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TVM Dialog List 1076
3751 - 3800
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Money Profit doing well

Corporate Profits After Tax doing very well while everyone else is in economic trouble
Open file 3751
Country ... USA
Economic Statistics

Some official charts and graphs about the US and World Economy ... Balance of Trade and Quarterly Changes in GDP
Open file 3752
The Economist Intelligence Unit

Open file 3753
Country ... USA
Citizen Finance

Occupy Wall St protesters wipe $5m off America's debt
Open file 3754
Country ... USA
The US Political Economy

The Political Economy of Obama's Re-Election
Open file 3755
Ideas and Initiatives
Localizing Energy

Some background on Bristol Power ... an introduction to an initiative to localize energy production and consumption (BEING DEVELOPED)
Open file 3756
Country ... USA
Corporate Welfare

UNITED STATES OF SUBSIDIES ... A series examining business incentives and their impact on jobs and local economies ... PART 1 How Taxpayers Bankroll Business
Open file 3757
Country ... USA
Corporate Welfare

UNITED STATES OF SUBSIDIES ... A series examining business incentives and their impact on jobs and local economies ... PART 2 Lines Blur as Texas Gives Industries a Bonanza
Open file 3758
Country ... USA
Corporate Welfare

UNITED STATES OF SUBSIDIES ... A series examining business incentives and their impact on jobs and local economies ... PART 3 When Hollywood Comes to Town
Open file 3759
Corporate Welfare
Starbucks in the UK

Starbucks 'paid no UK tax since 2009' ... US coffee chain has only paid $14m in corporation tax in UK since 1998 while taking over about one third of the UK coffee shop market.
Open file 3760

Open file 3761
The US Fiscal Cliff

Open file 3762
Country ... USA

Obama urged by environmental groups to take on climate change in next term
Open file 3763
Climate Change ... DOHA2012/COP18

Contemplating climate change catastrophe at COP 18 in Doha ... No world leader at the UN climate change summit hasn't heard the warnings, but it will take popular pressure to make them act
Open file 3764
Rare Earth Economics

Is Malaysia risking it all for rare earths? ... Activists say new refinery could threaten environment and health.
Open file 3765
Country ... Nigeria

Nigeria's daunting sanitation problems ... Lack of clean water and public facilities causing spread of diseases and poverty in West African nation.
Open file 3766
Country ... Nigeria
Extreme Weather

Nigeria hit by worst flooding in a generation ... Much of the country has been badly affected by exceptional monsoon rain.
Open file 3767
Country ... Philippines
Extreme Weather

Hundreds dead in Philippines typhoon ... More than 320 people believed dead, with another 87,000 evacuated as Bopha causes havoc across the country's south.
Open file 3768
Economic Trends
Global Economy

Global economy 'set for sharp downturn' Eurozone debt crisis 'remains the greatest threat to the world economy at present', the OECD warns.
Open file 3769
Country ... UK

UK Town seen as a model community ... Lawrence Lee of AJE reports from Totnes in Devon, England.
Open file 3770
Country ... Egypt
Constitutional Progess

December 4, 2012 ... Al Jazeera's Rawya Rageh reports from Cairo on clashes outside the presidential palace.
Open file 3771
Country ... Nigeria
The impact of Boko Haram

Dec 3, 2012 ... Al Jazeera's Yvonne Ndege ... Thousands killed in Nigeria since Boko Haram launched campaign in 2009
Open file 3772
Region ... Arctic
An increasingly contentious frontier

AJStream ... Carving up the Arctic ... Is rapid ice melt changing the world's geopolitical landscape?
Open file 3773
Region ... Arctic
An increasingly contentious frontier

Six Part Series: Race to the Arctic ... Arctic Warming Unlocking A Fabled Waterway by JACKIE NORTHAM
Open file 3774
Region ... Arctic
An increasingly contentious frontier

A Six Part Series: Race to the Arctic ... In The Arctic Race, The U.S. Lags Behind by MARTIN KASTE
Open file 3775
Region ... Arctic
An increasingly contentious frontier

