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3401 - 3450
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The Burgess Library ... Author alphabetical

A library of Burgess books was lost in a fire in February 2012 ... these are some replacement books
Open file 3401
Cutting edge database design

Welcome to 'In-Memory Data Management' ... a course at given by HPIopen in September/October 2012
Open file 3402
Country ... Myanmar
There has been conflict for decades

Blood and Gold: Inside Burma's Hidden War ... People & Power travels to northern Myanmar where the Kachin people are fighting a life-or-death struggle for autonomy.
Open file 3403
Country ... Turkey
Regional Relations

Fall Out In The Mediterranean ...Turkey and Israel were once good friends but ties have slowly soured, creating new geopolitical tensions in the region.
Open file 3404
Country ... Israel
What are 'facts' about Iran and Nuclear Bomb?

How Netanyahu's bomb Iran ploy failed ... Netanyahu will no doubt campaign for re-election at home by demonising Iran as an 'existential threat', writes Porter.
Open file 3405
International Sanctions
Where do sanctions fit in Foreign Policy?

Sanctioning society: From Iraq to Iran ... Untargeted sanctions against a country is not an alternative to war, but a form of war in and of themselves.
Open file 3406
Corporate Responsibility
Fair Trade

Press Release - Hershey Company ... #Hershey announces it will source 100% certified cocoa by 2020 complementing its established cocoa community programs
Open file 3407
Country ... USA
Metrics ... jobs numbers

Jack Welch And Eric Bolling ‘Ask Questions’ About Jobs Numbers from ‘Ideologues’ at Labor Department ... Shooting from the hip
Open file 3408
About AlJazeera

A US based media observer writes that 'Al Jazeera Slashes News Staff Across The Globe, As Focus Shifts To Sports'
Open file 3409
US Naval Power

The Navy's Newest Guided Missile Destroyer Is A Deadly Beauty ... Destroyer #112
Open file 3410
Country ... USA
Politics 2012

Rachel Maddow ... a whole lot of issues about Republicans and the upcoming election ... starting with Jack Welch on fixing the emplpoyment numbers
Open file 3411
Cultural Respect

Wake up call to speak out for our common values and rights ... All citizens should have the right not to be gratuitously offended in their religious feelings, writes Sampaio.
Open file 3412
Country ... USA
Politics 2012

Rachel Maddow ... Pennsylvania ... Montgomery County ... Voter supression by a Republican establishment
Open file 3413
The role of Bayesian thinking

A Bayesian Take on Julian Assange ... from December 2010
Open file 3414
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Bayesian metrics

Economy, and Obama, Mired in Down Data
Open file 3415
Big Print Brief
Canadian tar sands ... dirty energy

The energy industry makes big investments and make big profits ... but no accounting for value destruction in society
Open file 3416
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... The First Presidential Debate

Paul Rosenberg ... The trouble with normal: Romney's lies and Obama's non-response ... Obama's lacklustre performance in the debate seems to genuinely reflect how he really feels.
Open file 3417
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... The First Presidential Debate

Danny Schechter ... Obama and the words he never said ... Obama should have went on the offensive rather than let Romney steal the show.
Open file 3418
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... First Presidential Debate

This is a transcript of the debate ... a video and interactive analysis is available on the AlJazeera website
Open file 3419
Statistics and Predictions

Santiago Zabala ... Predicting the future through online data mining ... Recorded Future predicts when and where a demonstration will occur after mining from the web all the related activities.
Open file 3420
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Romney versus Obama

The two Romneys ... Obama needs to go into the next debate with a simple theme - one which happens to have the benefit of being true.
Open file 3421
Hate ... hate messages

Civilisation and savagery at war ... The label 'savage' is often found in imperial contexts, in wars between Western powers and indigenous peoples.
Open file 3422
Country ... Kenya
Helping Girls

Asking for Help ... The ZanaAfrica Initiative in Kenya ... A Mentoring Program for Girls
Open file 3423

Burgess ... This is a grpahic summary of a model for comprehensive malaria interventions that is cost effective and sustainable
Open file 3424
Country ... Greece
Addressing Corruption

Naming and shaming hits Greece ... New website dedicated to sharing stories on corruption in the public sector is creating a flutter.
Open file 3425
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Who is Mitt Romney?

