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TVM Dialog List 1004
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A listing of the TVM Dialog in date uploaded / date modified order
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AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The too-quiet American

Obama's strict stance on US exports may be hurting the economy more than helping.
Open file 151
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Why free trade matters

Free trade has an economic and moral case - as it promotes not just prosperity, but also peace.
Open file 152
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Pity the world's financial policymakers

Solving the current economic malaise involves swapping short-term pain for long-term gain, a tradeoff politicians fear.
Open file 153
Libya ... People
Abdel Fattah Younes: Libya’s rebel chief who never won trust

Libya’s rebel chief who never won trust
Open file 154
Money, Banking and Financial Services
Letting Bankers Walk

An essay by Paul Krugman about the banking crisis and regulatory failure
Open file 155
South Africa ... National dialogue on accountability

Thuli Madonsela on Friday called for a national dialogue on accountability
Open file 156
South Africa
Zuma makes infrastructure a priority

President Jacob Zuma to lead big new infrastructure push ... just politics or is it serious?
Open file 157
South Africa ... On accountability

Government accountability to the people key to a functioning democracy
Open file 158
Economic Dynamics
A view from Middle America

Is being poor a choice? It's a circus out there, isn't it?
Open file 159
USA ... Economic Policy
The 2011 debt ceiling debate

What the debt ceiling fight won't fix ... Putting off the crucial decisions once more
Open file 160
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Fighting back against the CIA drone war

Human rights lawyers and activists in the UK and Pakistan are on a quest for justice and transparency.
Open file 161
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Genocidal politics and the Somali famine

The blame for Somalia's devastating famine should not be levelled at the weather, but at geopolitics and armed militia.
Open file 162
USA Economics and Politics
Obama Should Raise the Debt Ceiling on His Own

President Obama should announce that he will raise the debt ceiling unilaterally if he cannot reach a deal with Congress.
Open file 163
Economic Dynamics
The Issue of GDP ... The Steady State Economy

CASSE ... Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Open file 164
AlJazeera English ...Opinion
Crash club: when sputtering economies collide

If current trends continue, China, the European Union, and the US are headed towards a synchronised global depression.
Open file 165
Al Jazeera English ... Opinion
The kabuki play on Capitol Hill

The real deficit in Washington is one of political morality and honesty.
Open file 166
AlJazeera English ... Features
About Bahrain

Pakistani troops aid Bahrain's crackdown
Open file 167
Development Issues
Community Centric Sustainable Development (CCSD)

George Kent's message asks about who will do the planning and to whom will the planners be accountable.
Open file 168
TVM History
The old AfriFund Wiki from 2003

About the Tr-Ac-Net Wiki and the role of information in imrpvong development performance
Open file 169
Development Issues

MADAGASCAR: Sex for school fees
Open file 170
Development Issues
Drought, Famine, Starvation and Death

SOMALIA: Time for immediate action on famine - UN
Open file 171
Development Issues
Crisis Mapping is too little too late.

The dysfunction of major international institutions and governments needs to be addressed as well.
Open file 172
D'Maris Coffman

Director at Centre for Financial History Cambridge, United Kingdom Higher Education
Open file 173
Development Issues
People-Centered Economic Development

Dialog with Jeff Mowatt, Director, People-Centered Economic Development in the Keynes101rewind discussion
Open file 174
The Failure of Metrics and Maths
Sorting out failed MBA modelling

Some dialog from Chris McRae, Alan Rayner and Peter Chellen
Open file 175
Government Policy
The Warfare and Welfare Economy

The biggest problem is the relationship between money flowing and value realized
Open file 176
Labor Economics
An essay by Robert Reich

The deal between the President, Democratic, and Republican leaders is no victory over partisanship understands neither economics nor politics.
Open file 177
US Politics
The Debt Ceiling Debate

The Debt Ceiling Debate ... Senator Sanders' Statement on Senate Debt Vote
Open file 178
US Economic Performance
Getting economic history right

The plain fact is that corporate profits are the only area of the US economy to recover since 2009. Any other claim is a lie
Open file 179
AlJazeera English ... Fault Lines
US Wealth Concentrated in the Top 1%

With 1% of Americans controlling 40% of the country's wealth, we examine the gap between the rich and the rest.
Open file 180
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The future of economic growth

As major economies face hardships, will developing countries be able to step up and carry the global economy?
Open file 181
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The biggest threat to Western values

Multiculturalism does not pose a significant danger to Western values - but neoliberalism does.
Open file 182
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
How the US media marginalises dissent

The US media derides views outside of the mainstream as 'un-serious', and our democracy suffers as a result.
Open file 183
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Chinese Trains ... Unsafe at any speed?

China has applied for patents for its high-speed trains, but the technology may have been pirated from the Japanese
Open file 184
AlJazeera English ... Europe
European bank leaders debate debt crisis

Declining bond prices in Spain and Italy may prompt the European Central Bank to resume buying government bonds.
Open file 185
AlJazeera English ... Business
Asian markets plunge on crisis fears

The fall follows a sharp selloff on US and European markets amid fears of another world economic downturn.
Open file 186
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Iranian terrorist group has close US allies

The Mujahedin-e Khalq, which the US designates a terrorist group, has the backing of prominent American conservatives.
Open file 187
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Let America be America again

What's happened to America's capacity for moral vision expressed in Lincoln's second inaugural address?
Open file 188
Global Fisheries
Greenpeace and Environment

Greenpeace Africa Calls on EU for Greater Equity ... Cries of hypocrisy as new fishing decisions are prepared
Open file 189
AlJazeera English ... Features
Earth's systems in rapid decline

Overpopulation is causing huge losses in biodiversity, and 'protected areas' such as national parks aren't working.
Open file 190
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The new grammar of power

In a world in which risks can easily spread across national borders, more international cooperation is needed.
Open file 191
AlJazeera English ... Counting the Cost
Debt, default and downgrade

Who is to blame for Italy's debt crisis - and how will it affect the global economy?
Open file 192
US Energy Policy
Change Petition to Stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

We. Must. Stop. This ... Tell President Obama: Stop the Keystone XL pipeline.
Open file 193
AlJazeera English ... Business
Markets slide on credit uncertainty

European markets remain volatile and Asian bourses close sharply down despite ECB moves to stabilise debt uncertainty.
Open file 194
Microfinance and Social Business
Part of the microfinance dialog

Rick Wartzman, Drucker Institute, Interviews Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank 2008
Open file 195
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Protest movements teach economics to bankers

In order to avoid continued economic malaise, the European Central Bank should raise inflation rate targets.
Open file 196
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
A failed global recovery

Liquidity injections and bailouts serve only one purpose - to buy time. Yet time is not the answer.
Open file 197
Issues ... Worker Conditions
Tell Target: End the abuse at 'rape factory' in Jordan

Tell Target to end the abuses at what's becoming known as the 'rape factory' in Jordan.
Open file 198
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
Stiglitz ... a contagion of bad ideas

Financial distress isn't the only thing that moves easily across borders - so do misguided economic policies.
Open file 199
Business in the USA
Verizon telephone workers strike

Verizon Communications’ workers have gone on strike for the first time in 11 years
Open file 200
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