A Six Part Series: Race to the Arctic ... Russia Pushes To Claim Arctic As Its Own by DAVID GREENE
Open file 3776
Good Works
Better to Give than to Get

Video about successful Indian helping the untouchables
Open file 3777
Climate Changes
Ineffective Leadership Response

GOOD NIGHT DOHA ... AND WAKE UP! Kay Embren in Stockholm asking the basic question about conference performance, especially in the case of climate change. Surely there is a better way. He suggests the city level would be better than the national level.
Open file 3778
Luxury Sector

A short video about seven iconic PORSCHE automobiles. The luxury sector has merit, but it should be balanced against austerity that penalizes the basic sector economy
Open file 3779
A disappearing resource

China timber trade 'fuels climate change' ... The economic giant's hunger for timber reportedly causes illegal destruction of forests needed to stop global warming.
Open file 3780
Networks - New York City
NY Funders Program

Example ... Next NY Funders Program is Friday, Dec. 14: Carbolosic Corporation: Making Sugar from Waste Cellulosic Material-Fast & Cheap
Open file 3781
Social Enterprise
A growing sector

David Bornstein on a NYT blog ... The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur
Open file 3782
A disappearing resource

Illegal logging besets Indonesia ... Officials continue granting logging companies licences despite two-year moratorium.
Open file 3783
Canada's Tar Sands

Canadian Government: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Tar Sands May Double by 2020
Open file 3784
Canadian Tar Sands

U.S. Oil Giants Poised to Gain on Keystone Pipeline ... Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailMore Sharing Services
Open file 3785
Country ... USA
Media and GOP Politics

Big Right-Wing Names Like Karl Rove and Dick Armey Are Taking the Fall, But It Won't Repair the GOP ... The GOP’s November shellacking is rattling the foundations of its powerful media-wingnut welfare-industrial complex, not enough to solve their problems though.
Open file 3786
Country ... Palestine
History of Occupation

Noam Chomsky: What the American Media Won't Tell You About Israel ... The savage punishment of Gaza traces back to decades ago.
Open file 3787
Country ... USA
Government Finance

The Obscenely Rich Men Bent on Shredding the Safety Net ... CEOs talk about shared sacrifice, but the only thing they want to share is your retirement money with their wealthy friends.
Open file 3788
Country ... USA
40 Years of Gutting the Economy

Financial Firms Have Been Hollowing Out America for Decades -- Now We're on the Verge of a Debtpocalypse
Open file 3789
The USA ... Smart Grid

Smart Grids, Stupid People ... an article about the failure to invest in infrastructure
Open file 3790
Country ... Egypt
Protests over Morsi and the Constitution

Tensions high after thousands march in Cairo ... Protesters in the Egyptian capital and other cities rally against President Morsi as political crisis deepens.
Open file 3791
Country ... Egypt
Top Leadership

Egypt: The president's new powers ... Has Mohamed Morsi overstepped his mark with new decree or is he cleansing state institutions of former regime loyalists?
Open file 3792
Region ... Africa
What role is China playing

Africa's 'Dome of Shame' ... If African governments 'allow their people to learn by doing', Africans will build their 'monuments of glory'.
Open file 3793
One Block Off the Grid

One Block Off the Grid Terms of Service
Open file 3794
Multinational Misbehavior

Peru: Undermining Justice ... If multinationals will do anything to control the public debate, how can indigenous peoples ever assert their rights?
Open file 3795
Same old same old

Forbes, July 2011 ... Steve Denning ... The Four Stories You Need To Lead Deep Organizational Change
Open file 3796
Business Model
The goal of more value

Dec 12, 2012 ... Business Insider ... Henry Blodget ... We Need To Stop Maximizing Profit And Start Maximizing Value
Open file 3797
The Motley Fool ... Stock Advice

Say Goodbye to 'Made-In-China' ... And say hello to the breakthrough technology that's launching a 21st-century industrial revolution right here in America. Business Insider calls it 'the next trillion dollar industry.'
Open file 3798
Burgess Promoting TVM

Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society
Open file 3799
Social Media
Application to Business

Charlene Li with LinkedIn ... Why Most Social Strategies Fail
Open file 3800
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