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TVM Dialog List 1047
2301 - 2350
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Spain ... Economy and Society
The insider-outsider labor divide

The Spanish labour market: A very costly insider-outsider divide
Open file 2301
Energy, Society and Economy
A hearing on fracking in Washington

Ed Schultz interviewing Josh Fox after his arrest at a public hearing in Washington ... huge problem with political misinformation and spin
Open file 2302
Politics, Society and Economy
About the US Republicans

The Ed Show ... Ed Schultz
Open file 2303
Syria ... History
Breaking the silence over Hama atrocities

Witnesses of the bloody events in the Syrian city in 1982 speak as protests force open the veil of fear and secrecy.
Open file 2304
Somalia ... International Relations
UK's Hague visits Somali capital

February 2012 ... Britain appoints first ambassador to Somalia in 21 years as its foreign secretary pledges support for summit in London.
Open file 2305
Somalia ... Society and Economy
Somalia: Hunger and homelessness

January 2012 ... As displaced Somalis flee conflict and starvation, the crisis in Mogadishu continues to deepen.
Open file 2306
USA ... Activism
Why Occupy Oakland keeps capturing headlines

February 2012 ... A local activist explains why the Occupy movement is focusing on challenging police abuses in the city.
Open file 2307
World News, Society and Economy
Witness from AlJazzera English

January 2012 ... A listing of programs aired by Witness from AlJazzera English
Open file 2308
Music, Society and Economy
Romney the Republican uses unauthorized campaign music

Mitt Romney adopts K’naan’s ‘Wavin’ Flag’ on campaign trail. K’naan is not amused ... one set of rule for Republicans, another for the rest of us!
Open file 2309
Real Estate, Society and Economy
Eviction on Millionaires' Street

AJE Witness ... Behind the baroque facades of St Petersburg residents live in squalor as they take on predatory property developers.
Open file 2310
Disasters, Society and Economy
Japan: Looking to the past for answers

Witness ... Survivors of Japan's worst natural disaster in decades may be forced to re-consider an old code of self-preservation.
Open file 2311
Trade, Society and Economy
Imperialism 2.0: EU fosters Botswana degradation

William G. Moseley writes that new requirements on beef exports to the EU could have a negative ecological impact on the country.
Open file 2312
Housing, Society and Economy
Scheming investors and corrupt officials

Witness ... Eviction on Millionaires Street. The problems of squatters in St Petersburg, Russia
Open file 2313
Trade, Society and Economy
Auction 2012: How Greedy Bastards Rig Our Trade Rules

Dylan Ratigan ... Auction 2012 is a week long series in partnership with The Huffington Post and United Republic.
Open file 2314
Metrics, Society and Economy
The Atlas of Economic Complexity

Measuring and Visualizing Economic Complexity
Open file 2315
Tax Evasion, Society and Economy.
What Swiss banks do!

Swiss Bank Wegelin Charged With Helping U.S. Clients Evade Taxes
Open file 2316
People ... Journalism
Dylan Ratigan

Dylan Ratigan ... Author of 'Greedy Bastards' and now the host of an MSNBC program The Dylan Ratigan Show
Open file 2317
Trade, Society and Economy
How the system works

The modern extractive capitalist market system is being gamed bit time ... a graphic from Dylan Ratigan shows how
Open file 2318
Waste, Society and Economy
Pyramids of Waste ... planned obsolescence for profit

Planned obsolescence ... deliberately planning or designing a product with a limited useful life
Open file 2319
Environment, Society and Economy
This young lady called it well

The girl from Vancouver, Canada who silenced the world for 5 minutes when she addressed the UN Rio Summit Meeting on the environment
Open file 2320
Freedom. Society and Economy
What is worth fighting for?

The Greatest Speech Ever Made ... Charlie Chaplin set to music and image on a subject that affects us all
Open file 2321
Banking, Society and Economy
A small step in the right direction

Ex-Credit Suisse Workers Said to Face Charges Over CDO Pricing
Open file 2322
People ... Business / Philanthropy
John D Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller was head of the Standard Oil Company and one of the world's richest men. He used his fortune to fund philanthropic initiatives that are oingoing today
Open file 2323
World News, Society and Economy
AlJazeera English Witness

Before April 2010 ... Watch Witness: Africa ... Watch a selection of previous Witness documentaries from Africa.
Open file 2324
Humor, Society and Economy
You know there is a problem when comedians are leading!