Romney: The birth of a salesman ... Romney may provide a useful reminder of how the next president can fail, whoever he is, writes author.
Open file 3426
2008 was a bad year for food ... now maybe worse

US corn ethanol fuels food crisis in developing countries ... The US ethanol programme pushed up corn prices by up to 21 per cent as it expanded to consume 40 per cent of the harvest
Open file 3427
\ Amrote Abdella

Amrote Abdella is following an interesting career path through a number of key organizations that have influence over the global economy and the way it performs
Open file 3428
Country ... South Africa
Mine Worker Wages and Conditions

Mine protests turn violent in South Africa ... At least one person has been killed and forty others arrested after striking mine workers clashed with police.
Open file 3429
Energy ... Nigeria ... Environment
Corruption ... Rule of Law

Shell faces Dutch court over Nigeria spills ... Activists and Nigerian plaintiffs hope case will bring 'an end to the corporate crimes committed by oil giants'.
Open file 3430
Country ... Nigeria
Energy and Security

Report: Shell gushed cash on Nigeria security ... Leaked documents reveal oil giant spent nearly 40 per cent of its $1bn security budget to guard assets in Nigeria.
Open file 3431
Country ... Nigeria
Energy ... Environment ... Shell

Fallout from Nigerian oil spill haunts locals ... Human rights groups say Shell has been slow to respond to 10,000 barrel oil spill in the Niger delta.
Open file 3432
Country ... Nigeria
Energy ... Environment ... Shell

The looting and 'cooking' of Nigeria's crude ... Thieves puncture pipelines with farm tools, siphon oil into boats, and take it to risky makeshift refineries.
Open file 3433
Country ... Nigeria
Energy ... Theft

Nigeria leaks billions from rampant oil theft ... Oil firms and government say nearly 200,000 barrels of oil stolen each day from pipelines and wells by criminal gangs.
Open file 3434
Country ... Nigeria
Energy ... Shell ... Environment

Shell could face huge fine for Nigeria spill ... Nigerian agency tells parliament oil giant should pay $5bn for environmental damage caused by offshore leak last year.
Open file 3435
Country ... Turkey
The Matter of Regional Minorities

Murat Karayilan: Hoping for a Kurdish Spring ... The leader of the PKK's armed wing explains the role of Kurds in the Syrian conflict.
Open file 3436
Country ... Turkey
The Matter of Regional Minorities

Al Jazeera speaks with PKK rebel leader ... Murat Karayilan, chief of armed wing of Kurdistan Workers'Party, says his group has been inspired by the Arab Spring.
Open file 3437
Country ... Turkey
The Matter of Regional Minorities

Turkey: A 'Kurdish spring'? ... Inside Story discusses whether the Kurdish issue is back to haunt Turkey once again.
Open file 3438
Dysfunctional Economics

Dean Baker on The wrecking society: Economics today ... The amount of damage being inflicted on countries around the world by bad economic policy is astounding, writes Baker.
Open file 3439
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... Does Obama have answers?

Beyond brand Obama ... Obama retained the message of bringing people together as a sub-theme to hope and change, writes Rosenberg.
Open file 3440
Climate Change
Economic Impact

Naomi Klein on Climate Debt: Why Rich Countries Should Pay Reparations to Poor Countries for the Climate Crisis.
Open file 3441
Country ... USA
Politics 2012 ... the VP debate

#VPdebate: The online verdict ... Netizens judge Biden and Ryan on social media.
Open file 3442
The low 2012 harvest

U.N. meets to discuss easing global food prices
Open file 3443
Country ... South Africa
Working Conditions

South African police arrest striking miners ... Police arrest dozens of workers for seizing equipment worth millions of dollars from Kumba Iron Ore in Northern Cape.
Open file 3444
Country ... South Africa
Working Conditions

Industrial unrest ... Another day, another South Africa protest
Open file 3445
County ... South Africa
Wages and Working Conditions

The sordid tale behind S Africa's mine strife ... Tension at Lonmin mine seethed for more than a year amid dire living conditions, union rivalry, and corporate practices.
Open file 3446
County ... South Africa
Wages and Working Conditions

Q&A: Understanding the Marikana strikes ... What wider implications will ongoing strikes after the 'Marikana massacre' have for South African politics?
Open file 3447
Country ... South Africa
Worker discontent

Marikana exposes South Africa's disconnect
Open file 3448
History ... Cold War
Very close to disaster

The week the world stood still ... Chomsky reminds us of just how close we truly got to a self-induced apocalypse 50 years ago and why it came to that.
Open file 3449
Company ... CitiGroup
Top level personnel change

Citigroup chief executive Pandit quits bank ... Vikram Pandit resigns with immediate effect from third largest bank in US, in move greeted by surprise on Wall Street.
Open file 3450
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