289
Peter Burgess Dialog
Jordan Vargas

Jordan Vargas ... FDU follow up ...
Open file 7290
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Aissa Boukheddami

Aissa Boukheddami ... général manager chez Summam Power Company (SPC) ... Algeria ... Business Supplies and Equipment
Open file 7291
IACC Conference ... October 2014 in Tunis

Call for Proposals ... International Anti-Corruption Conference
Open file 7292
IACC Conference ... October 2014 in Tunis

Background for presenting panel proposals
Open file 7293
IACC Conference ... October 2014 in Tunis

Speakers ... as of 5 May 2014
Open file 7294
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Djimon Izefia

Djimon Izefia ... BMM at Broadcasting Board of Governors ... Kenya ... Broadcast Media
Open file 7295
Hazel Henderson

Hazel Henderson prepared a comprehensive set of metrics and analysis about 10 years ago ... these are some of the data images from that work
Open file 7296

About the carbon footprint from use of electricity
Open file 7297
Sustainable water

Sustainability: Dangerous delusions ... ← Sustainable water use: Profligate will perish
Open file 7298
How much water to produce a pound of beef?

From the book ... Ecological Integrity: Integrating Environment, Conservation and Health (Island Press, Washington DC, 2001) edited by David Pimentel
Open file 7299
MDIA Background

Working Paper ... TruCust-Report-TEEB-Natural-Capital-at-Risk-2013a ... source of material to build standard value profile used in the MDIA framework
Open file 7300
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