Satire ... Treasury suggests eating young as way to move forward. The dialog about politics, society and economy would be really funny if it was not so serious
Open file 2325
Fiscal Policy, Society and Economy
Government expenditures and revenues

Ezra Klein ... Column: Doing the math on Obama’s deficits. Making the case that structural deficits are because of Bush policies
Open file 2326
Health, Society and Economy
Profits more important than lives

Rachel Maddow reporting on Obama speaking at Christian Prayer Breakfast ... and the 'O so Christian' Santorum talking about drug company profits more important than saving lives
Open file 2327
Health, Society and Economy
Social conservatives push Planned Parenthood too far

Rachel Maddow on the issue of Planned Parenthood, women's health and federal funding. Social conservatives push Planned Parenthood too far
Open file 2328
Thank You, Society and Economy
Vets returning from Iraq deserve parades

Rachel Maddow ... call to honor returning vets goes national. If you can have a parade for a football team, you can have a parade for Iraw vets
Open file 2329
Activism, Society and Economy
Dylan Ratigan ... the 'Alliance' and 'Truth to Power'

Dylan Ratigan has a platform to talk ... but what sort of organization is needed to make the talk deliver results
Open file 2330
Taxes, Society and Economy
Corporate taxation in the USA

Average Corporate Tax Rate Falls to 12%, Lowest in Decades ... at the same time there is no public money for essential investment and corporate profits are at high levels!
Open file 2331
Banking, Society and Economy

MicroRate writes about the performance of microfinance in the Americas ... has it been successful or not.
Open file 2332
Syria ... Awakening
Russia and China veto UN resolution on Syria

Second double veto of Syria resolution draws condemnation from rights groups and US envoy who calls it 'unforgivable'.
Open file 2333
Syria ... Awakening
Is Syria descending into civil war?

January 30th Inside Syria ... As the crisis enters a new, more violent phase, we ask if there is still room for a political solution.
Open file 2334
Who is the power elite in Syria?

Power in Syria is centred in the hands of President Bashar al-Assad's extended family and top figures within the security apparatus, according to observers.
Open file 2335
Syria: The revenge of Hama, 30 years on

The death toll in 1982 will not matter until the country is freed from the grip of a sectarian dynasty.
Open file 2336
Larry Birns

Larry Birns has been the director of Council for Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) since its founding in 1975.
Open file 2337
TVM Methodology
Standard Value of the human person

Year by tear tabulation of the changes in TVM Standard Value of the human person from birth to death
Open file 2338
Corruption, Society and Economy
Koch Brothers Convene Super-Secret Billionaires' Meeting for 2012 Elections

Some of America's wealthiest Republicans flew into Palm Springs last weekend to update their stealthy political strategy for 2012.
Open file 2339
Housing, Society and Economy
Empty houses and homeless

Burgess ... When you do the TVM value chain analysis for housing the idea that there are unoccupied houses and needed housing comes as no surprise.
Open file 2340
Senegal in danger: The view from the ground

Arame Tall and Nimi Hoffmann ... Protests against the Constitutional Court's decision to approve Wade seeking a third term have turned violent.
Open file 2341
Why is President Wade running again?

AJE Inside Story ... Is Senegal sliding into chaos?
Open file 2342
The brain-drain panic returns

The outflow of skilled people from Africa to developed countries is worrying, but are there opportunities within Africa?
Open file 2343
Human Exploitation, Society and Economy
Daughters of the brothel

AJE Witness ... Naseema was born into and lives in one of India's most infamous brothels but is now working to free trafficked women.
Open file 2344
Caring, Society and Economy
Care is a core idea for a happy society

Burgess ... How to get care and caring back into modern civilized society ... it is impossible with a purely capitalist market economy
Open file 2345
Environment, Society and Economy
Fear over Nigeria oil rig fire

Locals in Niger Delta complain of health problems, but Chevron says two-week-old blaze is causing no harm.
Open file 2346

Jillian C. York - Facebook was launched eight years ago, and now claims to have some 845 million users around the globe.
Open file 2347
Concentration of Power, Society and Economy
Business benefits, not society

Business benefits from concentration of power, but not society. Society needs choice.
Open file 2348
Internet, Society and Economy
Internet Freedom, IP and Profits

Pault Tassi writes that 'You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You' ... The idea of legislating piracy away is ridiculous
Open file 2349
Entertainment, Society and Economy
Images of Qatar hunting games

The following images of Qatar hunting games give a bit of a window on leasure activity in Qatar.
Open file 2350
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