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TVM Dialog List 1003
101 - 150
A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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Country ... Canada
Dirty Energy

Canadian oil sands ... to the Last Drop ... Residents of one Canadian town are engaged in a David and Goliath-style battle over the dirtiest oil project ever known.
Open file 101
AlJazeera English ... Americas
Ex-media baron Black resentenced to prison

Former media mogul Conrad Black ordered back to jail for 13 months on charges of fraud and obstruction of justice.
Open file 102
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Roubini ... 'Black swan' events and the global economy

Though optimists argue that the global economic slump will resolve itself, other economists say the causes are chronic.
Open file 103
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
It's Netanyahu who is delegitimising Israel

Israel's way of 'changing the subject' from its illegal occupation of Palestine is to label any criticism as an attack.
Open file 104
AlJazeera English ... Features
US police smash camera for recording killing

Miami man hid phone memory card in his mouth to preserve footage in battle over recording tools.
Open file 105
Fukushima: It's much worse than you think
AlJazeera English ... Features Scientific experts believe Japan's nuclear disaster to be far worse than governments are revealing to the public.
Open file 106
Climate Change: It's bad and getting worse
AlJazeera English ... Features
Severe weather events are wracking the planet, and experts warn of even greater consequences to come.
Open file 107
Asia after the Afghan war
AlJazeera English ... Opinion

The US withdrawal of its troops will test the will of Asia's power brokers to build a secure regional order.
Open file 108
The end of monarchical exceptionalism
AlJazeera English ... Opinion

The idea that Arab monarchies enjoy greater legitimacy and stability than their neighbours should finally be put to rest
Open file 109
Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush
New York Times / CNBC

Natural gas companies have been placing enormous bets on natural gas ... but it may not be economical
Open file 110
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
On the mend? America comes to its senses

The messiah-nation, gripped by war and fear of the unknown, could finally be coming to its senses.
Open file 111
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The Virtue-less war of the 'Nintendo bomber'

As unbridled use of drones in Afghanistan and Pakistan continues, another casualty of war may be democracy in the US
Open file 112
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The great billion dollar drug scam

Part one of a two-part series examining methods used by multinational drug corporations to control markets - and lives.
Open file 113
AlJazeera English ... Features
Water wars: 21st century conflicts?

As almost half of humanity will face water scarcity by 2030, strategists from Israel to Central Asia prepare for strife.
Open file 114
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
'The Audacity Of Hope' waits to sail for Gaza

The 'Palestinians' transition to non-violent protests' deeply concerns the Israeli government and its US backers.
Open file 115
Al Jazeera English ... Opinion
The new African land grab

Foreign investors, with the World Bank, are acquiring vast tracks of land in Africa - at the expense of local farmers.
Open file 116
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Hope lost, audacity found

Obama's administration has pursued a multi-track effort to prevent Americans from participating in the flotilla.
Open file 117
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Why free trade matters

Free trade has an economic and moral case - as it promotes not just prosperity, but also peace.
Open file 118
Columbia FDI Perspectives
International Pharmaceuticals

Emerging challengers in knowledge-based industries? The case of Indian pharmaceutical multinationals
Open file 119
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Life after capitalism

If capitalism means that money always talks, does the end of capitalism finish our urge to listen to it?
Open file 120
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The emperor has no economy

Corporate profits are up, consumer income is down, and Orwellian talking points are soaring.
Open file 121
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Reagan mythology is leading US off a cliff

During Reagan's presidency, the US went from a creditor to debtor nation and marked a take-off for financial inequality.
Open file 122
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Yes, I'll dare call it treason

The Republican Party no longer has its country's best interests at heart - and Americans suffer as a result.
Open file 123
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The US love affair with drones

A war strategy built around drone attacks is not only unethical, but will hurt US interests in the long run.
Open file 124
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Ignorance today

Our world is awash in information - but can we make sense of it?
Open file 125
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
CIA veteran: Israel to attack Iran in fall

The Israeli security establishment is increasingly worried by Netanyahu's bellicose stance towards Iran.
Open file 126
Is transparency part of the answer?
The Question of Accountability

Should Accountability for Civil Society Organizations Receive the Same Attention as It Does for International Financial Institutions?
Open file 127
Rupert Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks

Caption competition: the winners
Open file 128
AlJazeera English ... Features
Indian farmers protest massive steel plant

India's largest ever foreign direct investment project, valued at $12bn, could displace 22,000 people.
Open file 129
Issues ... Beyond GDP
National Happiness

Derek Bok ... Policy makers should focus less on GDP - and more on what researchers have shown to consistently make people happy.
Open file 130
AlJazeera Englesh ... Opinion
GDP growth is no measure of societal progress

The accumulation of a nation's wealth bears little relation to the happiness of its citizens, so why measure GDP growth?
Open file 131
The Question of Happiness

Coronation Address of His Majesty King Khesar, The 5th Druk Gyalpo of Bhutan
Open file 132
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Canada clamps down on criticism of Israel

In an affront to free speech, government committee declares that criticism of Israel should be considered anti-Semitic.
Open file 133
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The tragedy of imperial retreat

When the US withdraws from Afghanistan, don't expect much help for the people it leaves behind.
Open file 134
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Drugs and money: Obama puts myth over science

Like his predecessor, Obama ignores expert opinion on the drug war, economics, Gaza and global warming.
Open file 135
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Kamikaze tactics used in US debt battle

Conservatives cynically use the US debt ceiling as a bargaining chip; meanwhile, Americans suffer.
Open file 136
Al Jazeera English ... Opinion
'Blood diamond' regulation system broken

The recent regulatory approval of Zimbabwean diamonds for sale reveals deep flaws in the system.
Open file 137
AlJazeera English ... Features
The scourge of 'peak oil'

When demand for oil consistently surpasses supply, experts warn that our lives will look 'very differently'.
Open file 138
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Violence and vengeance in Ivory Coast

As reprisals continue between rival forces, Alassane Ouattara needs to guarantee justice for all Ivorians.
Open file 139
AlJazeera English ... Features
Blaming Muslims - yet again

Looking to place blame for the attacks that took place in Norway, many looked no further than the Muslim community.
Open file 140
About the Financial Sector
Why pay any attention to rating agencies?

Why Are Discredited 'Agencies' Like S&P Dictating Our Economic Future?
Open file 141
Debt and delusion
AlJazeera English ... Opinion

Debt-to-GDP ratios should be less of a concern than our inability to see these indicators as artificial and irrelevant.
Open file 142
AlJazeera English ... Americas
What exactly is the US debt ceiling?

With August 2 deadline day approaching, a severe shock to the world economy is feared if the US runs out of cash.
Open file 143
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Mass psychosis in the US

How Big Pharma got Americans hooked on anti-psychotic drugs.
Open file 144
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The global economy's corporate crime wave

Advanced economies with 'good governance' are facing alarming incidents of business corruption at the highest levels.
Open file 145
About People:
Ray Chambers

From Wikipedia ... Ray Chambers
Open file 146
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Who pollutes: The rich or the poor?

India's prime minister is allowing India's environment to be destroyed in order to cater to powerful foreign investors.
Open file 147
AlJazeera English ... Americas
Why is there deadlock over the US debt limit?

The White House and congress are in last-minute talks on how - or whether - to raise the US debt ceiling.
Open file 148
CNBC ... New York Times
Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush

Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush
Open file 149
USA Today
US Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950
Open file 150
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