Events ... Peter Burgess
2013 in New York
Intelligences Squared Depates in the US
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Is this a scam?
A message from ABDUL HAMZI usimg LinkedIn as the contact platform
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Happiness ... well-being
The serious business of well-being ...
GDP is an insufficient guide for 'safeguarding the well-being of people or our future'.
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The Happiness Initiative
Survey Methodology ...
The Happiness Initiative Survey Methodology for the survey developed by the Personality and Well-Being Laboratory at San Francisco State University.
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A collection of reports on various measures of happiness
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Carbon Accounting
Carbon Asset Management (CAM) ... an initiative of the Greener Gateway ... passionate about carbon reduction
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The Domains of Happiness according to the HappinessInitiative
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Energy ... USA
Renewables ... Solar ... Opposition
Virginians will get burned by this solar program ...
While the privileged few may gain 'Green bragging rights,' everyone else may see higher energy rates
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SCAMS via LinkedIn
Ruba Hassan ... Chief Investment officer at S & I Investment group ... United Arab Emirates Facilities Services
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Country ... USA
What's the Matter with Bob Woodward These Days? ...
Jon Stewart takes on the collapse of the famed Watergate journalist who's now a right-wing conspiracy theorist.
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Country ... USA
SCOTUS ... Democracy under Attack
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart ... Rachel Maddow ...
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow defends the Voting Rights Act and discusses Antonin Scalia's propensity for trolling.
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Country ... USA
SCOTUS has its back to the future
The Neo-Confederate Supreme Court Gearing Up to Restore White Rule Over America
GOP desperation over U.S. demographic changes has spread to the U.S. Supreme Court -- a majority is ready to tear up the most important part of the Voting Rights Act.
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Science ... USA
Money and Progress
Daniel Colon-Ramos ... Cuts in science funding: Where is our country heading? ...
It's important to consider what limits budgetary cuts will place on medical research, and ultimately society's progress.
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People ... USA
Rosa Parks
US bids final farewell to Rosa Parks ... Thousands of mourners, some waiting in line for hours in the cold, have paid a final tribute to Rosa Parks, who galvanised the US civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man.
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Sustainability Initiatives in NJ
Some notes to help clarify the many initiatives where Jonathan Cloud is engaged
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Energy ... USA
The energy efficiency retrofit business opportunity
A study prepared by Rockefeller Foundation and DB Climate Change Advisers in 2012
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Carbon Counter
A Deutsche Bank AG initiative to promote the importance of climate change and carbon emissions
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Wealth transfer to the banking class
Lords of Disorder: Billions for Wall Street, Sacrifice for Everyone Else
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Country ... China
Wealth ... The Luxury Sector
China: The Orient Excess ... After three decades of economic liberalisation, have China's communist ideals been discarded forever?
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Country ... China
New Wealth
The KaChing! Dynasty ...
China will soon be home to half the world's billionaires, so can the superrich help the superpower stay in the box seat?
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Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil ... Prison slaves ... China is the world's factory, but does a dark secret lurk behind this apparent success story?
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Region ... Africa
Lessons learned from Iraq to Mali
Iraq to Mali: The changing calculus of war ...
As Africa becomes the new frontline in the so-called war on terror, have the Europeans learnt from America's mistakes?
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Country ... USA
The Judiciary
Obama pushing to diversify federal judiciary amid GOP delays
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Energy ... USA
Canadian Tar Sands
What are the benefits and drawbacks of encouraging development of the Canadian Tar Sands
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Media ... Mali
Reporting from War Zones
Mali's 'war without images' ...
As violence in Mali continues, we examine why journalists are finding it increasingly difficult to cover the story.
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Elizabeth Rhyne of ACCION
Elisabeth Rhyne, Director of the Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION talking her book
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User Agreements
Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE and JavaFX Technologies
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TheBrain Technology
Go from Brainstorming to Results. See the Possibilities.
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Prezi is a communication tool that helps you organize, present, and share your ideas.
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Country ... Haiti
Earthquake response
Communication from Jonathan Cloud ... Fairleigh Dickerson University's Role in the Sustainable Reconstruction of Haiti
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Sustainability in New Jersey
matthew polsky
Latest writings, Others' very important writings, Upcoming forum
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Burgess Dialog
with Alan Longley
Raising the question of the progress and utilization of software tools
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Burgess Dialog
With Melvin Foote
The Role of the Diaspora in Shaping U.S. Policies Toward Africa
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Initiatives ... Peter Ryan
Metrics in microfinance
LinkedIn ... Invitation to write about social performance and measuring at the bottom of the pyramid
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Early Warning Systems
Early Warning Systems: an approach via Self Organizing Maps with applications to emergent markets by Marina RESTA at the University of Genova, Italy.
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Too big to ???
Expert View: Energy Price, Not Source, Is America’s Biggest Problem
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Country ... Kenya
The rich and the poor
Wabenzi: In the land of poverty and opulence ... The politically powerful in Kenya do not share their opulence in a country where nearly half are in poverty.
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Country ... Pakistan
Religion, Ethnicity, etc.
Searching for protection ...
Pakistan's Shia minority continues to face violence across the country.
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Database Wars
Video ... Google ... SQL versus NoSQL ... both from Google
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Ed Rendell
Ed Rendell should not be seen as a Liberal when he appears on MSNBC to offer commentary on budget, public investment, infrastructure or environmental issues. He has conflicts of interest related to the Fix the Debt campaign and other issues
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Business Practices
Three Surprises Lurking in Your Airfare
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TrueValueMetrics Website
Proposed Improvement
Some proposed revisions to the home page text
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Aide Memoire ... Peter Burgess
Some addresses and notes about restaurants
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Does anyone know of a one-stop-shop repository of open datasets useful for disaster response in the US?
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LinkedIn ... Peter Burgess
About statistics ... cause and effect and correlation ... to Rick ???
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LinkedIn ... Peter Burgess
Segun Oruame in Nigeria ... Your work and your friends
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Whistle Blowers
Glenn Greenwald: Why the Obama Administration's Persecution of Bradley Manning Should Terrify Us All
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Energy ... USA
Renewables ... Wind
Smooth Sailing for Offshore Wind? ...
Two firms are planning to start construction off the East Coast within the year.
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Economics ... Finance
Financial Crash 2007
How The West Went Bust - Part 1
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Economics ... Finance
Financial Crash 2007
How The West Went Bust - Part 2
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